Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., The fear that your service representative will retaliate after you have complained. v., To be afraid of bad service because you complained about it.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: SIIVION
Pronunciation: TelemanuFRIGGulation
Sentence: Being a paranoid schizophrenic Julie was in fear of the Telemanufrigulation after her dissatisfying unhelpful conversation with an Indian telecoms customer service representative.
Etymology: 2001 Greek tele - distant, manufrig - to mucked about or taken liberty of
Created by: hendrixius
Pronunciation: /krit-uh-cun-speer-uh-foe-bee-uh/
Sentence: Ellen suffered a bout of criticoncpiraphobia when she told the surly waiter that her sirloin was overcooked.
Etymology: "criticism" + "conspiracy" + "phobia"
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ass hoel sert iv nehs
Sentence: It was incredible how much her life had changed since she had done the assholesertiveness course. Even her tastebuds were different
Etymology: assertiveness, asshole
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: Whinge surgence
Sentence: All June was really trying to do was start a conversation with the charming waiter. Unforunately her complete lack of tact backfired *again* and she cringed awaiting the oncoming whingesurgence
Etymology: Whinge: to complain annoyingly. Insurgence: an act of rebellion or counteroffensive
Created by: c1mcgraw
Pronunciation: CA-vil-roo
Sentence: Beth suddenly heard in her head the pounding hooves of the cavilrue, as the smirking waiter approached with her re-cooked steak.
Etymology: Cavil -- to raise irritating and trivial objections. Rue -- to feel sorrow over; repent of; regret bitterly.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: mey/truh/byoo/shun
Sentence: As soon as she returned her over cooked steak, she had a sick sense that maitrebution would occur behind the closed doors of the kitchen on her new steak.
Etymology: maitre d'+ retribution
Great word -- I'll be thinking about it the next time I send food back at a restaurant. Yikes!! - franke, 2007-11-30: 10:03:00
A legitimate beef. No doubt her next steak will be cooked medium hair. - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-30: 10:22:00
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: breech-of-con-tacked
Sentence: Melanie was worried that by sending back her cold soup, she had created a breachofcontact, thus opening herself up for all sorts of unsavory retailatory possibilities. Melanie was aware that the agreement between server and servee was tenuous at best, and did not instigate a breachofcontact lightly. Nonetheless, she was still surprised and more than a little disgusted to find a cigarette butt in her piping hot soup.
Etymology: breach of contract revised to breach of contact
Clever. Great sentence with nice nuances. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 17:53:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: gaff at waff o bee a
Sentence: Her gaffatwaphobia was so intense that she called all of the teddy bears she gave as gifts to her nephews and nieces after herself, for fear of reprecussions.
Etymology: Gaff fatwa phobia
Created by: swallowedbyafish
Sentence: He was instantly filled with remorsel after realizing the waiter was about to go do unspeakable things to his food.
Etymology: remorse + morsel
oops didn't mean to steal somebody else's idea...
sorry - swallowedbyafish, 2007-11-30: 22:53:00
Created by: Nosila
Sentence: Be careful what you wish outloud for...

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram~ James
remistram - 2007-11-30: 10:14:00
I admit - one of my paranoias....
purpleartichokes - 2007-11-30: 13:49:00
Thanks for all the great definitions Remi!
By the way, Remistram also gets a credit for yesterday's definition. She originally submitted her definition about compulsive sniffing in June, so I have added her name to the credits which she shares with kabloozie. Thanks! ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-12-09: 01:06:00
Am I the only one confounded by the previous verbotomies being show as new ones, along with the re-run of the definition? When we go to vote for the new verbotomies, it's going to be confusing to vote for the new verbotomies instead of the old verbotomies.
logarithm - 2008-12-09: 04:24:00
A re-run, huh? I think it's ok to mix the old and new verbotomies together, and let people vote for their favourites. New verbotomies are great, but some of the old ones might still be the better ones. p/s Silveryaspen: I am back! ;-)
wayoffcenter - 2008-12-09: 05:31:00
But old games have already been decided and have major point advantages over any new entries. It stops regular contributors from playing. They already have a word entered for this contest.
logarithm - 2008-12-09: 07:02:00
It's a contest?
Hey Silvery et al, Oops! Double replay. I have now updated today's definition. See it here: Isn't it a bit early to be wearing Christmas decorations? Be creative, James
Yes, logarithm, it's a game. We have daily and weekly winners. The winning word of the day gets printed in the "b", Baltimore's free daily newspaper. See: b the paper. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James