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DEFINITION: n A lie told by a politician which is not really a lie, because in their heart of hearts, they are pretending it is true. v. To believe you are telling the truth even though you know it's really not.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: dubbl/doop
Sentence: His argument that subways were inhabited by zombies was so convincing that it became a doubledupe and he always had to take the bus
Etymology: double + dupe and dupe + double
I like that! - jedijawa, 2007-03-22: 21:55:00
Created by: ekath
Pronunciation: scru-pul-it-tics
Sentence: Each generation seems to have a well publicized example of scrupulitics that casts a negative light on all politicians: including but not limited to scandels involving clinton, nixon, and george washington with that controversial cherry tree.
Etymology: from scruples + politics and also effectively "screwing ones self over politically" if outed
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: l eye win skeee
Sentence: he couldn't explain why the liewinskies always left a funny taste in his mouth.
Etymology: lie Lewinski
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: poe/li/ti/coe/my/ly/tis
Sentence: Politicomylietis is an infectious viral disease rampant in political circles that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis of the part of the brain which can distinguish between fact and fiction.
Etymology: political + poliomyelitis + my lie tis (true)
Love it, very clever - TJayzz, 2008-06-12: 15:30:00
Terrific word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-13: 08:25:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: dee-sep-tee-con-gresh-ah-nul
Sentence: he always found it impressed the voters if he took a decepticongressional approach to health care
Etymology: deceptive, congress, decepticons[from transformers...those guys were evil]
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: flib
Sentence: Man, Bush tells a lot of flibs, but you just know he's convinced they're not lies.
Etymology: fib + glib
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: kon veen yent unt rooth
Sentence: a convenientuntruth is usually the result of a question they are glad you asked.
Etymology: convenient truth
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: f art
Sentence: The Governor knew he was not amongst his most loyal supporters, so it was suggested that he read the speech containing more fhearts than the one he read when in his hometown.
Etymology: hot air coming from the heart
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈflɛksəˌfækt/
Sentence: Most of what people assume are bald-faced lies are actually mere flexifacts; however, this does not make them less false and actually makes them more dangerous.
Etymology: From flexible + fact
agreed - wordmeister, 2007-03-22: 00:52:00
niiiiice! - allwise, 2007-03-22: 03:04:00
Good word!! One of the few words today that have anything to do with the definition!!! - Stevenson0, 2007-03-22: 22:49:00