Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To make a mistake where the benefits exceed the costs of the screw-up. n. An excellent mistake, which despite its stupidity, produces a positive outcome.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: sare-in-dope-it-ee
Sentence: In a bold move of serendopity, Kevin decided to let his freak flag fly and confessed all his neuroses and foibles on the first date. Little did he know that Suzanne was the Bob Vila of relationships and saw Kevin as the next exciting installment of "This Old Spouse."
Etymology: Serendipity combined with dope
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: beneFIT+faux pas
Sentence: I dialed my old girlfriend by mistake but it turned into a benefauxpas when unexpectedly she told me she wanted to get back together!
Etymology: beneFIT+faux pas
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: miss under stood
Sentence: When Joe asked Miss Rogers out on a date, he thought she misstook his intentions, because she fired him. He at first was hurt. She explained later that the Company had a policy against the workers dating each other and since she found him hot and he hated his job anyway, it was a blunderful result. She missunderstood him.
Etymology: Miss (young female) & Understood (indicated by necessary connotation though not expressed directly)
Blunderful! Love it~ You're such a wordsmith~ I voted for you! :) - abrakadeborah, 2011-11-28: 20:36:00
Created by: DazzleMcFazzle
Pronunciation: Idy-o-vin-dicitee
Sentence: Charlie having finished his game of tennis, went back to the changing rooms and looked on the bench where he left his clothes. He got changed, and walked out. It was not until he reached into his pocket for his train ticket that he had put someone elses trousers on. But having found a wallet with not only an all day ticket but a huge wad of cash felt a sense of idiovindicity wash over him.
Etymology: n. Stupidity which through its positive result, justifies it having been committed with no remorse.
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: oops-eh-lish-us
Sentence: John knew immediately that his comments about his boss' daughter Melody would get him fired. However it turned out to be an oopselicious event when she later called him up to ask him out.
Etymology: oops + [d]elicious
Created by: d1420
Pronunciation: mi-steyk tas-tik
Sentence: Jack's decision to sale his only source of milk and protein for "magic beans" sorely upset his mother and put him in a jam. But he soon realized that his mistaketastic set him on his epic adventure up and down the beanstalk.
Etymology: mistake = a misunderstanding or misconception + fantastic = extravagantly fanciful; marvelous
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: ben-ih-FLUKKED-up
Sentence: Their boss was a floozy- Todd really expected… To get some "OT" but was firmly rejected. Although he believed through the ranks he’d move up- He’s unemployed now ‘cause he BENEFLUKEDUP. Boasting about how she was more than willin’... His workmates line up now to take penicillin.
Etymology: BENEfits+FLUKE+f*ckeD UP= BENEFLUKEDUP.....BENEFIT: advantage, useful aid, help, a service provided by an employer in addition to wages or salary; Middle English, from Anglo-French benfet, from Latin bene factum, from neuter of bene factus, past participle of bene facere.....FLUKE: a stroke of luck, an accidentally successful stroke at billiards, pool, or social climbing; Middle English floke, fluke, from Old English flōc; akin to Old English flōh chip, Old High German flah smooth, Greek plax flat surface, and probably to Old English flōr floor.....F*ck up: to ruin or spoil especially through stupidity or carelessness, to act foolishly or stupidly, to blunder; origin uncertain.
Your poems are epic, like played in 3D, who knew one could rhyme about the joys of VD? - Nosila, 2009-06-12: 08:53:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: serr - uhn - DUM - uh - tee
Sentence: Felicity had a glorious gift for serendumbity; many things that might turn into disasters became successes in spite of her ineptitude in actually planning her life.
Etymology: blend of serendipity and dumb
nice word - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-02: 14:07:00
Great choice in name, too! - pieceof314, 2008-05-02: 14:28:00
Good name for the next sequel to 'Legally Blonde'. - Tigger, 2008-05-02: 22:02:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bləndərlək
Sentence: Robert didn’t realize his mother in-law was standing in the doorway when he confessed to his brother that he hated her green bean casserole. Rob’s blunderluck was that she hated it too but continued to foist it on the family thinking they enjoyed it. She was greatly relieved to be able to try something new.
Etymology: blunder (a stupid or careless mistake) + luck (success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: win kor rekt
Sentence: Tony always played the same lottery numbers every week...a combination of birthdates of his family. For 20 years he won nothing. One day he had to rewrite his lottery board because the old one would not go through the reader. He accidentally transposed one birthdate from an 12 to a 21 and lo and behold that group he selected won full prize of several millions...he got the wincorrect winning numbers afterall!
Etymology: Win (victory;attain something) & Incorrect (not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth)
Verbotomy - 2008-05-02: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Lesson # 5: "Make excellent mistakes". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-12: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Lesson # 5: "Make excellent mistakes". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-07-06: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by johnnybunko. Thank you johnnybunko. ~ James
Israfaceneeme - 2018-07-06: 12:41:00
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