Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. An unintended consequence of medical or psychological therapy, especially if the therapy is supposed to make you feel "young again". v. To feel young and stupid again.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: pan ay see ak sen shu ay shon
Sentence: Little did Thomas realize that the memory pills would have this level of panaceaccentation. Soon, he was remembering the entire history of his family, learning deeper and darker secrets than he'd ever hoped to imagine, having seen in reminiscent first hand the moment of his conception, and what his father was doing at the other side of town when it happened.
Etymology: panacea + accentuation
The ashes of the latter half of last week are beneath me, forgotten, as I am reborn, at work again, assuming this week will suck as well. also, if you wanted to know what his dad was doing, *spoilers* probably drinking? - jadenguy, 2007-06-18: 11:38:00
His father must have been well hung -over to have managed it from the other side of town - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 11:49:00
that wasn't exactly the case, but let's just say they decided to stay together once the killherinsticts subsided. - jadenguy, 2007-06-18: 11:59:00
His mother was a peter panderer. (oops) - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 13:00:00
Actually I think she only dated Dicks - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 14:25:00
She dated John's son for a schlong time - maybe he was the father. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 15:20:00
I think you're being a bit hard on John's son - he always practised safe sex - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 15:43:00
HA! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 15:53:00
i warned you guys about getting cocky with puns! i'm really gonna have to drop The Hammer sometimes. it's getting hard to come here night after night. - jadenguy, 2007-06-18: 17:27:00
OMG, too funny! I guess the pen-is mightier than the sword! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-18: 17:55:00
hehe - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 19:38:00
So, she dated John's son, and gave birth to Thomas, but where was John's Thomas? And how could she have known that Thomas wood grow into such a firm specimen? Sure, he seemed like a rigid tool to all the dorks he played ball with, but the staff found it hard to yank him. Of course, most of the jerks were jealous, having seen him whack multiple times with his club. Many of them attributed his exceptional schmuck to his years of wang chun training in Hung Dong. By the bellend he was ready to toss in the towel. - Clayton, 2007-06-18: 19:52:00
Clayton - you really are the master..... - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 19:58:00
I try. How's that for a happy ending? - Clayton, 2007-06-18: 23:35:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: teen-men-chah
Sentence: After a trip to the stud farmacologist and eating two boxes of Wild Oats 'n' Bran, Bob got a wicked case of Teenmentia. His neighbors watched in horror as he chased his poor old wife Alice around the yard while simulataneously crooning the Barry White tune "Let's Get It On."
Etymology: teen, dementia
Got my vote! - remistram, 2007-06-18: 14:38:00
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: ree-PEW-burr-tyze
Sentence: Gerald repubertised on Viagra, regaining the physical competence (and mental incompetence) of a teenager.
Etymology: re- (prefix) + puberty (physiological process of sexual maturation) + -ise (suffix)
Haha! :) Voted! - Rhyme79, 2012-10-11: 10:18:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: satt n eye t fee vur
Sentence: well, you could tell by the way he used his walk, his satnitefever turned his brain to chalk.
Etymology: fever, saturday night fever
Travolta? I hardly know her! - Clayton, 2007-06-18: 19:56:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rep tyle dis funk shun
Sentence: "Doctor, Doctor" said Maude into the phone, "Those pills you gave Ed are making him act like a horny toad and an iguana who wanna...what's wrong with him?" The Doctor calmly replied, "He's just suffering from reptiledysfunction. He will go through stages where he will become a lounge lizard, play "Karma Chameleon"; vote for Newt Gingrich and redo your home in Art Gecko style. Just Monitor him and call me in the morning".
Etymology: Reptile (cold-blooded vertebrate) Dysfunction (any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part) & Wordplay on Erectile Dysfunction (impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis)
Lol, how many reptile puns can you fit in?! You are clearly talented! ;) Made me smile. - Rhyme79, 2012-10-11: 10:23:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: ther-age-pew-trick
Sentence: The tragedy was that her older husband had only wanted to surprise her for her birthday, but instead the theragepeutrick resulted in him spending the weekend sucking on a pacifier and wetting his pants.
Etymology: therapeutic + age + trick
gives a whole new meaning to the endearment 'Baby' - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-18: 14:23:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: medidātng
Sentence: Since Edith passed Richard has had little interest in re-kindling his love life but his doctor has introduced him to a new sport; medidating. A couple of little pills give him the redumb to seek out the company of women with confidunce.
Etymology: medicate (administer medicine or a drug to someone) + dating (a social or romantic appointment or engagement)
clever... - mweinmann, 2010-01-12: 07:41:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: yoo/thuh/ney/zee/ast
Sentence: Viagra and some other new miracle drugs are a form of youthanasia. With these drugs, young ideas, images and urgings are brought about in an old, incapable body.
Etymology: youth + euthanasia
Created by: ohwtepph
Pronunciation: not-thees [thin]
Sentence: Mr. Crooks always had a problem with his ears. One day, he went to the doctor and asked, "Doctor, my ears are semi-deaf. Hell, I can't even hear my own farts." The doctor gave him a wonder medicine that was described to miraculously heal the ears. One day, the meds kicked in and he was rushed to the emergency room with the wife screaming, "Notthis! Notthis!" The emergeny room was in a mess when the medicine that the doctor gave Mr. Crooks intensified his flatus rather than aid his hearing.
Etymology: not this
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: froli - su - tik - ul
Sentence: Mabel was drawn along on one of Elmer's froliceutical adventures after he popped one of the new pills his doctor prescribed. The craziness lasted well past supper time.
Etymology: frolic, pharmaceutical
Verbotomy - 2007-06-18: 01:11:00
Today's definition was inspired by Rob Sawyer's newest novel, Rollback. It is a story about a happily married (60 years!) couple who get "Rollbacks" -- medical procedures which are supposed to turn their 80-year old bodies into 25-year ones. It works for the husband, but unfortunately not for the wife -- which puts a bit a test on their marriage when they start to develop different levels of "need". ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-06-18: 01:50:00
Purpleartichokes Wins GUST! Read all about it in Verbotoweek: purpleartichokes - The Office Politician.
jadenguy - 2007-06-18: 11:28:00
that was also an episode of the twilight zone. that show was amazing because it was both awesome and taught values!
jermainechambers44 - 2010-01-12: 18:04:00