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'I wish I knew what I'm thinking?'

DEFINITION: n. A lost thought; v. To become distracted and lose track of what you were thinking.

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Created by: texmom

Pronunciation: ah ten shun e see ya

Sentence: During her speech a spell of attentionesia swept the next thought from her mind

Etymology: attention + amnesia

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Created by: angelheart

Pronunciation: Crania-FLAT-u-ence

Sentence: "I'm really suffering from a bad case of craniaflatuence"

Etymology: Crania-pertaining to the head or brain Flatuence-having excess gas in the system

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Created by: katytee


Sentence: "Sorry, had a bit of a baffling little psyskip there...what was I saying again?"

Etymology: psych (i.e stuff to do with the mind) + skip (like what a CD might do)

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Created by: serendipity9000

Pronunciation: thred-rift

Sentence: I had just the perfect final thought for my paper, but then I lost hold of it and the next minute it was threadrift.

Etymology: Thread (as in thread of an idea or thought) + drift (to move away)

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Created by: pinwheel

Pronunciation: tad/ull/d

Sentence: I had rubber gloves on and three foot of garden hose in my hand but for the life of me I was so taddled I couldn't think what I had intended to do with it.

Etymology: tad ( a small amount) + addled (confused)


that reminds me - I have to do some gardening today and if I get taddled, I can just wash the car - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-21: 09:37:00


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Created by: Carria



Etymology: From latin pēnsāre "think " and amnesia

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Created by: Scattercat

Pronunciation: de-NEH-mon. Similar to denouement, with which it shares some aspects of connotation as well.

Sentence: He opened his mouth to begin the presentation, and his mind went blank; if he hadn't had his notecards ready, it would have been a total demnemonstration.

Etymology: The word has roots in 'demon', such as might be responsible for the phenomenon, and 'mnemonic', which in this experience is conspicuous in its absence. The prefix 'de-' and the root 'mnem' also combined to play a certain role here.

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: pond + err + or

Sentence: I had this great idea for a new flavor of frozen yogurt but then my brain had a ponderror and I don't know what it was any more.

Etymology: ponder + error

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Created by: JayBaldo



Etymology: A terrible combo of lost and thought.

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Created by: LMR1991

Pronunciation: brain-i-tick

Sentence: Ugh! I have a brainitch.


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-21: 01:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41. Thank you ziggy41! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-12-04: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41. Thank you ziggy41. ~ James