Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A slow computer with insufficient memory; also, a slow-thinking husband. v., To take an extraordinarily long time to respond to a relatively simple request.
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Created by: womblin3
Pronunciation: slowth-ram
Sentence: Her computer chugged along as though it ran on steam, much like her husband. She wondered how she'd come to allow two slothrams into her life such as these. Perhaps she was due an upgrade - on both counts.
Etymology: Slothram: sloth n. unwillingness to work or make any effort or n. slow mammal + ram n. adult male mammal and RAM (random access memory) n. a type of computer memory which can be searched in any order and changed as necessary
good word! - Nosila, 2010-04-04: 01:26:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: sahy-ber-THAWL
Sentence: When Bob told Roxie that he thought telenetting was a good way to keep birds off their TV antenna, she quickly realized that her humdrum glacimate was a cyberthal, a few hubabytes short of the perfect partner.
Etymology: CYBERTHAL: blend of cyber - a common prefix coined foe electronic or computer-related concepts & the "thal" of NEANDERTHAL - fig. one unenlightened, slow, stupid. Glacimate; 2.(blend of glacier & mate) 3. Hubabyte (hubby & byte)
great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-07: 12:06:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: tərmənil
Sentence: Despite Jason’s claim of being as smart as a computer, when Jane asks for an opinion, all she gets is buffering. Their relationship is just about terminil.
Etymology: terminal (a device at which a user enters data or commands for a computer system and that displays the received output) + nil(nothing)
Created by: Dougalistic
Pronunciation: Lakk-tarr-ded
Sentence: "This ancient PC is completely lacktarded Dave, just like your stupid brain!!!"
Etymology: Lack: –noun 1. deficiency or absence of something needed, desirable, or customary: lack of money; lack of skill. This is combined with Retarded, which also means 'to be delayed' or hindered.
Too bad the lacktarded can't shed it like a leotard! Catchy! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 14:12:00
Created by: bzav1
Pronunciation: micro + sloth
Sentence: Debby discovered, upon letting her new fella move in, that he was quite the microsloth, internot savvy, a full-fledged reclinaut.
Etymology: microsloth - microsoft, sloth blended, internot- antonym for internet, reclinaut - reclined blended with astronaut, a man that could not be considered The Right Stuff, but knows when a couch (or turkey) has the right stuffing.
good one! - wordmeister, 2008-01-07: 22:12:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: cal-cyou-wait
Sentence: My computer, my husband, my boss, and my kids, drive me crazy with their calcuwaiting.
Etymology: A play on calculate,you and wait ... calcuwait ... a verb to describe any thing or anyone who is slow to respond!
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: ram - nor - am - uss
Sentence: Elbert was a dull witted ramnoramus and on a par for memory with Esmerelda's ancient computer.
Etymology: RAM (computer memory) and ignoramus.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: com/pu/tard
Sentence: When an important report is due, my computer usually goes into computard mode, taking me hours longer to complete the assignment.
Etymology: computer + tardy
Nice word with the possibilty of cognates such as: computardity, computardiness, computardily etc. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-07: 18:10:00
Excellent word! - Mustang, 2008-01-07: 23:34:00
Created by: sammyclark
Pronunciation: igg-nore-it-tude
Sentence: I asked my brother a million times to run outside and get the mail he heard me asking him but sitll didnt get up. He started blankly at me and didnt even get ignoritude!
Etymology: ignore- to not now or be ignorant of itude- the way you act and react
Verbotomy - 2008-01-07: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by gemmgemms. Thank you gemmgemms. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-04-02: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by gemmgemms. Thank you gemmgemms. ~ James