Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To win approval by carefully omitting any and all facts which may put the "correct" decision in jeopardy. n. A form of persuasion, or perhaps deceit, which is based on selective omissions.
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Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Fakt-stor-ee
Sentence: When George started dating Jenny he carefully invented a whole factstory of untruths to persuede her that he was just the man she was looking for. He omitted all the bad things he had done in his life, including his stay in prison for fraud, and instead concentrated on the good things, embroidering them just a little to be sure she fell for him in a big way.
Etymology: Facts(information used as evidence, indisputable) + Story(an account of imaginary events) = Factstory
nice blend - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-20: 10:41:00
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: mʌɪ:niː:s:yeah
Sentence: Honestly, it was almost down to mykneesyeah.
Etymology: Slamming together of 1-) My : A possessive pronoun belonging to the first person. 2-) Knees : A bone which is connected to the ankle. 3 -) Yeah : Positive affirmation and verbal stuffing used to punctuate sentences, yeah. Pun on Amnesia - Can't remember what that means.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kon tyse
Sentence: Lola confessed to her bff Wendy that her on-line date had been able to contice her by omitting every other line in his bio...
Etymology: Con (fool, trick) & Entice (lure;seduce;lead-on)
Created by: elteboso
Sentence: Don't tell the whole truth, just a little; you know: Harrow.
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: pee-pull-slee-zeeng
Sentence: Until her conversation with Semantica Pointer, her credit consultant, Harmonica Evergreen didn't realize she was, yet again, a victim of peoplesleazing. Foible Brownnose had seemed like such a nice guy: handsome (he sure could draw a crowd when he talked), well-travelled (he'd lived in almost every city in the state), new in town (she'd loaned him money for his bill at Mermaid's Mansion), big dreams (she'd helped him pay for his patent applications), always on the lookout for an exciting job (for most, he had said, he was overqualified)...
Etymology: A play on "people pleaser," a person who does everything to win the approval of others + SLEAZY meaning shabby, cheap,
Created by: sidkid
Pronunciation: Part.omission
Sentence: Well he was really cute so I only told the partomission about the number of cats I own.
Created by: feltcap
Pronunciation: trūth-mĭsh'ən
Sentence: Thinking immediately of the marijuana brownie he had eaten just hours ago, he decided to opt for truthmission when the officer asked him if he had -smoked- any marijuana that evening.
Etymology: truth - conformity to fact or actuality, omission - something forgotten or excluded
Created by: msergienko
Pronunciation: odd-DOR-ah-bul
Sentence: "That hipster girl over there is oddorable."
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: go mishun
Sentence: When Sandra told her best friend Lacy about her latest boyfriend,"Fred",she was coy about his background. Her gomission about "Fred's" marital status and health history left Lacy thinking he was a catch. When Sandra finally admitted that he was married and had social diseases, Lacy was shocked. She was to be even more shocked later on when she discovered that "Fred" was actually her very own husband, Norbert!
Etymology: Go (do it;functioning correctly and ready for action;enter or assume a certain state or condition) & Omission (a mistake resulting from neglect;neglecting to do something; leaving out or passing over something)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: missss leee ding
Sentence: He was a serial missleader until the day he let his cover slip when confused by the wrestling Williams twins. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even hit on the ortopaedic surgeon's receptionist.
Etymology: miss, misleading
ladies day again! lol - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 08:32:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-20: 10:41:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: piece/fo
Sentence: Politicians are very piecefo in disseminating their ideas to persaude people to vote for them and their parties.
Etymology: PIECEFO - from PIECE (partial) + INFO (information)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: eks plen ay sssssshhh un
Sentence: the Mayor's explanasssshhion helped put the ass back into canvassing,
Etymology: explanation sssshh!
Created by: leechdude
Pronunciation: omm-istake
Etymology: ommissions mistake
Created by: kateinkorea
Pronunciation: de LETE ful
Sentence: The guy I am now dating is delightful, but the last guy was deleteful. He always "forgot" to tell me things. He didn't tell me he was dating other women. He said, "You didn't ask." He told me what he thought I should know in a nicely packaged facade, and deleted the rest.
