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'Thank goodness you walked in!'

DEFINITION: n. The mental state induced by the discovery your new husband, and your maid of honor, entangled in the satin sheets given to you as a wedding present by your grandmother. v. To catch your new husband in a close quarters with a close friend.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: bed tray al

Sentence: When Samantha discovered her groom, Roger, with her bridesmaid Marie, together on her marriage bed, she felt horrible bedtrayal. She was enraged that they were doing it on the fabulous new bedding her Grandma had given her. Talk about cheat sheets...

Etymology: Bed (have sexual intercourse with;a piece of furniture in which to sleep and do other things) & Betrayal (be sexually unfaithful to one's partner in marriage)

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: fling-roll

Sentence: Janice discovered her husband and best friend in a flingroll upon entering the bedroom and seeing them tangled up in the sheets her grandmother gave them for their wedding.

Etymology: like a springroll but with people

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: bee-tray-thal

Sentence: John's act of betraythal was a body blow to poor Mary. Particularly as it was with own brother. It was seriously conjuglipitous.

Etymology: betrothal (a mutual promise to marry) + betryal (to be unfaithful or disloyal)

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Created by: PythianHabenero

Pronunciation: in-sen-flayd

Sentence: When Bella walked in on her husband of one hour and best friend of ten years lying in her bed making poor excuses, she was incenflayed.

Etymology: "Incensed" (made angry) + "betrayed" with aesthetic and semantic help from "inflamed" (made sore, set on fire, a number of other relevant meanings).

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Created by: Bulletchewer

Pronunciation: Sum-thin-bloo

Sentence: She went somethinblue, a rage beyond red, an envy exceeding green, pure despair, having found the rat and his cat christening the most thoughtful gift. (my word that's pretentious nonsense)

Etymology: From the tradition that a bride wears something old, new, borrowed and blue. Also based on the idea that "blue" denotes both sexual behaviour and sadness. Note also "thin" (as opposed to "thing") as describing the sheets.


Very colourful. Especially "the rat and his cat", wearing her white dress I imagine... - wordmeister, 2007-03-27: 06:53:00

something blew - I just got it - clever - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-27: 20:02:00


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Created by: jessicamwade

Pronunciation: cheat-on-me-cat-as-trophy

Sentence: When i walked in on my girlfriend and my best friend in bed i went cheatonmecatastrophy. When i walked in on my girlfriend and my best friend in bed it was a cheatonmecatastrophy.



yeeeeeeeeeah - jessicamwade, 2008-06-11: 01:12:00


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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: STIMulATION+HEEL

Sentence: The stimheelation I felt at that moment was a combination of arousal and intense hatred.

Etymology: STIMulATION+HEEL. Heel: a contemptibly dishonorable or irresponsible person

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: mer/rage

Sentence: On finding her new husband and the maid of honour, she went into a state of marrage throwing and breaking everything she could get her hands on.

Etymology: marriage + rage


I considered something similar to this before deciding it didn't really allude to the sheets or the cheats as well as other words might. Marrage, to the casual observer, may as well be a nondescript form of anger directed at one's spouse (to be). It lacks specifics. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-27: 08:00:00

Great word, simple and succinct - you just have to stress the second syllable to get the full effect - try it - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-27: 09:55:00

That's nice (^^), but ditto my previous comment regarding it being too generalised for the definition, and that it makes the assumption that the mental state induced would be one of anger, as opposed to shock, disappointment, disbelief etc. For me, assigning rage as the sole emotion here is myopic. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-27: 11:23:00

methinks we have a psychiatrist in our midst - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-27: 12:19:00

No, just a fool who's seen too many shrinks in his time. - Bulletchewer, 2007-03-27: 15:31:00

Certainly not a fool - good sense of humour though - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-27: 19:54:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: wedshäk

Sentence: Julie should have guessed that there was odd about her new husband’s insistence that her bff Joan go along on their honeymoon. Sure, there was a great discount for the added ticket sale but did they really need to share a room? Julie is now in wedshock. She discovered Joan and her new hubby showering together when she returned from shopping. They tried to say that they were just saving water but she’s not buying it. The only question now, divorce or wedGlock?

Etymology: wedlock (the state of being married) +shock (a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience)

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Created by: metapsyche

Pronunciation: Mur-them

Sentence: I caught 'em! I want to murthem!

Etymology: Mur (murder) + them (them!) = Murthem

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-03-27: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by sunny09.
Thank you sunny09! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-14: 04:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by sheets. Thank you sheets. ~ James