Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who regularly sulks inside cafes and coffeehouses all day, contributing nothing more to their world than a pout. v. To glower angrily at the state of world affairs while remaining inactive and unemployed.
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Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: so shall gripe
Sentence: Akin to the socialite is the socialgripe, with no hobbies or job prospects, but plenty of serious interests in society’s problems. Sour socialgripes congregate in neighbourhood cafes to share stories of social injustices. Many socialgripes have geniune concerns, but lack resources to remedy them.
Etymology: From: socialite and gripe.
Created by: Kallystie
Pronunciation: sec-mo
Sentence: Maggie recently moved to Seattle for a job. After she moved to Seattle, she found out that her job was given to somebody more qualified. Day after day she sat at her local café, brooding over the lose of her job over a small Americano. One day she though to herself…I have become such a secmo. I should stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it.
Etymology: Secmo is a combination of the words Seattle, café, and emotional.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: wan/val/des/pur/ah/doh
Sentence: Juanvaldesperado is often seen hanging around coffee houses desperately seeking the one true beaning of life.
Etymology: Juan Valdez + desperado (Spanish for desperate)
He's just trying to mocha difference...good word! - Nosila, 2008-05-16: 08:38:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Dee-kaff-dee-flay-ted
Sentence: Sue had been in the cafe for over an hour, contemplating things. She could sum them up in a few words. No Job, no life, no hope!! The longer she sat there glowering over yet another cup of coffee she just got more and more decaffdeflated.
Etymology: Decaffinated(to have had caffeine removed) + Cafe(a place for refreshment)+ deflated(to become morose,depressed) = decaffdeflated
great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-16: 10:14:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /JA-vap-uh-thee/
Sentence: Veronica hated going to the coffee shop next to the building where she worked because it seemed to always be filled with fateful, indifferent, Generation-Y'ers who were filled with javapathy, and acted world-weary and jaded beyond their years. They usually appeared to be alert and perceptive young adults, although that may have just been from all the caffeine. So, why didn't these people have jobs? Who was supporting these flocks of coffee house beatniks, sitting around scowling at the rest of the world, and sipping expensive café mocha lattes?
Etymology: Java - brewed coffee; coffee from the island of Java (Slang, from Java, an island in Indonesia where coffee is grown) + Apathy - lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things in general; indifference (from Greek, apathes "without emotion")
nice one. - stache, 2008-05-16: 08:41:00
Add in tidapthy - nice word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-18: 18:27:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ja va prob lem
Sentence: Sharon sat petulantly in her favourite coffee bar scowling as usual. She thought it made her look intellectual and intriguing... but to the other patrons, her body language said javaproblem?
Etymology: Java (coffee) & Problem (Issue) and Wordplay on "Do you have a problem?" (facetious question)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: cop/out/cheeno
Sentence: Sally believed in the philosophy of coppoutchino and regularly drowned her sorrows in a big cup of freshly brood coffee.
Etymology: cop out + pout + cappucino
Good Blend...heady yet aromatic! - Nosila, 2009-07-06: 10:06:00
clever....ground, brood and enjoyed in a new blend of capuchino, cop out and it. - mweinmann, 2009-07-06: 12:07:00
Best word today! (Although I don\'t want to try this blend!) - splendiction, 2009-07-06: 12:34:00
Excellent! - Mustang, 2009-07-07: 00:30:00
Created by: Rutilus
Pronunciation: kaf-ay-sneer-eeya
Sentence: Jan hated people, politicians, pets, TV, almost eveything in fact. In her own mind she was the most beautiful and gifted person on earth and it was about time someone came to her and offered her that dream job. Like all sufferers of cafesneeria, she was oblivious to her condition and its ability to divorce her from society and reality.
Etymology: cafeteria - coffee shop; sneer - scornful expression
I think I know her. lol Very good verboticism - Mustang, 2008-05-16: 07:12:00
good one - petaj, 2008-05-17: 05:15:00
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: sup+pout+cast
Sentence: Were it not for the number of suppoutcasts constantly hanging around, there would hardly have been enough business for one coffeehouse in town, let alone several.
Etymology: sup+pout+cast
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kôfēgrous
Sentence: Ruby spends much of her day in the local coffee shop. While the waitress pours her java, she pours out her displeasure with the state of her life. Her grumbling has earned her the title of coffeegrouse.
Etymology: coffee (a drink made from the roasted and ground bean-like seeds of a tropical shrub) + grouse (complain pettily; grumble) play on coffeehouse
Verbotomy - 2008-05-16: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by scissorlips. Thank you scissorlips. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-07-06: 09:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by scissorlips. Thank you scissorlips. ~ James
artipt - 2018-07-18: 06:23:00
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