Etymology: The opposite of delightful. DELETE: to remove something, or erase something DECEITFUL: dishonest
Well crafted! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 08:29:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: CON-scam-mayt
Sentence: It was with malice and forethought that Lauren decided to pull a conscammate on Humphrey during their courtship by simply leaving out many details of her somewhat lurid past.
Etymology: Blend of 'con' (involving abuse of confidence), 'scam' (To defraud; swindle) and 'mate' ( husband or wife; spouse) a play on the word 'consummate' ( to complete (an arrangement, agreement, or the like) by a pledge or the signing of a contract)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: oops so lay zee
Sentence: "Come on, out with it, girl" said Rebecca to Margie. "Now, what have you found out about your dream man?" Margie was reluctant to tell her friend that her dreamboat was chugging down the River of Deceit, taking on water and turning into a nightmare. "Well", said Margie, "I keep finding out more about Dick by accident". "Like what?" said Rebecca. "Well, turns out he is married, has five kids, no job, is bankrupt and is a klepto-alcoholic gambler!" "Oh, Margie, wake up and smell the coffee. Dick is oopsolazy. He'd never admit to his faults and every day you are going to find out more bad news about him. Dump him! It's time to scrape off your shoes and keep on walking, girl!" "If only I could, Rebecca, but you see his parole officer called me today to say that he's jumped bail and put my house up for collateral. On top of that, 2 more women called today claiming he was their husband, too. If he wasn't such a good kisser, I would really consider breaking up with him!"
Etymology: Oopsadaisy or Whoopsadaisy(An old exclamation made when encouraging a child to get up after a fall or when lifting a child into the air; said when an error is made) & Lazy (idle;disinclined to work or exertion)
Oopstanding! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 08:27:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: kan vas sin
Etymology: canvassing sin
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: lak sep tans
Sentence: Jeannie's ommissions about why she agreed to marry Dean were vague. Her friend Nancy thought Jeannie's reasons showed she needed her lackcceptance of the situation. And then the blood tests and investigator's reports came in the mail...
Etymology: Lack (the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable) & Acceptance (the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: sneek - speek
Sentence: Over the years, Lucy had perfected the art of sneakspeak. She learned to feed people bits and pieces of a story, leaving out things that she thought people would disapprove of just to they would not think badly of her....By the time they found out all the facts years later, it no longer had the negative impact she feared.
Etymology: Sneak + Sneak Peek + Speak >> Sneak (to go stealthily or furtively) + Sneak Peek (A preview, especially of something not yet public) Speak (use language, talk: express in speech)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: skimp/or/tune
Sentence: Sally became the not so proud owner of a plastic water bottle facility after the salesman skimportuned her to buy it for the sake of hygiene. He neglected to tell her that water bottles were now banned in her country.
Etymology: skimp (scanty) + importune (solicit pressingly)
exsellent! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 08:36:00
Good one! - TJayzz, 2009-02-20: 12:09:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: Oh Miss Sins
Sentence: Politicians most often put a different spin on what they do, or what they want to do, by presenting only part of the facts, leaving out the rest of the facts, in order to gain votes and public approval. The more powerful the politician, the more he omisssins.
Etymology: O MISS SINS is a word play on OMISSIONS. /// O - short for Oh, an interjection indicating surprise! Miss - as in overlook or leave out. Sins - to lie by omission, which is still a lie, and lies are sins. Omissions - things left out.
Song of the day: Sins-cerely! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 01:06:00
how true - unfortunately - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-20: 10:40:00
Created by: Pseudonym
Pronunciation: ee-LEED-eh-steem
Sentence: I could have admitted that the fish I caught was tiny, but I needed the elidesteem.
Etymology: elide + esteem
Created by: fendallwit
Pronunciation: sub-dupe
Sentence: The only way to convince the arachnophobes of my proposals, is to subdupe them about the escaped tarantula.
