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'I am in tune with me.'

DEFINITION: v. To turn up the volume on your ipod and zone out all exterior noise, chatter, distractions, and focus on what's really important - your own feelings! n. A person who is humming their own tune, and ignoring everything else.

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Created by: highwireart

Pronunciation: O-bli-va-pod-ing

Sentence: The spreadsheet was due by the end of the day and oblivapoding was the only way it was going to get done.

Etymology: Oblivious=The only existance is you and your world. Viva=To live IPod=Preserves sanity in a cubicle office environment

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Created by: Sed8ed




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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: pod-ee-brain-ing

Sentence: You could always tell when Bob's wife had been nagging, as you'd find him poddybraining afterwards.

Etymology: ipod, brain

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Created by: lebeast

Pronunciation: muse-i-cape

Sentence: I live to musicape

Etymology: music+escape

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Created by: bghicks

Pronunciation: all about me

Sentence: it's allaboutme!

Etymology: whatever

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ītoōnd

Sentence: Joyce is completely iTuned. If anything does not effect her directly or is not about her, she isn\\\'t interested. If any of her few friends try to tell her about their lives, she just iTunes them out. She refuses to use FaceBook because postings by others show up there and wastes her time. She preferrs to Tweet even though she has trouble understanding why more people haven\'t subscribed to her account.

Etymology: I (pronoun: first person singular) + tuned (adjust a receiver circuit such as a radio or television to the frequency of the required signal) + itunes (iTunes is a proprietary digital media player application, used for playing and organizing digital music and video files)

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Created by: microwavedboy

Pronunciation: Ob-live-i-pod

Sentence: She didn't notice the traffic swarming around her - she was a complete oblivipod.

Etymology: Oblivious. Ipod.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: empty-me

Sentence: Joy would plug into her Emptyme Player to tune out everything but what she wanted to hear. She was so shallow that, even when she wrecked her dad's new car with her boyfriend in it, the paramedics found her sitting on the curb singing along to "Oops I did it again" by Brittany Spears while her boyfriend moaned in pain in the front seat.

Etymology: empty+me -- wordplay on MP3 player


Emptymology is perfect! - Nosila, 2009-08-07: 22:22:00


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Created by: vishalrix


Sentence: From the day she got her first ipod, her parents knew she was a ipodigy.

Etymology: ipod + prodigy

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Created by: adobrodt

Pronunciation: NAR-si-SIP-aw-dism

Sentence: Jenny's rampant narcissipodism caused her to miss all of Thanksgiving dinner.

Etymology: From narcissism and IPOD.

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playdohheart playdohheart - 2007-04-05: 06:14:00