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'If I don't get this stupid song out of my head...'

DEFINITION: n. A state of reduced mental capacity, caused by an inability to think of anything but an annoying pop song, which seems to be endlessly repeating itself in your mind. v. To play a stupid song in your head, over and over again.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: brayn refrayn agayn

Sentence: Her name was Jane and she could not explain why it happened again. It was a pain that was hard to contain. When she heard a strain which should entertain, she instead got a brainrefrainagain. Over and over it would play again, even though she tried to abstain, but in her brain this tune would remain. She tried in vain to remain sane, but her attempts to constrain were a very big drain and soon it nearly drove her insane..."I'm leaving on a Jet Plane..." Oops, I did it again!

Etymology: Brain ( that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord; mental ability) & Refrain (the part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singers) & Again (over and over;repeatedly)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: re frayn

Sentence: Oops, she did it again, that annoying refrayn, that's stuck in her brain and causing her pain!

Etymology: Refrain (a part or corus of a song) & Fray (to get on one's nerve, cause friction)

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Created by: BMott

Pronunciation: song - uh - ton -ya

Sentence: My brother made me listen to N-Sync today, and I've been suffering with terrible songatonia ever since.

Etymology: Song - Music, ditty atonia - From catatonia, a state of stupor.

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Created by: devi007x




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: LIR-ik-zorbd

Sentence: After hearing a favorite song, Alice would often become absolutely lyricsorbed and finding herself becoming increasingly annoyed to not be able to stop repeating the song over and over in her mind thru the day.

Etymology: Blend of lyrics (the words of a song) and absorbed (engrossed; deeply interested)

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Created by: bettyann9

Pronunciation: eer-wermd

Sentence: She was so earwormed she didn't even notice she had filed the tips off her fingers.

Etymology: ear + worm (wiggling through your brain)


bzooom... that was my word ;) whatever... in german that is a common saying "i got an earworm"... in german "ohrwurm" - jonobo, 2007-05-12: 11:44:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mad them

Sentence: It started again the rousing rendition of "Oh say can you see"...over and over again. She tried listening to all other types of music, even annoying songs, but the madthem persisted. Why did it keep haunting her? And then one day, she figured it out. She always fell asleep watching the late, late movie and at it's end, the US National anthem played until she woke up and crawled into bed. The only way to stop the madness was to go to bed earlier...and turn off the darn TV!

Etymology: Mad (affected with madness or insanity) and Anthem (a song of praise,devotion, motivation for a God, nation or cause)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: dit-ee-deyz

Sentence: It's stupid. It's annoying but it is ever so catchy. Joanie can't think of anything but that horrible little commercial jingle whenever she hears it. It puts her into a dittydaze.

Etymology: ditty (a short, simple song) + daze (state of bemusement)

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Created by: allwise

Pronunciation: maain-pop

Sentence: Her mindpop had gotten really out of hand, she had gone from rolling it ouround inside the head to humming it aloud; and she just knew that soon she would be dancing the macarena in her cubicle!

Etymology: mind - as in nut, brain, wits or head if you will. pop - as in pop-music and headoverloadexplosion.


petaj Sounds painful - petaj, 2007-02-20: 03:01:00

Crap! That "Join" button looks exactly like the "Create" button. Not trying to steal your thunder, Allwise. - ErWenn, 2007-02-20: 08:28:00

No worries ErWenn, were you going to sign up with the name mindpop? ;-) - allwise, 2007-02-21: 02:06:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: tune-i-tus

Sentence: After chaperoning her daughter's girl scout troop to a very loud Myley Cyrus concert Marylin found that she had developed a serious case of tuneitus. She doesn't know if she got it at the concert or from the girls singing the same song over and over in the bus, but now she couldn't get rid of it. After looking up her symptoms on Web MD she found to her horror that the only cure for tuneitus is to think of an equally droll song or else to try to pass the songworm to someone else by singing it outloud. It was cruel, she knew, but she had to get rid of it or she would go mad. "Harry," she called, "listen to this song the girls sang."

Etymology: tinnitus: a constant buzzing, ringing or whistling sound in one or both ears caused by an external trigger such as an ear infection or head injury + tune: the melody of a song that is simple and easy to remember


mrskellyscl The Mr. and I pass songworms back and forth all the time. It's a great, although nasty passive-aggressive way to get even. - mrskellyscl, 2009-09-11: 06:38:00

artr I gave my wife the hamster dance song to suffer with a few years ago with several renewals. She retaliated with: - artr, 2009-09-11: 12:23:00

mrskellyscl that's harsh (but funny) - mrskellyscl, 2009-09-11: 15:37:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-20: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by w5lf9s.
Thank you w5lf9s! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-20: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by w5lf9s.
Thank you w5lf9s! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-20: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by w5lf9s.
Thank you w5lf9s! ~ James

ErWenn - 2007-02-20: 08:30:00
That "Join" button looks exactly like the "Create" button. There should be some obvious indicator that you're not clicking on the same thing you click on every day. The page looks nearly identical, and I know I'm not the first person to accidentally join a group.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-20: 15:20:00
Hey ErWenn, Yes, I think you're right. I have removed the "join group" button. Players are now required to create a unique word before it can be saved. (Plus, as an added bonus, I have taken your name off the creators list for allwise's word, which you "accidentally" joined. Now you can go ahead and create your own word for the day.) Thanks ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2011-01-27: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by w5lf9s. Thank you w5lf9s. ~ James

Koekbroer - 2012-05-22: 01:45:00