Etymology: Subdue - to suppress, hold back. Dupe - con, swindle, trick
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: sham bass a door
Sentence: Shambassador to the Divided Nations, Vdy Darkneibour sent his envoy to the centre of the Black Sea to campaign for detonation of nuckelhead weapons from any of the nations’ nucklehead submarines.
Etymology: shambassador is from sham (deliberately deceive or fake) and ambassador (a "spokesperson" or promoter).
shambitious word! - Nosila, 2009-02-20: 22:59:00
Love this word. Great Historical-geographical refs! - metrohumanx, 2009-02-23: 01:09:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fakthōlz
Sentence: If you could see Tim's argument it would look like a slice of Swiss cheese. He is skilled in the use of flash and bluster to camouflage his factholes. When people find how they have been duped, they will sometimes refer to Tim as a certain variety of hole.
Etymology: fact (a thing that is indisputably the case) + holes (hollow places in a solid body or surface)
Into the void! - metrohumanx, 2009-02-23: 01:14:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: frakt
Sentence: Everything she said was true. She would break down all she knew and serve up just those bits that favored her interests. ”I’m not lying”, she would say and that’s a fract.
Etymology: fracture (the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material) + fact (a thing that is indisputably the case)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kuhn-seel-sen-suhs
Sentence: The manager has been known to omit a few details in an effort to reach a concealsensus.
Etymology: conceal (hide, disguise) + consensus (general agreement)
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: CHAIN-ee-vade
Sentence: Tricky Dick had the perfect plan. In order to assure that his pals got first crack at the world's largest oil reserves, he would call the invasion a "war on terror" and CHENEYVADE the fact that there were no WMDs suspected in Iraq. Mabye his Blackwater cronies could get a sweet contract to provide "security" as a bonus! What a sweet guy.
Etymology: CHENEY+eVADE=CHENEYVADE.....CHENEY: An infamous tight-lipped ex-vice president known for touting ficticious weapons of mass destruction as a pretext for invading Iraq.....EVADE:to avoid facing up to, to trick by dexterity or stratagem, to take refuge in escape or avoidance, to dodge; Middle French & Latin; Middle French evader, from Latin evadere, from e- + vadere to go, walk.
A clean car is the sign of a sick mind....bumper sticker sighted on Long Island - metrohumanx, 2009-02-21: 04:55:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: CON-scam-mayt
Sentence: It was with malice and forethought that Wilma decided to pull a conscammate on Waldo during their courtship by simply leaving out many details of her somewhat lurid past.
Etymology: Blend of 'con' (involving abuse of confidence), 'scam' (To defraud; swindle) and 'mate' ( husband or wife; spouse) a play on the word 'consummate' ( to complete (an arrangement, agreement, or the like) by a pledge or the signing of a contract)
Great blending! Luv the verbotomy! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 08:28:00
Between 2 Conscammating adults...Great Word! - Nosila, 2009-02-20: 22:59:00
Created by: Negatrev
Pronunciation: Skam-boo-zuld
Sentence: I saved us £30k costs by hiring a £50k efficiency expert. I scamboozled my boss into thinking it was a good thing by omitting the experts fee.
Etymology: From Scam (to cheat or defraud with a scam) and bamboozle (to perplex; mystify; confound. Synonyms: befog, bewilder, puzzle, baffle, dumbfound)
Created by: DnBrown
Pronunciation: Man-ip-u-lady
Sentence: Brittany thought she had found the perfect guy in Chuck. He had great looks, a great job, a fantastic personality, and his name was Chuck. He was the perfect guy. He would take her on romantic dinners, to art galleries, telling her how much she meant to him. She believed she had found the jackpot. Unfortunately so did four other women who were currently involved with Chuck. Finally, due to some cell phone snooping, Brittany's eyes had been opened. He was just using her, he didn't really tell her that much about himself, because they would really only talk about her. But now she was able to see Chuck for what he really was, not the perfect guy, but a Manipulady.
Etymology: From the words Manipulating, derived from Manipulate ( to manage or influence skillfully, esp. in an unfair manner) and Lady (a woman)
Awesome - silveryaspen, 2009-02-20: 18:04:00
Verbotomy - 2009-02-20: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-09-03: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James