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DEFINITION: v. To injure oneself physically, or to be reduced to a state of mental incapacity, when attempting to open shrink-wrapped CDs, DVDs or software. n. Packaging that is painfully difficult to open.
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Created by: texmom
Pronunciation: package -otto- me
Sentence: she was reduced to packagotomy while trying to open her new software.
Etymology: package - boxing material otomy - removal
Created by: ldikarev
Pronunciation: shrink - crap
Sentence: I could not open skrinkcrapped package. My brain was getting shrinkcrapped after counting packing peanuts for an hour. New, secure package will feature ShrinkCrapTM it will require a special chemical catalyst to open, that will be available to authorized service dealers.
Etymology: shrink -crap
Created by: duchessella
Pronunciation: aw-to-dis-co-MU-ti-late
Sentence: He autodiscomutilated with the newest Windows Vista.
Etymology: auto = self disco = any type of discs (CDs, DVDs, VCDs, CD-ROMs, etc.) mutilate = mutilation of both the physical self and the mental self
good one! - galwaywegian, 2007-05-15: 07:17:00
nice! - heartnsoul, 2007-05-16: 01:48:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈsɛləˌpeɪn/
Sentence: It almost seems that as technology gets more advanced and everything else becomes better designed, packaging produces more cellopain, not less.
Etymology: from cellophane + pain
very good!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-15: 12:29:00
I was just about to submit that one ... glad I saw that you'd already done so! Nicely done! - mjmlabs, 2007-05-15: 23:50:00
I've already used up my votes. But if i had one to spare... - petaj, 2007-05-16: 01:55:00
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: Hay/ch/EM/Van/gue/ish
Sentence: Promoting his newly rigged h-operating system, which he hoped to set sail at a press conference at HMV head quarters, Bob said, "I can't get the package out of the damn pack cage, I can't take this HMVanguish anymore."
Etymology: HMVanguish n. A 3-track splicing of 1. HMV, a moribund multi-national multi-media multiple. 2. HMS-Vanquish, a fictional warship of the British Navy 3. Anguish, mental suffering.
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: TRUBB-bull-rap
Sentence: The troublewrap around the new Sinking Dead game took Jim two hours to open.
Etymology: trouble + bubblewrap
Nice! - Rhyme79, 2012-09-10: 10:03:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rap skal leon
Sentence: The Cd's and Dvd's were so painful to open, that George suspected an unscrupulous wrapscallion plot was afoot. Yes after careful examination, he decided it was a nefarious scheme, the same one which kept the elderly from getting at their meds' bottles. Or the unenlightened to try and open a package of sticky notes. Why even the clever new knife designed specifically to open such hard plastic packages came in one...what was the world coming to???
Etymology: Wrap (packaging;the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped) & Rapscallion (a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel)
brilliant! - libertybelle, 2011-04-19: 08:10:00
Created by: daisy
Pronunciation: plas-tic-rap-chur
Sentence: He was in a state of plasticwrapture as he broke out the tablesaw to get at the CD inside.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: shrin-kee-jinksd
Sentence: He was bleeding profusely from a variety of gaping wounds, so there was no doubt in my mind that Mark had become shrinkyjinxed from attempting to open his new CD. Still, I couldn't help but plastize him for soiling my pretty white tablecloth and carpet.
Etymology: shrinkydink, jinxed
Verbotomy - 2007-05-15: 02:19:00
Today's definition was suggested by two writers: mana1066 and autophile. Thank you mana1066 and autophile! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-11-30: 00:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by mana1066. Thank you mana1066. ~ James