Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To obsess over, and fantasize about electronic gadgets even though you can never figure out how they actually work. n. A beautiful but useless gadget.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: IM-pluh-muh-NIG-muh
Sentence: Julie must've tangled with the ecclesiastical implications of her newfound implemenigma for at least half an hour before realizing it was just a fancy-schmancy garage door opener.
Etymology: implement + enigma
I don't think you have an appropriate appreciation for garage door openers. They are the first form of high penetration consumer electronic wireless door locking system. It's not often people trust their Buicks and belt-sanders to robots. Still, great word. - jadenguy, 2007-06-04: 11:01:00
This word makes me sound smart! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-04: 13:29:00
Garage door openers are nature's woodchuck drawbridge mechanisms. - Clayton, 2007-06-04: 21:40:00
Created by: sanssouci
Pronunciation: Pob Ses It
Sentence: "When I saw the new Lenovo Lephone it wasn't a case of I wanted it, it was more like I wanted to pobsessit"
Etymology: Possess + Obsess + It = pobsessit Possess - to have as belonging to one; have as object; own: to possess a house and a car. Obsess - to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires of (a person); beset, trouble, or haunt persistently or abnormally: Suspicion obsessed him It - the cool gadget
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: uh-GOG-uh-tek
Sentence: Irascable Ira Gobler was perpetually AGOGATECH because his boys in R&D were quite prolifically producing a plethora of plastic playthings, electronic exotica, rubber replicas and extremely dangerous yet undeniably appealing appliances. Ira had no idea how they worked,nor did he care. As long as they clicked and buzzed, emanating their eerie electronic inducto-flux, he was more than satisfied- and downright dazzled. In fact, he was constantly AGOGATECH!
Etymology: AGOG-pleasantly mystified+AT+Tech(nology) Please see:
Very clever. I like it! - Mustang, 2008-07-25: 07:05:00
Created by: bmills
Pronunciation: Giz/jizz
Sentence: "Dude, you got the new Badberry!?? That's Awesome! I think i just gizjizzed myself. "
Created by: livejuicy
Pronunciation: eye-pod-if-eye
Sentence: I love to ipodify so much, I have to wear a tool belt.
Etymology: ipod + magnify
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: wha-tcha-ma-cov-it
Sentence: Jim watchamacoveted the new marvelous toy that his neighbor's son got for Christmas. "A wonder to behold, it was, with many colors bright. And the moment he laid eyes on it, it became his heart's delight. It went 'zip' when it moved and 'bop' when it stopped and 'whirr' when it stood still. He never knew just what it was, and I guess he never will".
Etymology: whatchamacallit: something whose name is unknown or forgotten; a widget, gadget, gizmo, doodad, thingamajig or doohickey + covet: blameworthy desire for another's stuff; wish for longingly. "The Marvelous Toy" (apologies to Tom Paxton)was a song sung by Peter, Paul and Mary (RIP) about a mystical toy, handed down from father to son, that had no name, no purpose, but seemed to have magical powers to amuse and delight the recipient.
Good blend...I remember that old song! - Nosila, 2009-12-30: 01:53:00
Created by: duchessella
Pronunciation: E-le-con
Sentence: I know it is just an elecon, but I can't stop thinking of that newly released electronic can opener!
Etymology: From "electric gadgets" and "Lolicon" In Japanese pop culture, "-con" is a suffix for attraction, fantasy and/or obsession to a certain characteristic in a person, for example Lolicon means attraction to young girls (lolita). Alternative meaning is "elegant icon" - the sleek, beautiful, elegant fashion icon electronic gadgets are to us nowadays.
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: g-or-j-uh-u-s-l-eh-ss
Sentence: Bob stared at the gorgauseless blue object in his hand wondering how it worked when Abby walked by and said "Put my paperweight down Bob!"
Etymology: gorgeous+useless
Verbotomy - 2007-06-04: 01:33:00
Today's definition was suggested by shutz. Thank you shutz! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-06-04: 01:55:00
Read about Jabberwocky's Garden of Verbal Delights in Verbotoweek.
metrohumanx - 2008-07-25: 00:56:00
pronunciation: uh-GOG-uh-tek........... sentence:Poor old Ira Gobler was AGOGATECH at his designer's latest device.He was so AGOGATECH that he let the factory's flaccid finances flow into a virtual vat of vapors while he thoughtfully tinkered and tweaked the tin toys and gamboled among the gizmoes generated just beyond the grounded iron gates of the fabrication facility...Someday...he would write an operator's manual...................... etymology: Agog+at+Technology=aGOGatech!
metrohumanx - 2008-07-25: 01:12:00
Sometimes my "comments" seem to appear in the wrong places....if only some clever soul would invent a GIZBO to prevent that.
metrohumanx - 2008-07-25: 01:20:00 brain hurts.....
Verbotomy - 2009-12-29: 00:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by shutz. Thank you shutz. ~ James