Vote for the best verboticism.

'Why are you staring at me like that? '

DEFINITION: v. To be woken up by a child or pet who is quietly but intently staring at you from the edge of your bed. n. A creepy silent stare that is so intense that it pierces sleep.

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Created by: mokelmoney




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Created by: bradly224

Pronunciation: Stalk*Gawk*Ing

Sentence: She awoke to her one night stand perched next to her on the edge of the bed, stalkgawking her.


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: AHY-si-kuhl

Sentence: The icy glare of the glass eye Bob got from the KGB Disposal's shop in Moscow was as chilly as a Siberian winter. And out of the shadows of darkness, Roxie swore that it was watching her. Often she would wake from sleep and yelled, " My God! It knows what I dreaming about." Bob told her not to worry, that the Cold War was now but an icicle and she was reading too much Orwell. Furthermore as he was so happy with his eyesickle, and having heard about a new Russian made prosthesis, named: "glassnose", he was thinking of ordering one also.

Etymology: Blend of EYE & SICKLE, with ICICLE in mind.


Ever so clever! Your wit is always a big hit with me! I'm all 'ayes' up over this one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-18: 10:07:00

creepy but funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-18: 14:53:00

You'd think Bob would get pink eye from such a creation. I'm sure Roxy will find a way of Stalin, instead of letting Bob go Russian out to buy a new nose! It would be quite a Tass to blow his glassnose without breaking it! I am sure he could buy a couple of moles from that KGB Shop, too! Great sentence, Comrade!(Or should I say Tovarich!) - Nosila, 2008-03-18: 20:04:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: per mee ayt ed

Sentence: It happened every morning at 4:00 am. Yvonne would be deep in sleep until she felt that which purrmeated her reverie. Her tom cat would stare her awake. He would look at her enough with his big eyes until she was wide awake and wondering what happened to her. He commenced his very loud purring just after he got her attention. This would go on until she reached out to pat him under the chin and behind the ears. He made a perfect alarm clock...too bad she couldn't set Romeo for 3 hours later each morning!

Etymology: Purr (a low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat; indicate pleasure by purring; characteristic of cats) & Permeated (sinks in;penetrated; to spread through)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: jēpərzpēpərz

Sentence: Joyce sat bolt upright in her bed. There wasn't a sound. It was that spooky cat of hers. The one with the jeeperspeepers. During the day she seemed to look right through you. At night it was as though she could wake the dead. Joyce's mother told her not to buy a black cat from that scary old lady.

Etymology: jeepers creepers (used to express surprise or alarm) + peepers (a person's eyes)


Terrific word. Jeeperspeepers captures that feeling of the heebie jeebies! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-08: 18:36:00

Good one! - Mustang, 2009-01-08: 18:45:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /əˈlum ˈklɑk/

Sentence: Nothing wakes me up better than my aloom clock, but I've noticed that I often wake up in the middle of the night with a jump only to discover that my cat isn't even in the room and that it was only a false aloom.

Etymology: from a(larm) clock + loom


So meaning full, witty pun. Funtastic Won! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-18: 10:36:00

Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-18: 12:02:00

Very funny! - diyan627, 2008-03-18: 13:04:00


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Created by: diyan627

Pronunciation: eye-tapper

Sentence: Jasmine might as well have been doing a tap dance to 'Puttin on the Ritz' to get our attention. There's something about that eyetapper that can wake us right out of sleep with intention! Except she wants to be entertained, not do the entertaining.

Etymology: eye + tapper (to strike with a light blow or blows: I tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention. tap dance.)


Great song for the day! You tapped right into this one in more ways than one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-18: 10:18:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: sun rays OR son raise

Sentence: Scotty, my son, the electronics technician in the transporter room, on the Starship Enterprise, often receives the request "Scotty, beam me up." When he comes home for a visit to me, his father, his eyes spark and shine, with rays so intense, that even if I'm in a sound sleep, there is joy from his sonraise, that special "Son, beaming me up!"

Etymology: SUN RAYS / SON RAISE . SUN RAYS - bright beams of light that can raise the sleeping. SON RAISE - sparks of light from a son's eyes that can raise the sleeping. /// Oh how we enjoy sun beams and son beams!

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ster wate

Sentence: It never ceased to amaze Lucy how every morning at 5:00 am precisely, her dog, Rex, would starewait her awake. He must be a watch dog, thought Lucy, because he knows exactly when 5:00 am came, an hour before the alarm went off. No matter how late every night everyone would go to bed, Rex was positioned starewaiting her awake until she had no choice but to get up and let him out. How could he manage on so little sleep she wondered. What she did not realize was that the moment everyone left the house, Rex would sleep, all day, for 8 or 10 hours on end. This gave him the rest he needed to get up at 5:00 every day. If he did not stop, Lucy was going to wish he was on a starewait to Heaven.

Etymology: stare (look at with fixed eyes or a fixed look with eyes open wide)& wait (the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something))


Starewelling, Rex! Great ending! Great word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-18: 09:58:00


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Created by: idavecook

Pronunciation: ME-AW-K-WARD

Sentence: Allie gives me the heebie jeebies every morning when I get up. It's so freakin' neawkward, that I think I may euthanize that bitch before that lazy eye of hers goes somewhere it ain't supposed to.

Etymology: Meow, My dog, and awkward moments when she watches me having sex.

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-18: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by banky. Thank you banky. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-25: 00:04:00
Today's definition was suggested by banky. Thank you banky. ~ James

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