Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., The uneasiness, social discomfort, and impending sense of doom which occurs when you realize that you've sent out a few too many emails after drinking way too much. v., To worry about your social status after a night of heavy drinking and stupid emailing.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /sai-BOO-zuhld/
Sentence: Jack had written a note to himself, "Don't drink and e-mail" on his sticky-note pad, which he had apparently been using as a beer coaster, but the next morning as he perused his 'Sent' folder and saw the e-mail to his boss, calling him a "sissyboy", he knew he'd cyboozeled himself out of another job. He laid his throbbing head down next to the phone to await the inevitable call to inform him of his unemployed status.
Etymology: cyber - as in 'cyberspace' (slang for electronic communication) + booze - any alcoholic beverage (from Middle Dutch, busen "to drink heavily") & foozled - bungled; played clumsily (golf slang; Perhaps from German dial., fuseln "work poorly or slowly")
I like the originality in your choice of words and their blending. Good one! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-08: 18:18:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: twit ur ur
Sentence: you could safely say that the twiterror was not so chirpy the next morning
Etymology: twitter, twit error
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: vädkənēzēmāl
Sentence: When Bill woke up Sunday he vaguely remembered spending much of his Saturday night catching up with his friends. He cringed at the thought that he had sent a scathing vodkuneasymail to his boss. You can imagine how relieved he was when he found that email still in the drafts folder. A quick delete and a couple Advil improved the morning greatly.
Etymology: vodka (an alcoholic spirit of Russian origin made by distillation of rye, wheat, or potatoes) + eneasy (causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable) + email (messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network)
Created by: littorally
Sentence: The sense of pending disaster as whatever you did starts to turn and head back at you.
Good word...through in a pronounciation and etymology and you could get more points and be in line for the fabulous Verbotomy Trophy and Crown! - Nosila, 2008-12-03: 20:53:00
DOOMERANG is a great word- I wish you'd written more... - metrohumanx, 2008-12-04: 16:34:00
Created by: DaddyNewt
Pronunciation: eeg/NOM/uh/nee
Sentence: Even his throbbing head didn't overshadow Sam's feeling of egnominy.
Etymology: e(ubiquitous as in email) + ignominy
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: woe - is - ee
Sentence: After Chris' rampage last night, including drinking a fifth of Vodka, trashing his new motorcyle and emailing his girlfriend, accusing her of cheating on him, all he could mutter today was "woe is me" and especially, "woeisee".....
Etymology: Woe (sorrow, regret, deep distress or misery) + is (singular state of "to be") + ee (short for email)
Wowed me over - or should I say woed me over. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-03: 15:37:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: hayng - maled
Sentence: Riley really felt hangmailed this morning in more ways than one. First, there was the enormous headache and queasiness from his hangover. But most horribly, he felt a sense of impending doom over the emails he thought he remembered sending last night. Did he really tell off his boss, his girlfriend, his brother and his best friend all in the span of a few hours? He was afraid to open his inbox.
Etymology: Hang (kill by hanging, hang one's head in shame; to be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on my mind") + Hang is the beginning of the word hangover. The last part of the word is mailed (past tense of mail, as in its too late)'ve been hanged with your mail!!
Super word and super etymology - silveryaspen, 2008-12-03: 17:06:00
Hangmailing sounds like a hanging offense...Good Word! - Nosila, 2008-12-03: 20:51:00
Created by: jajsr
Pronunciation: C-ah-n-viv-eh-male
Sentence: John got wasted at his company's holiday party, but he still had to send out his reports before the next day. After viewing the numerous typos and content of the reports John sent out, his co-workers classified John's reports as convivemail.
Etymology: Combination of "Convivial": relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; and "E-mail": a message sent electronically.
Created by: valevans
Pronunciation: tre-awl
Sentence: Jimmmy was drinking all night with friends and woke up with many messages about messages he had sent to his boss. "Oh man I treyalled...." he said.
Etymology: trey-unknown contact, all-embarrassment by others
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: freh-drink-king-male
Sentence: Dick, guzzwiller of moonshine, cast his three sheets to the wind in his heeheemail. The next morning, everything he said, came to a head ... ache ... of course! Intoxipathetic, with lessteem, by all who were victims of this drunkmale, he was fraught with lowdudgeon. Poor Dick, headed from moonshined to unshined, sitting in the mourning sun, a fredrinkingmale!
Etymology: Fretting and freaking over his drinking mail, this male became a fredrinkingmale!
wonderful sentence silvery - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-08: 12:49:00
Great sentence! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-10: 16:45:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-08: 03:25:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James
Tigger - 2008-02-08: 14:30:00
Ahh, e-mail and alcohol... They go together like peas and carrots, or like 'lack of inhibition' and 'lack of employment',
- 2008-02-26: 00:18:00
You hit my head with the bottle!
- 2008-02-26: 00:22:00
twice now!
Verbotomy - 2010-04-28: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James