Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To pretend that you like something that you don't, in hopes that someone else will like your pretensions. n., A person who doesn't like what they actually like, and pretends to like what other people like.
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Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: PAJ-uh-leyt
Sentence: With Roxie following a diet consisting only of wheat grass, fruit and mineral water, Bob cunningly padulated its benefits, while surreptitiously breakfasting on steak, sausages and chips - organic, of course - at Padoulis' "Parthenon" Cafe.
Etymology: Padulate: blending of adulation & pad, meaning to create a false impression by adding, padding, embellishing, or exaggerating details of your adulation for something.
your etymology convinced me - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-28: 15:55:00
Created by: xirtam
Pronunciation: pri-tend'shəs
Sentence: It was quite obvious that Joe was a pretendtious bafoon. He was going on and on about the subtle differances in cavier, depending on what river the fish was from. Even though he has never had it prior to that night, and found it disgusting.
Etymology: Pretend - to allege or profess, esp. insincerely or falsely. + Pretentious - an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious.
great word - yellowbird, 2007-11-28: 10:54:00
Created by: jeremy21
Pronunciation: /pre-tendif-icate/
Sentence: Chad pretendificated when he was eating salt and vinegar chips.
Etymology: pretendificate comes from pretending or lying about what you do. ificate brings out more action in the word
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pashənyet
Sentence: Bill is passionyet about all the right causes. Whatever his current girlfriend cares about he is sure to pretend to love too.
Etymology: passionate (strong and barely controllable emotion) + nyet (Russian for no)
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: ape/ah/theh/tik
Sentence: He was totally apeathetic. Listening to him suck up to complete strangers was nauseating.
Etymology: ape + pathetic
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: fahn/duh/men/ta/list
Sentence: Stu was a flagrant fawndamentalist, famous for fakery.
Etymology: fawn (ingratiate) + fundamentalist (die-hard enthusiast)
Shazam! Couldn't have put it better myself. Excellent Verbotmicism! - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 07:52:00
Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-28: 17:46:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: pre-ten-joy-ment
Sentence: Expressing pretenjoyment is a must at church suppers, especially if the deacon's wife is a terrible cook.
Etymology: pretense: pretend;claim or allege insincerely + enjoyment: take pleasure from or joy in
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: kon-rad
Sentence: Kimberly hated her twin sister, Loretta. Loretta was an excellent conrade, quickly befriending strangers and extracting just enough information to steal their identities. "Oh, it's so important to write your social security number on the seeds of your organic produce, otherwise Monsanto will sue you for copyright infringement" she told a few new friends. And just as soon as she finished her day of work at MegaPharm, Inc. she was behind her chum's houses with a shovel and magnifying glass. "She thinks everyone's a chump" Kimberly complained, "I haven't talked to her since my application for a gapcard was denied."
Etymology: con (to betray confidence) + comrade (close friend)
did the definition necessarily pertain to food? oops - thegoatisbad, 2010-03-23: 14:12:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: So - she - OFF - uh -nee
Sentence: Always trying to impress those around him, Milburn had become a complete and shameless sociophony.
Etymology: Social + phony
Clever, because of the use of phony as in telephony - you can blend in with the social sounds you hear around you by echoing them. - petaj, 2007-11-28: 02:54:00
I think I know a few of these *cough* - TiaJay, 2007-11-28: 03:29:00
Thanks petaj, echoing the - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 06:36:00
I have known one or two myself, TiaJay. Hope yer *cough* gets better. :-) - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 06:37:00
I have known one or two myself, TiaJay. Hope yer *cough* gets better. :-) - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 06:47:00
clever - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-28: 15:53:00
I like it - very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-28: 17:48:00
Verbotomy - 2007-11-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang and remistram. Thank you Mustang and remistram! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-03-23: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James