Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who is totally consumed by what they eat. v. To be so focused on your food that it eats away at your soul.
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Created by: franke
Pronunciation: Food-a-phobic
Sentence: Lindsay sadly realized she came from a foodaphobic family but when challenged in restaurants she burst out singing, "Lettuce be, lettuce be, lettuce be, lettuce be. Whisper words of wisdom, lettuce be."
Etymology: Food-a-phobia (suffering from irrational fear of eating the wrong food)
Created by: Paloma
Sentence: Anna started turning into a psychophage when she took the phrase "you are what you eat" to heart as her dietary motto.
Etymology: psych (soul, mind) + phage (eat)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: dish-po-sessed
Sentence: After Marilyn began to experiment with French cooking she became dishpossessed by the spirit of Julia Child and began to exhibit strange behaviors such as speaking in a high nasal sounding voice and pouring wine into everything she cooked -- even her son's grilled cheese sandwich.
Etymology: dish: food, fare + possessed: inhabited by a demon or evil influence --dispossession: exorcism of evil spirits .......(Julia Child was an incredible woman who worked for the US Department of Information as a spy during WWII and was sent on missions around the world. She met and married her husband who was also in the Information services. After the War the Information Office sent them to France where she fell in love with French cuisine and attended the world famous Cordon Bleu cooking school. After returning to the United States she introduced the art of French cooking to America through her own cooking show from 1966 through the 1980's. She also authored several cook books. She was a large woman and had a unique speaking voice.)
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-07-15: 14:10:00
Tasty word! - Nosila, 2009-07-17: 10:20:00
Created by: bjorn
Sentence: Beatrice was utterly befooded by the bountiful birthday banquet before her.
Etymology: bewitched/bothered/bewildered/befuddled/ be-whatevered + food
Created by: Jabberwocky
Sentence: It was embarassing watching her nibbling on a carrot because her relationship with food was so saladacious!
Etymology: salacious + salad
haha, nice - deadpanwalking, 2006-11-15: 14:11:00
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: fee-dis-tir-ee-ah
Sentence: Buffy's feedysteria started with a hunger to be "sweet and cute". It was compounded by her firmly held belief that "You are what you eat". And so, she restricted her diet to sugar and bunny rabbits. It makes sense she'd say, as she nibbled at her fingernails.
Etymology: feed + hysteria
Created by: OldEnglish
Sentence: Susan's final wish to be mummified in bacon was seen by many as proof of her hamorexia.
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: an - om - meal - ee
Sentence: Donald had a strange anomealy. He had an unusual obsession with everything he ate and couldn't stop thinking about his next meal. He analyzed every grain, stalk, leaf and fiber and imagined himself as part of a larger garden. His soul had drifted away to the great garden in the sky.
Etymology: anomaly (A deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal; Something or someone that is strange or unusual), meal
great word - porsche, 2009-07-15: 14:17:00
Created by: queeny
Pronunciation: re fried guilt (the catholic kind)
Sentence: I KNOW I should reach for the carrots but the cake is closer and .......... GAWD , the self loathly and the refriedguilt, go for the carrots I tell myself.....but the cake has a shelf date......but, think carrots.
There is a food/issue theme here at Verbotomy, hmmmm interesting. - queeny, 2006-11-15: 10:11:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: sala/day/shush
Sentence: It was embarassing watching her nibbling on a carrot because her relationship with food was so saladacious!
Etymology: salacious (lustful) + salad
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: gore/mi/vat/ed
Sentence: He was totally gourmivated by food of any kind and his 438 pounds was a testament to this addiction.
Etymology: gourmivated - from gourmand (a person who is fond of good eating, often indiscriminatingly and to excess) + dominated (controlled, or governed)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: fill - ay - uv - sol
Sentence: JoAnn ordered fillet of sole every time she went to the Shipwreck Restaurant. For days afterwards she felt that she had a filletofsoul because she could not stop thinking about the meal and contemplate her next dining opportunity. These thoughts literally consumed her.....
Etymology: fillet, fillet of sole, soul
I'm voting for you, just for the halibut! - Nosila, 2009-07-16: 01:18:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: glut ton need
Sentence: Eggbert was consumed by his need for food. It ate away at him and turned him into a gluttoneed. Lettuce learn more: His parents had come here from the Cukeraine and fed him well. It did not help that he worked in a grocery store. He was head of the cabbage dept. and squashed his largesse into a uniform. He took leeks regularly, would always turnip on time and did not earn a large celery. His co-workers thought he was a fungi, even though there was not mushroom for advancement. He would romaine calm in a crisis and peppered his language with some salty phrases. He didn't have many dates and appeared not to carrot all for anything but food. But for all his faults, he was a human bean and did not deserve the beeting he got from the Zucchini Brothers. Poor Eggbert, Rest In Peas!
Etymology: Glutton (a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess) & Need (a condition requiring relief;the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: grəbˈse sh ən
Sentence: Milk is good for you, milk is bad for you. Eggs are wonderful, eggs are terrible. Far too many Americans are obese but artificial sweeteners could cause cancer. The media is sure to jump on every scientific study that comes out. Food, sustenance, vittles, grub, whatever you call it, if you follow along on your home scoresheet you may well develop a grubsession. Hey, maybe this is a syndrome. Can we do a study?
Etymology: grub (food) + obsession (an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person*s mind)
we certainly are grubsessed but now we know we're so full of preservatives that we should last longer - Jabberwocky, 2009-07-15: 14:12:00
Created by: alecstevenson
Pronunciation: diet-tribist
Etymology: diet + diatribe + ist
Created by: deadpanwalking
Pronunciation: nur-ish-MENT-al
Sentence: When Snoop went on the Long Beach Diet, that motherf***er went nourishmental with his rider demands.
Etymology: nourishment + mental
queeny - 2006-11-15: 10:11:00
ha ha ha , I'll be singing that song all day. Dang, I have verbotomy brain freeze......lettuce be, lettuce be, lettuce be......errrrr
Jabberwocky - 2006-11-17: 07:11:00
I love OldEnglish's "Susan's final wish to be mummified in bacon was seen by many as proof of her hamorexia."
- 2006-11-18: 16:25:00
Refriedguilt? Sounds like 'tucky fried
Verbotomy - 2009-07-15: 00:05:00
Today's definition was illustrated by Franke James. Thank you Franke. ~ James