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'Don't worry, if I get terribly randy...'

DEFINITION: n. The fear that you will be outsourced, downsized, unassigned, or separated (one way or another) from your weekly paycheck. v. To use the threat of outsourcing and downsizing to manage and motivate your team.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pink slip per ee

Sentence: Snow White had a unique approach to making the Seven Dwarves work in the mines. She was Happy if they went off each morning singing their Hi-Ho song. But if they felt Sleepy or Sneezy or Dopey or Bashful and did not go to the Doc, it would make Snow White Grumpy. So she would use pinkslippery to motivate their little back sides. Let's face there isn't much work out there for whistling tiny guys, who only know how to work underground. Although it is Grimm, it obviously worked, because no movie was ever made about Snow White and the 5 or 6 Dwarves.

Etymology: Pink Slip (official notice that you have been fired from your job) & Slippery (not to be trusted;being such as to cause things to slip or slide) also Slipper (as in the magical footwear famous in fairy tales).

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: re - DUN - dunt - see

Sentence: Arvin was deeply depressed, caught up in serious redundantsee and having visions of his position at the office being eliminated and finding himself looking for a new source of income.

Etymology: Blend of redundant and see. A play on redundancy, a term for 'layoff' in some places.


Good word...Arvin was a redundunce! - Nosila, 2008-05-30: 23:02:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: down size

Sentence: When the meeting had been announced, the jungle drums had beat in overtime mode, speculation was rife and people got their exercise jumping to conclusions. Phil could hear the attitude already in the meeting he was addressing. He was here to tell his staff about the new contracts they had just signed, which would give everyone job security. But being the pessimists they were, he could hear the downsighs already. When he did announce the good news, nobody believed him. They all had visions of severance packages in their heads and had all sent off their resumes and cleaned out their desks. How in the hell was he supposed to service the new contracts now? He figured they had all come down with contract squirmatitis!

Etymology: downsize (To make a company smaller through terminations, retirements, or the selling off of various operations) & sighs (utter with a sigh) & down (cause to come or go down or non-existant)


heehee - galwaywegian, 2008-05-30: 07:40:00

I've had contract squirmatitis before, it's no fun!! Excellent word. - Mustang, 2008-05-30: 22:19:00


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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: BANGAlor+forLORN

Sentence: All the boss has to do is mention bringing in Offshore Resources and we are too bangalorn to do anything but suck it up.

Etymology: BANGAlor+forLORN Bangalor, India - famous for being built up from the early outsourcing trend; the "Silicon Valley of India."


funny! - arrrteest, 2008-05-30: 22:15:00

Good one...I get bangalorn getting sales calls from the Royal Bank of Canada during my dinnertime! - Nosila, 2008-05-30: 22:57:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: STRAWNG-ahm

Sentence: It was Roxie's mantra, to strongalm them "Do you know the real meaning of salary sacrifice?" She would roar. "It means when your livelihood, becomes your deadlihood, and you, your wife and kids are in the poor house. That will be my payout to you, if you don't get this job done ahead of schedule."

Etymology: Blend of Strong_ARM: to bully, standover & ALM: a back formation creating a verb from alms (s & pl noun): handout, money, goods, and other donations given to the poor and needy - in many cases through unemployment.

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Created by: wordmeister

Pronunciation: dum feer

Sentence: I was overcome byn dumpheer when they moved the office downtown

Etymology: dump +fear

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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: Man-aj-jit-tayte

Sentence: My manager knows how to managitate. If I don't finish the job by tomorrow, he's going to cut my pay for next month.

Etymology: Manage + agitate

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: moh/tuh/zahy/i/tee

Sentence: Motixiety is the chosen strategy of most toxic managers. It's easier to stay aloof from their workers by using fear for production, than actually having a conversation and getting to know their employees.

Etymology: motixiety - motivate + anxiety - negative motivating through the use of anixety

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: |jʊˈzəːp| |əː| |rʌɪz|

Sentence: Jack was in constant fear of his crazy boss. "He's completely cuckoo" Jack Wood say, "Let's see him usurperize me after I change all the passwords on the mainframe". (Ed.- er mainframe?)

Etymology: Usurp and er-ize for blending sultanas only nicer.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pink slip o fobia

Sentence: Serena suffered from pinkslipophobia,especially when the budget cuts were announced each year. So far she had dodged that bullet. She was sure it was because she refused to wear a pink slip to work...

Etymology: Pink slip (lose your job) & Phobia (fear)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-30: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by rebelvin. Thank you rebelvin. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-05-30: 10:45:01
Attention all female Verbotomists:
It has come to my attention that the most men do not get "Sex and the City", the once popular TV Series which is just been release as "major" Hollywood extravaganza. I am hoping that perhaps, this is just an education problem. And in an effort to address this knowledge gap, I am proposing we engage ourselves in a Sex and the City Week here at Verbotomy, starting on Monday June 2, 2008. That is why I am sending out this emergency call for Sex and the City definitions.

Submit your Sex and The City Definition...

I have also posted a short instructional video on our blog to help give a hint to the males in the crowd. See: Verbotomy gets in bed with Sex and the City

Your humble creative servant ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-07-30: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by rebelvin. Thank you rebelvin. ~ James

Malinareink - 2018-08-01: 06:33:00
Мне очень жаль, ничем не могу Вам помочь. Но уверен, что Вы найдёте правильное решение. Не отчаивайтесь.

Genkareink - 2018-08-01: 10:21:00
Это — невероятно!