Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To complain and complain about a problem without ever taking action to correct it. n. A complaint about something which you can fix but choose not to.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: ahn WAAA
Sentence: Moana suffered from ennuwaaah - she liked to complain about little problems all day long but she never had the energy to work on solving any of them. At least she liked variety - she alternated between grouse, beef, and carp with her whine.
Etymology: ennui + "Waaah"
waaanderful - Nosila, 2010-01-11: 23:36:00
Created by: bubbos
Pronunciation: hyp-o-crine
Sentence: Maybe if you hypocrined less, you would be a more contributive member of this workforce.
Etymology: Hypocrite + whine
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: grahyp/es/ents
Sentence: Every office has two, or three incessant bitchers (women) and bastarders (men) who complain about every detail and do nothing about it except be bitchers and bastarders about anything and everything. This evil underlying gripescence is the single most distructive force in the workplace.
Etymology: GRIPESCENCE - noun - from GRIPE (complain constantly; grumble) + QUIESCENCE (being at rest; still; inactive, or motionless)
Amen, Brother! It's usually perceived that the women at work bitch, but the men provide valuable work-related feedback!!! - Nosila, 2008-08-08: 00:40:00
I like it - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-09: 18:41:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Dro-ma-scret
Sentence: Shelia whispered a "dramascret" to me and made me promise not to tell anyone. She was so dramatic that I thought to myself...hmmmm, OH! I must know more of her secret gossip. She always does this expecting different results. If she only would keep her dramascret's to herself,he thought,then he wouldn't be wasting his coffee break on such drivel.
Etymology: Dramatic and secret gossip
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: karrp o sell
Sentence: Every morning her main carpousel was that her phone was on the right of her desk despite office management knowing that she was left handed. If something wasn't done soon, one of these days she would move it herself!
Etymology: carousel, carp
Sounds fishy... maybe she had carpal punnel syndrome. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 09:28:00
Or carpritis. - Clayton, 2007-06-15: 18:37:00
AppalLING behaviour in this workPLAICE. I'm BREAMful of her complaints and don't want to listen to her any MORAY, she is just FLOUNDERing in her job. I wonder what is the best ANGLE to SCHNAPPER out of it? COD we put our thinking CARPS on? There's no point being KOI about it. We may just have to tell her straight ANCHOVY her out the DORY. - petaj, 2007-06-15: 21:02:00
She catfish a sentence without trawling someone a name... everybody just tunas her out. If they didn't, they'd have to gill her. Minnow have tried. Quite a pickerel. She brines and brines, all trout the day. She must've lobster mind or something. I'm fin ta angle her. Shoal her who's boss. - Clayton, 2007-06-15: 23:29:00
Clayton, thanks for being that special salmon. I'm shore you'll do a fin job. - petaj, 2007-06-16: 01:35:00
Fish shore. - Clayton, 2007-06-16: 08:32:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: SUP-wine
Sentence: Why fix a problem when you can supwhine about it?
Etymology: Supine (failing to act or protest as a result of moral weakness) + whine (a feeble or petulant complaint)
Created by: jonique
Pronunciation: Die-ah-ree-ah-ov-the-mow-th
Sentence: Karen constantly suffers from diarrheaofthemouth whenever company comes over.
Etymology: Derived from the words diarrhea, meaning well you know. And from the words of, the, and mouth. This is pretty self-explanatory.
Commonly known as verbal diarrhoea. - petaj, 2007-06-15: 21:05:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fəsərjē
Sentence: In a case of fussargy Alan complained that somebody had left the Xerox machine void of paper despite the fact that a pack of paper is sitting on the shelf next the copier. At that point he returned to his office leaving it just the way he found it.
Etymology: fuss (show unnecessary or excessive concern about something) + lethargy (a lack of energy and enthusiasm)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: ide-l-wine
Sentence: MEMO To: All Staff From: Head Honcho OK you horrible lot, I'm sick and tired of your idlewhines. It makes this company look unprofessional. You are a lazy bunch of no goods who can't be bothered to extract a digit now and then and fix things up. If I can find enough time next year, we'll see about maybe hiring an insultant to deal with this poor behaviour. But for now, I can't find the time to address this problem, so you'll just have to put up with your gripes.
Etymology: idle + whine
Idlewhine, idlewhine, every morning you greet me ... - petaj, 2007-06-15: 06:03:00
Oh, I see you've joined the Pick on Purple club. May the Blossom of Snow that grows in your back yard be attached to 3 shiney leaves. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 06:22:00
(bloom and grow foreeeever...) - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-15: 06:38:00
You won't find any blossoms of snow in my backyard. Subtropical rainforest is more likely. (Small and white, clean and bright.. ) - petaj, 2007-06-15: 21:08:00
Poison iv-y-y-y-y, poison iv-y-y-y-y Late at night while you're sleepin' poison ivy comes a'creepin' - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-16: 00:12:00
Created by: Pythias
Pronunciation: k-vetch-klatsch
Sentence: Not to be remedied, but to be savoured, the highlight of their day was a veritable kvetchklatsch.
Etymology: kvetch - klatsch
Verbotomy - 2007-06-15: 01:11:00
Still bothered by office politics? Well, as Timothy Johnson advises in GUST, it's time quit complaining and take action, or at least, it's time to make up a new word about complaining... Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram and Timothy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-06-15: 01:59:00
Weeklink Writes Again! Read Top Four Battle for Supreme Verbosity in Verbotoweek.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-15: 02:11:00
Robert J. Sawyer, winner of Hugo and Nebula awards for best novel, will be our featured author at Verbotomy next week. See Get a Science-Fiction Verbotomy from Robert J. Sawyer. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-01-11: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James