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'Don't kitty me!'

DEFINITION: v. To collect all the emotional energy you receive from one person, and then share it with the very next person you meet. n. Emotional transference.

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Created by: IHeartKiwiTarts

Pronunciation: "ee-moe-leck-tour"

Sentence: I am a totally emollector

Etymology: emotion + collector emollector yay!

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Created by: fonka99

Pronunciation: Diss-charge

Sentence: Gus felt extremely guilty after disscharging his feelings on the bus driver on his way home, after all it wasn't his fault he got fired!

Etymology: From the urban word "diss" meaning to disrespect and "discharge" meaning to relieve.

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Created by: missparaguay1991

Pronunciation: /RFLKSFKT/

Sentence: Didn't your mum say that line to you five minutes ago? stop reflexaffecting me!

Etymology: Reflexaffect: reflex from the E reflect meaning show an image, and affect from the E affected, meaning have an effect on

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Created by: spacemonkeymafia

Pronunciation: trans-i-mō-sōō'per-nō'va

Sentence: The transemosupernova has been the cause of many arguments started by my girlfriend.

Etymology: Trans - From the Latin meaning "across, over, or beyond. Emo - from emotion, French émotion, from Old French, from esmovoir, to excite, from Vulgar Latin *exmovēre : Latin ex-, ex- + Latin movēre, to move. Super - Latin, from super, over, above.


Ran out of room for the etymology for nova. Here it is. Nova - New Latin (stēlla) nova, new (star), nova, feminine of Latin novus, new. - spacemonkeymafia, 2007-01-02: 12:38:00


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Created by: adobrodt

Pronunciation: ree-flex-i-ven-uhm

Sentence: Jenny met Bob after the disastrous art show and commenced to reflexivenomize on him for forty-five minutes.

Etymology: From reflection and VENOM

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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: moo dee fleckt

Sentence: Karen was a killer moodiflect, you could bet if she'd been to visit her mom in prison, she'd be very strange that day.

Etymology: from mood and deflect


I wonder what she was like when she didn't go to prison? - wordmeister, 2007-01-02: 16:09:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: ang-storm

Sentence: After receiving a tongue-lashing from his wife, Bob angstormed the poor dog for getting dog food crumbs on the floor.

Etymology: angst, storm

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Created by: Wriiight



Etymology: Procrastinate + Antagonize

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Created by: garlinger626

Pronunciation: emo-shun-er-sha

Sentence: Sorry about slapping you earlier, I let my emotionertia get the best of me.

Etymology: emotion and inertia

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Created by: egonschiela

Pronunciation: sh-out-rayj

Sentence: When my mother phones, it follows that I have to shoutrage my sister to let off steam.

Etymology: shout - usually loud vocalisation! plus rage - emotional state.

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Carole - 2007-01-02: 22:55:00
Good one Peta, yours has the same meaning as mine. Emotedump.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-08-07: 09:28:00
Hey, Our Twitter feeds were slowing down the Verbotomy site because Twitter was hacked. See: I have removed twitter until they get it fixed. ~ James