Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A person who finds potentially sexual meanings in every conversation, and who always tries to "cleverly" point it out, by putting ordinary words or phrases into a sexual context. v., To be habitually and annoyingly addicted to sexual innuendo.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: picabomama
Pronunciation: speek- a - boo
Sentence: The Smith Family was kind enough to include their daughter's long misunderstood boyfriend on a trip to a family wedding in Beaver, PA. Needless to say, the beau did not improve his standing after playing SPEAKABOO with all the small business names they came upon as they passed through town. "Beaver Quick Lube! Now that's a place I'd like to visit on a Saturday night, right Mr. Smith!?"
Etymology: Speak + Taboo
Original blending! Great play on peekaboo or should I say piqueaboo, too! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 11:20:00
There are also towns/cities in PA called Bird in Hand, Intercourse, Beaver Meadows, and Beaver Falls (guess that's what happens when ya get old). - purpleartichokes, 2008-02-12: 18:46:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: seks-jes-tiv
Sentence: Most people are familiar with the concept of the "dirty old man". Some might even be OK with the smart-mouth juvenile but few are as comfortable with the "dirty young woman", who's every utterance is sexgestive.
Etymology: sexual (concerning reproduction, intercourse) + suggestive (implies something improper or indecent; risqué)
Created by: LibbyR
Pronunciation: in-u-end-less
Sentence: Her abililty to turn any phrase into a double entendre was innuendless.
Etymology: innuendo (suggestive) + endless (relentless, unceasing)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: in ur en doh
Sentence: When Muffy told Ida Norgasm about her attraction to Dick, she sighed even though she knew he'd never be able to go to Viagra Falls anymore. Muffy displayed her inyurendo and bent to kiss him cruelly on the mouth one last time, with bosom heaving, oblivious of the fact that Ida was Dick's widow...and they'd both be left Dick less!
Etymology: innuendo (malicious implication) and your end (oh oh...naughty bit, say no more, wink, wink, know what I mean? Nudge, Nudge, A wink's as good as a nod to a blind horse! R U 1 2?) Apologies to Monty Python!
Created by: Magnetic
Pronunciation: KRASS / gra / ber
Sentence: With all his lewd winking, nudging, and constant "finger quoting", Bob quickly became the crassgrabber no one wanted to mingle with at the party.
Etymology: crass (vulgar, insensitive) + ass grabber (one who selfishly exploits the shocked reactions of others for their own repressed perverted kicks) + grab (reach, stretch)
This is a word that would have come in as a handy alternative for one of my college theatre professors, who was constantly accusing us of engaging in too much "grab ass." - picabomama, 2008-02-12: 09:15:00
Sexploitive fingers! Very witty! Sexceptional! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 12:27:00
you don't want to encourage crassgrab or is that crabgrass - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-12: 12:35:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /im-pro-pi-uh-NEER/
Sentence: Henry is such an 'impropioneer', he never passes up an opportunity to make a sleazy remark. At the funeral reception, while widow Jenkins was sobbing and stroking her cat, Henry smuttered, "I suppose you and your pussy will be very lonely now, but I'd be happy to come over and play with it some time."
Etymology: Impropriety - an indecent or improper act (from Old French, im- "not" & proprieté "proper") + Pioneer - one who ventures into new territory (also from Old French, peonier "foot soldier")
I have no catty remark! Sexcellent innuending! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 11:59:00
Good stuff. - ErWenn, 2008-02-12: 19:10:00
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: pee-vert
Sentence: Whenever Kimberly consumed too much wine from a box, she would start to make peeverted comments toward anyone around her.
Etymology: Peeve (annoy) + Pervert (inappropriate sexual expression)
peerriffic word - Nosila, 2010-04-30: 17:25:00
Created by: CrystalNekol
Pronunciation: Lech-er-ous-it-tee
Created by: CanadianAndyCapp
Pronunciation: Nookee-o-main-ee-ak
Sentence: According to Sigmund Freud, the three levels of sexual flirtation and propositon are; Innuendo, NudgeNudge, and Nookieomania. For the full fledged Nookieomaniac, the only social cure is a bucket of iced water.
Etymology: Nookie- To be related to personal intimate physical relationships, but without the maturity favctor. / Maniac - to be wildly possessed by an emotion.
is a nookieomaniac related to the Nookie monster from sexame street - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-12: 12:30:00
Is a nookiemaniac a nookiemonster? Oh, sometimes how we'd like to sexile them for their sextremes! Great sexpression! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 12:34:00
Sometimes great minds think alike (GMTA) Jabberwocky ... your were creating your comment at the same time ... and I didn't see it before I created mine ... began working on it before you did ... but it took me so long to come up with the right punfuns in my second sentence! Sorry to be repetitive Andy! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 12:36:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: sex u ber ANT
Sentence: Beth couldn't believe how sindependent her younger sister Fleur had become; Fleur could find anything sexy, even a dead man's corpse! Beth reminded Fleur of her innappropriate comments but Fleur boasted she'd finally blossomed into a sexuberant flower for pollinsexation!
Etymology: Sex + exuberant + deviant
sextra special word! - Nosila, 2010-04-30: 17:24:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-12: 01:31:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Tigger - 2008-02-12: 02:09:00
This cartoon is hilarious!
Jabberwocky - 2008-02-12: 05:56:00
very well laid out
Banky - 2008-02-12: 08:44:00
You're well endowed with artistic talent.
Verbotomy - 2008-02-12: 11:44:00
Thank you for your kind and suggestive words ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-02-12: 13:21:00
Sextraordinary definition and cartoon, Tigger and James!
silveryaspen - 2008-02-12: 13:26:00
To all: Very creative! Creativity can be so enhancing! You've all got me thinking you have great sex lives!
Nosila - 2008-02-12: 23:03:00
Good idea, Tigger...hopefully this idea will slake the thirst and quench the desires of those who live life on the double entendre! And the cartoon, James...well, it is to die for...
Verbotomy - 2008-02-13: 00:35:00
Well, I'm glad it didn't die on the page. Thanks! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-04-30: 00:28:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Svetikreink - 2019-05-04: 02:47:00