Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A person who exudes confidence and a strong offensive odor. v., To be blithely yet resolutely unaware of one's own odors.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: smelf/ass/ured
Sentence: To be smellfassured requires confidence and a strong manly smell.
Etymology: smell + self-assured
Funny ! We want to read more.... - metrohumanx, 2008-09-02: 12:26:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Ol-facta-salt
Sentence: The hideous odors emanating from Horace following his workouts amounted to an olfactassault on his co-workers
Etymology: Olfactory + assault
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: slob-iv-ee-oh-der-us
Sentence: Ken was so slobliviodorous that he thought the women who were holding their breath and squinting when near him were just holding in a sigh and winking at him with both eyes. He never did understand that the airsickness bags strategically placed around the office were there because of him.
Etymology: slob + oblivious + odorous
A real mouthful - or should I say noseful! Like the word; good sentence,too. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:17:00
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: IG-nore-eek
Sentence: Larry was ignoreek of the dumbfunk pouring out of his clothing.
Etymology: Ignorant + reek. dumbfunk = an odor of which you are blissfully unaware.
very good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:06:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /fungk-on-shuss/
Sentence: Carlos thought of himself as the office 'Romeo,' stopping to try to speak to all the young ladies who worked there. Unfortunately, he was completely funkonscious — totally unaware of his strong body odor, not to mention his bad breath. None of his conversations lasted very long, but he was blissfully ignorant of why.
Etymology: Funk - a strong smell; stench (from dial. French, funkière "smoke") + Unconscious - without awareness, sensation, or cognition (from Latin, un- "not" & conscius "knowing, aware")
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: ee go rank
Sentence: Larry's egorank was a growing problem wafting around the office. His colleagues would make a stink when he approached the water cooler, which they developed a sense for his proximity to, and surreptitiously say, "quick, scatter, here comes Larry with his pridefunk".
Etymology: EGO: self-conceit, pride, self-love + RANK:, offensive, foul, ripe, malodorous
Created by: logarithm
Pronunciation: faul-faek-shEn
Etymology: Foul - offensively malodorous. Olfaction - the faculty of smell
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: bee-oh-day-shuss
Sentence: as he walked in the room with a stinky swagger, it was clear just how b.o.dacious he had become
Etymology: b.o. [body odour], bodacious
b.o.dourful word - petaj, 2007-10-02: 08:24:00
Creative and clever! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-02: 08:59:00
A good and clever word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:04:00
A good and clever word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-02: 18:04:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: bore-pong-er
Sentence: In her daily visits to the gym, Feclicia found nothing harder than to be polite in the presence of a boreponger. These ones, so dull in their enthusiasm for themselves and all they were doing to improve their lives...these ones who left such a foul stench in the midst of their comings and goings, left her no recourse, but to turn up the treadmill and walk faster. On the upside, she was reaching her weight loss goals ahead of time.
Etymology: from bore, an uninspiring person + pong, a stench Rhymes with "whoremonger" so it has that tone of low-life, twisted values, etc
Scathingly realistic. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-03: 09:05:00
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: spree-kuh
Sentence: Why is it that spreeks are always men who wear sleeveless t-shirts? They always smell of B.O. or patchouli essential oil. Sometimes, with a master spreek, it's a stenchful mixture of the two.
Etymology: 'S' from smell + 'P' from perspire + reek = spreek
Verbotomy - 2007-10-02: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by IneffableDawn. Thank you IneffableDawn! ~ James
lumina - 2008-09-04: 00:51:00
Oooooo...I get so excited when I win! I'd like to thank...of course parents...for without them I wouldn't be here...the academy of agent...oh wait, I don't have one...(music starts to play me out)OH! There's that music!!! Um...and...Well, I guess this means...You LIKE me...You really, really LIKE me!
lumina - 2008-09-04: 07:27:00
Hey...hours ago it said "I" won. ? Oops...never mind... *blush*
Verbotomy - 2010-02-01: 00:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB. ~ James