Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To be offered regular encouragement, unwavering support and subtle but unrelenting criticism based on the worry that you may not be realizing your "full potential". n. The helpful but sometimes annoying advice given by a mother to a child.
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Created by: alicat
Pronunciation: Love-o-tauge
Sentence: Eric's Mother was not happy with his penthouse suit, his fancy cars, or his high-paying job on Bay Street. He wasn't living up to his potential, she believed. He could have been a neurosurgeon if he just put his mind to it. Every Sunday at dinner his Mother would chastise him for not putting enough effort into his work. She would lovotage him until he got the point and went back to school.
Etymology: Love+Sabotage
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: MOM-bi-seech
Sentence: What Penelope intended as gentle motherly advice for her son, Larry, came out as shrieking mombeseech, small compliments followed by harsh and almost demanding insistence on following certain life choices that she thought best for him.
Etymology: Blend of 'mom' and 'beseech' (to implore urgently)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hen kurr ajd
Sentence: He wasn't sure why, but when she hencouraged him, he felt foul.
Etymology: encouraged, henpecked
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: ad-mom-ish
Sentence: Lena knew that to raise her son properly she would have to encourage him and admomish him daily, even if he didn't want her advice and council.
Etymology: admonish: to reprove gently but earnestly, expression of criticism + mom
nice - galwaywegian, 2010-07-12: 09:29:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: rekəmämdāshənz
Sentence: Tim’s mother is always ready with recommomdations for just about everything he does. The recipe? One part advice and one part criticism. Tim’s formula? Two parts ignore!
Etymology: recommendation (advise or suggest something as a course of action) + mom (one\'s mother)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: mahmm innn ayt
Sentence: She always tried to mominate proceedings, never leaving any womb for condradicktory positions. She would womaneuver any situation, using well timed uterusences, designed to castigate her often bitter litter. She was an amomination!
Etymology: dominate, mom
The sentence deserves a prize on its own! - didsbury, 2008-05-09: 16:17:00
Maternally yours...good word, I mominate it! - Nosila, 2008-05-09: 21:37:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: nag-ah-tized
Sentence: Bliochie nagahtyzed Williewoed enough to where he avoided her at all costs.
Etymology: Nag- To constantly complain. Ah...Sigh! Tyzed- Kind of like being tased with a verbal stun gun.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: men tor men ting
Sentence: Since he was small, Joey's Mama was on his case to do better and make her proud. Although she always gave him a kiss after, she used the mentormenting style of coaching for her baby boy. When he got 98% on his tests, she'd say things like "That's great, but why didn't you get 100%?" Despite her he went into politics and eventually was voted Vice President, an awesome accomplishment. But of course, although proud of him, she still wants to know why he didn't make it to President!
Etymology: Mentor (a wise and trusted guide and advisor) & Tormenting (extreme mental distress;the act of harassing someone;torment emotionally or mentally)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ch - i - dans
Sentence: Agnes bestowed large amounts of chidance on all of her children; thinking that she was being helpful. She was afraid that if someone did not give them regular support, encouragement and loud lectures, they might not realize that they were not quite living out her dreams for them.
Etymology: chide (rebuke a person harshly), guidance (advice, help)
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: im/poe/ten/tate
Sentence: His mother was such an impotentate that her nagging had a reverse effect.
Etymology: impotent + potentate
Verbotomy - 2008-05-09: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by my mother. And of course, I always follow her advice! Happy Mother's Day! ~ James
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