Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To pretend that you like something that you don't, in hopes that someone else will like your pretensions. n., A person who doesn't like what they actually like, and pretends to like what other people like.
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Created by: bayview5377
Pronunciation: sik-oh-FAB-ri-cate (v) or sik-oh-FAB-ri-kit (n)
Sentence: I wanted the cute redhead to like me so when she told me she was a Steelers fan I had to sycophabricate my response. I want to be a sophisticate but what I did makes me a sycophabricate.
Etymology: From the words "sycophant", meaning a self-serving servile flatterer, and "fabricate", meaning to make up something untrue.
Created by: QuantumMechanic
Pronunciation: mee' mik
Sentence: He was a such a meemick, he ate one of my cucumber muffin sushi rice balls covered in honey.
Etymology: mee (
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: pree-var-eh-grate
Sentence: To stay in the boss's favor, I can prevarigreat like a pro.
Etymology: prevaricate, great
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: ape/ah/theh/tik
Sentence: He was totally apeathetic. Listening to him suck up to complete strangers was nauseating.
Etymology: ape + pathetic
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sham fayne
Sentence: Marvin was a snob and in order to impress his rich friends at the Country Club, he would pretend to know all about their culinary choices and pretend to enjoy them. In fact he knew very little about anything and his "friends" laughed about him behind his back. He was a chamfeign and did not really know that pate was goose livers smushed together; that caviar was cold eggs cut from a dead fish;that champagne was bubbly wine that made you burp a lot when you drank it as fast as he does or that steak tartare was raw meat with a raw egg on it. No one had the heart yet to tell him that sweetbreads were not made by bakers or that truffles were mushrooms that pigs dug up with their snotty snouts. Wait till he found out what that escargot he was pretending to enjoy really would go great with the grenouilles he had just gulped down. Yes, Marvin was becoming a real connoissewer!
Etymology: Champagne (sparkling, expensive white wine)& Sham (a person who makes deceitful pretenses) & Feign (make believe with the intent to deceive;make a pretence of)
Created by: Midedra
Pronunciation: Fake - a - tron
Sentence: God, he's such a fakeatron!
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: So - she - OFF - uh -nee
Sentence: Always trying to impress those around him, Milburn had become a complete and shameless sociophony.
Etymology: Social + phony
Clever, because of the use of phony as in telephony - you can blend in with the social sounds you hear around you by echoing them. - petaj, 2007-11-28: 02:54:00
I think I know a few of these *cough* - TiaJay, 2007-11-28: 03:29:00
Thanks petaj, echoing the - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 06:36:00
I have known one or two myself, TiaJay. Hope yer *cough* gets better. :-) - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 06:37:00
I have known one or two myself, TiaJay. Hope yer *cough* gets better. :-) - Mustang, 2007-11-28: 06:47:00
clever - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-28: 15:53:00
I like it - very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-28: 17:48:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pashənyet
Sentence: Bill is passionyet about all the right causes. Whatever his current girlfriend cares about he is sure to pretend to love too.
Etymology: passionate (strong and barely controllable emotion) + nyet (Russian for no)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: Role-Doo-Play
Sentence: I easily fit into any group that I travel in because I practice roleduplay. I duplicate other's opinions and preferences. This is all a sham. I am a master at role-playing. I am definitely a roleduplayer with a great deal of experience in roleduplay!!
Etymology: This word uses role-play and inserts the first part of the word "duplicate" in the middle.
Created by: thebaron
Pronunciation: phil-a-feign-ing
Sentence: Jeff was just philafeigning when he asked for the beef stew recipe.
Etymology: phil (like) & feign (fake)
Verbotomy - 2007-11-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang and remistram. Thank you Mustang and remistram! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-03-23: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by Mustang. Thank you Mustang. ~ James