Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To compensate for lack of love, attention and/or sexual favors by buying things, lots of things. n. An object purchased to compensate for sexual dawdling.
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Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: pur-cho-SEK-shoo-uhl
Sentence: Roxie never had the slightest intention of consummating her marriage to Bob. After all, think of the danger: children are expensive, leaving little for spend-ups on yourself. Initially, naturally, Bob raised objections to the idea, but gradually she made him see the 'wisdom of her ways. What's more realizing that he had plenty of money to indulge himself with, he began splurging with a red hot passion in procuring the most exotic screws. Still, at times, he did feel that he had been toolshedded; though life was certainly not without its ups and downs as a purchosexual.
Etymology: PURCH of purchase & SEXUAL, as in metrosexual, retrosexual, fauxmosexual. Cognate:purchosexuality
love the sound of this and a great funny sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-05: 15:50:00
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: foo-did-le
Sentence: After 17 and half hours of abstinence, Seymour was about ready to jump out of his pants, so rather than attacking his boss – for some bizarre reason she was getting more and more attractive by the second – he went downstairs fooddidled himself with brand new cravat. And as the afternoon wore on, he simply tightened the loop around his neck whenever the urge returned. Sadly none of his coworkers noticed, until it was too late...
Etymology: fool ( or faux) + diddle
Created by: tgulden422
Pronunciation: MAT-uh-dote
Sentence: Guy 1: "Bought her a $5000 bracelet as a token of my affection." Guy 2: "Desperate much? Way to matadote."
Etymology: Mata - material, dote - to love in excess
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: sex/sti/toot
Sentence: When Joe and Jenny were having an extended fight and not talking to each other, Joe would sexstitute with the purchase of many big ticket items.
Etymology: SEXSTITUTE - verb - from SEX + SUBSTITUTE
Created by: pungineer
Pronunciation: master-buy-shun
Sentence: Poor Steve had been in a fulfilling heterosexual relationship for so long his only sexual outlet was popping down to his local hardware megastore for some much needed masterbysion in the extendable tool aisle
Etymology: i'll let you all rack your brains to figure this one out...
masterfull - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-05: 15:48:00
He might have been looking for a lathe? - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-05: 23:45:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: se/cure/i/ti/say/shee/ay/shun
Sentence: Mark's love life wouldn't have been fulfilled without the securitisatiation he experienced on a shopping spree. He was grateful for the wide variety of orgasmic produce now available at the local supermarket.
Etymology: secure (purchase) + satiate (satisfy) + securitization
good word! - TJayzz, 2008-06-05: 19:58:00
Good word- experts say one needs security in marriage. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-05: 23:46:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: shop u awl gra ti fi cay shun
Sentence: Yesterday it was her turn. He bought her two dozen long stems! 'That should buy me some time,' he thought. He felt shopuallygratified again with today's purchases...power tools, ahhhh!
Etymology: From sexual gratification and to shop.
shop till you drop... - Nosila, 2009-07-23: 19:28:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bīˈsek sh oōəl
Sentence: People say that things change when the ring goes on. If bedroom activities were curtailed after the nuptials, they became stagnant after the kids arrived. Kelly found himself becoming buysexual, one day shopping for things for her to garner her favor, the next shopping for himself, to compensate for his sense of inadequacy. For him, it has to be a cash purchase. Somehow, the use of plastic is never as satisfying as the real thing.
Etymology: buy (obtain in exchange for payment) + sexual (relating to the instincts, physiological processes, and activities connected with physical attraction or intimate physical contact between individuals) a play off of bisexual (having characteristics of both sexes)
It's a good buyword! - Nosila, 2009-07-23: 19:28:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mall con tent
Sentence: When Cyrus found himself feeling the everydayness of marriage, he would head out for a day of retail therapy to become a true mallcontent.
Etymology: Mall (shopping Mecca) & Content (Happy) & WorPlay on Malcontent (a person who is discontented)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kom-spend-sey-shuhn
Sentence: Ron is having trouble adjusting to the fact that his wife earns far more than he does. He is also is not happy with how much time she spends on work and not him. His comspendsation might just solve this little dilemma by sending them into bankruptcy or divorce court.
Etymology: compensation (a mechanism by which an individual attempts to make up for some real or imagined deficiency of personality or behavior by developing or stressing another aspect of the personality or by substituting a different form of behavior) + spend (to pay out, disburse, or expend; dispose of money, wealth, resources, etc.)
Verbotomy - 2008-06-05: 00:00:01
Today's definition is inspired by the scene in Sex and the City where a sex-starved Samantha fills her Mercedes with boxes from Gucci ~ James
- 2008-06-05: 15:25:00
Ahaha - I just read this after I created my word...seems like we're both on the same thought track!!!!
- 2008-06-05: 17:30:00
Yes -- is it genetic?? Great word!