Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To finish your plate and eat all the food in front of you, even when not hungry. n., Compulsive over-consumption of food in order to relieve guilt.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: kum PASH un eet
Sentence: Mr. Hoover always thinks of those less fortunate as he enjoys his meals, remembering his mother's words that "there are children in China who would love to eat" whatever is on his plate. He is very compassioneat, sometimes "dedicating" each of his second, third, etc., helpings to some unknown starving person. He even considers eating food off the floor to be "helping Mother Earth" by "recycling" something that would otherwise go uneaten. "Waste not, want not," he always says. More like "Waste not, waist YES."
Etymology: compassionate + eat
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: gawr/man/i/tair/ee/uhn
Sentence: Joey, the ultimate gormanitarian, was quoted as saying, " I ate six helpings of everything for all the starving children in the world. God bless them and pass the leftover ham and potatoes."
Etymology: gormandizer (glutton) + humanitarian
funny! - remistram, 2007-10-12: 09:34:00
Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 19:08:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: gawr/man/i/tair/ee/uhn
Sentence: Joe, the ultimate gormanitarian, was quoted as saying, " I ate six helpings of everything for all the starving children in the world. God bless them and pass the leftover ham and potatoes."
Etymology: GORMANITARIAN - noun - from GORMANDIZE (to eat greedily, or ravenously) + HUMANITARIAN (having concern for and helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people)
Great word! - vmalcolm, 2008-09-12: 07:37:00
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: mal-feest-uhns
Sentence: Ken felt guilty about ordering 100 dollars worth of foie gras and the malfeastance he fealt led him to order Baluga Caviar and Kentucky Fried Chicken. He washed it down with a bottle of Kristal and a few Red Bulls.
Etymology: malfeasance + feast
scrumpdelicious - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-12: 09:27:00
Good to see that Ken has taken a stance! Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-14: 19:08:00
Created by: julyd
Pronunciation: pig-ni-al
Sentence: His friends often said he was in pignial because of his excessive eating habits and poor justifications.
Etymology: pig + denial
Created by: vmalcolm
Pronunciation: /fu:dənɪzəm/
Sentence: "Brothers and Sisters, this is a proposal for you to stop feeling that guilt when a piece of chicken has been left on the plate and you have no freezer... Convert to Foodanism, feel the spirituality of an empty plate..." "By foodanizing everything you'll feel the relief... the calm... Eat! Consume!"
Etymology: FOODANISM. From Food (A specified kind of nourishment) + ISM (suff. Doctrine; theory; system of principles)
Created by: grllkme
Sentence: Scumching can make you fat.
Created by: hooterbug
Pronunciation: ˌgəl-pə-ˈbi-lə-tē
Sentence: Max's extreme Gulpabilty had caused him to balloon to a quite hefty 450 pounds. All his life his mother had chastised him for not finishing his meals. "Think of all the kids in India Max that dont get anything but rice, or whatever it is they grow over there!" I'm sure they would LOVE to get some fresh peas and corn in their bellies"
Etymology: Gulp (a large and hurried swallow; "he finished it at a single gulp") + Culpable (blameworthiness, a state of guilt)
Well done! - astorey, 2008-09-12: 10:41:00
Great word! - TJayzz, 2008-09-12: 13:06:00
We'd hate for him to be too gulpable! - Nosila, 2008-09-12: 22:21:00
Verbotomy - 2007-10-12: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-02-09: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James