Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.
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Created by: KJHowerter
Pronunciation: Huh-Ver-Cop-Ter
Sentence: "Cindy stop being such a hovercopter! I seriously can't focus with you clogging up my airspace."
Etymology: Hover: n. to remain suspended over a place or object Copter: n. see "helicopter"
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: fo-cus-your-pest
Sentence: Les was caught in a support queue when the focusurpest showed up. After wading through the phone menu and being forced to listen to 15 minutes of scratchy Vivaldi, he finally heard a barely understandable voice on the line when she appeared saying, "Daddy, something happened." The crunching hard drive would have to wait for another day. He had to save Fluffy NOW.
Etymology: focus: attention, concentration + usurp: to seize and hold + pest: an annoying person or thing
very funny! - splendiction, 2009-05-19: 22:25:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: tar ree er ist
Sentence: "Oh, no!" thought Bernie, "it's Tina the Tarryerist again". She'd stand just inside his door waiting for him almost the moment his phone rang. No matter how long his call, she'd wave to him, mouth words at him, carry on and generally make a nuisance of herself. He'd called her out on this behavior before, but she ignored his wishes and kept on torturing him like this. When he was not on the phone, she was always elsewhere in the building. It was hard to get too mad at her though, since she was only 2 years old...
Etymology: Tarry (loiter, linger) & Terrorist (characteristic of someone who employs terrorism (especially as a political weapon)
Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris
Pronunciation: Hi-Per-A-Ten-Crow-Ch
Sentence: Viifae leaned onto Mutae's shoulder in snuggle-fashion, though Mutae continued his business as best he could. She Continued to rub against him in a very hyperattencroaching manner, urging him to complete his task until he had disband his charge due to her eventually seating herself directly in his lap.
Etymology: Hyper-excessive + Attention-to focus upon + Encroach-invade + Roach-pest that gets in everywhere.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: smuthr-luvr
Sentence: Andrea was an annoying smotherlover, believing that by dominating the time and attention of others she was giving them her affection, not realizing she was being extremely annoying.
Etymology: Blend of smother and lover
It's also what you call someone who loves the Smothers Brothers! Good Word - Nosila, 2009-05-19: 18:11:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: em - bare - har - ass
Sentence: Mariah chose the worst times to embarrharass Charlie for attention. The last time she did this, he was on the phone with a prospective customer trying to close a sale. When Charlie was in these situations, Mariah knew that he was "trapped" and had to acknowledge her, even if it was in a negative way.
Etymology: embarrass (cause to feel self-conscious,to disrupt somebody's composure or comfort with acting publicly or freely; to disconcert), harass (annoy continually or chronically)
Mariah is a tension getter! - Nosila, 2009-05-19: 18:12:00
Good one. - Mustang, 2009-05-20: 00:32:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kling er long er
Sentence: It was obvious to all that Lena liked Leon and became a clingerlonger to him at work. She would not leave his side and this annoyed him no end. He decided to learn another language to express his real feelings to her, as he was too scared to astatres them in English. So he spoke Klingon to the Clingerlonger, as leaving him alone seemed an alien concept to her.
Etymology: Clinger (someone who resists separation) & Linger (remain present) & Longer (a person with a strong desire for something;more time)
Created by: lauram22
Pronunciation: sept-end
Sentence: My sister ceptended me from my homework. She was constantly trying to distract me.
Etymology: cept-take tend-attention
Created by: queenjane75
Pronunciation: hab-itch-chew-ul
Sentence: Betty didn't know what"patience" or "personal space" meant. She was an office habitchual, who hides behind filing cabinets, under desks, and once in the men's room in order to get attention and her usually crabby point across.
Etymology: habitual+bitch
I think I know her!! lol Good word. - Mustang, 2008-04-12: 00:15:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /veks-STOR-shun-ist/
Sentence: Tonya was something of a noodge when she wanted something. She would employ various tactics to gain Karl's attention, hanging on him or blowing in his ear to distract or harass him, and he sometimes thought of her as a vextortionist. She'd often use those techniques during a great football game, or whenever he was working on something important. This weekend, he was trying to finish his taxes, and for some reason this put Tonya 'in the mood' for some quality-time, and she wanted him in the bedroom... NOW!
Etymology: Vex - to irritate; annoy; provoke (from Latin, vexare "to attack, harass, trouble") + Extortionist - one who obtains something from another by coercion or intimidation (from Latin, extorquere "wrench out, wrest away", from ex-"out" & -torquere "to twist")
Cool, I got to use the word "noodge" in a sentence. - Tigger, 2008-04-11: 04:03:00
great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:19:00
We all know some Tonyas...ignoring them is very Harding! Good word! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:42:00
Love the word. It's great when you can use a pet word. At the moment my favourites are "Skyscrimble": To go off at a tangent; to fly into space. to make a wild flight from an untenable intellectual position. #2 Tardle: a tangle, anything that blocks or retards. I thinks it refers to vegetation, " tardle of trees" - but a tardle of words; tardle of traffic also sounds good to me. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:45:00
You aim high, Bob. I just like a lot of Yiddish words — they're often fun to use, and to say, (e.g. schmuck, chutzpah, kvetch). - Tigger, 2008-04-12: 11:51:00
Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James
stache - 2008-04-11: 00:40:00
My verboticism have been updated? Hmm. I think this calls for a grammarauder.
Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 08:01:00
Hey stache, thanks for your gentle grammaraudity. I has fixed the offending word. And by the way, if you notice any other stupid errors -- I mean miscommunications -- let me know and I will fix them. ~ James
stache - 2008-04-11: 17:45:00
you'se welcome.
Verbotomy - 2009-05-19: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-06-17: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James