Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To pick up a piece of lint from the floor that your vacuum missed, and then drop it in front of the vacuum again, to give the vacuum another chance to suck it up. n. A piece of lint that a vacuum will not pick up.
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Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: mag-NET-eh-lint
Sentence: Valerie loved her new carpeting but hated the way lint would often cling to the shag and defy even her most diligent efforts to vacuum it up and in a moment of angry frustration she labeld the offending fuzz balls as magnetalint for the way they seemed magnetically stuck to the carpet.
Etymology: Blend of magnet and lint
Created by: scarletzinc
Etymology: Not evacuating lint
Created by: Kennecticut
Pronunciation: lint~assesment
Sentence: With her thumb and forefinger lintassesment tool, it was confirmed that this filament could be removed. She turned to page 32 of the manual on ' The right tool for the job' and found she needed the enticement tool, stored adjacent to the crevice tool. Noting the enticement tool has a row of brushes to if not actually vacuum the lint then at least entrap it for later cleaning of the enticement tool itself. The thumb and forefinger lintassesment tool also works well for this specialized task. She might have done just as well utilizing the black slack lint magnet tool. Maybe next time, then she can leave the work up to the professionals and the dry cleaners.
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: who-ver-man-ooh-ver
Sentence: Lisa spent ten minutes passing the vacuum over the lint on her rug in a frantic Hoovermanuvere before she realized she was trying to suck up part of the pattern in the carpet.
Etymology: Hoover (brand of Vacuum) + manuver
I tried to use "hoover" in a word, but yours is much better. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-20: 02:40:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hoo ver man oov er
Sentence: It was a catatonic experience when Miranda did her hoovermaneuver and sucked up half the cat.
Etymology: Hoover (brand of vacuum) & Maneuver (an action aimed at evading an opponent)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: ree-vak-you-ee
Sentence: She would have been done vacuuming 10 minutes ago, but she got fuzztrated with a five-time revacuee.
Etymology: re-vacuum, evacuee
excellent purple - I thought you'd go with another one of your wonderful verbots 'carpettunnelsyndrome' - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-04: 08:36:00
Wow, I don't even remember making that word. Guess I have forgotomy. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-04: 10:59:00
Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-07: 05:04:00
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: mal/int/gur/ur
Sentence: A malintgerer is a stubborn piece of lint which pretends to be ill to prevent being vacuumed up.
Etymology: malingerer + lint
Ha! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-04: 19:33:00
Ha! Good word. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-04: 20:08:00
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: son-of-a-lint
Sentence: No matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't get that sonnovalint off the carpet.
Etymology: son-of-a: a pest or annoying; lint - randoms found on the floor.
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: soo-per-fluff-floo-ent
Sentence: Desmond liked clean floors. He was constantly sweeping and vacuuming his apartment to an obsession. You would be hard pressed to find any dust bunnies under any furniture or his bed. That is, until his girlfriend recently moved in with her long-haired torti, Fluffhead. Now Fluffhead is a sociable cat who likes to rub up against you or jump up and nestle in your lap, leaving patches of fur that drives Desmond bonkers. Fluffy left a trail of her superfluffluent everywhere, which seemed not to be affected by the vacuum cleaner. Any guesses as to how long this relationship will last?
Etymology: super, from superfluous + fluff + effluent, as in waste
Great word! It's fun to say...over and over. LOL - Mustang, 2008-04-04: 04:57:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: duhst-kuhs-er
Sentence: Denise is an animal lover but she has absolutely no sympathy for dust bunnies. She likes nothing better than the whoomp sound of a clump of lint going up the hose of her vacuum. Nothing turns her into a dustcusser faster than a clump of fuzz that clings to the floor, refusing to succumb to the Hoover.
Etymology: dustbuster (a handheld cordless vacuum cleaner) + cusser (someone who swears; curses)
Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James
stache - 2008-04-04: 06:52:00
stache - 2008-04-04: 07:08:00
(oops. it's early here.)
Jamagra - 2008-04-04: 08:22:00
I think this one was an actual Sniglet back in the day... can't remember the word, though. :)
Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 11:06:00
Hey Jamagra, I think that sniglet was "carpetuation", which very good because it does seem to take long time to vacuum up a cat. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-05-25: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James