Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: An individual, or an organization, which profits by selling fear of imminent global destruction and/or eternal damnation.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: xtine
Pronunciation: reck-sploy-tay-shun
Sentence: Every time another climate based disaster occurred, Sally mounted another Google keyword ad campaign to collect donations, a shameless example of wrecksploitation.
Etymology: wreckage, exploitation
Created by: marnee4nothin
Pronunciation: prau-fet-ears
Sentence: Cal hoped that his 'Save the Cumquat' campaign would establish his career among his fellow propheteers.
Etymology: prophet + profiteers
Propheteers: they've been around since cocky was an egg. Now we have a great word for them. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-10: 21:57:00
Created by: Metalflower
Sentence: When bird flu hit the world, Ecounlogists made millions of dollars by selling face masks, which didn't help at all.
Etymology: Ecologist, unlogic
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: ka-ching-dum-kum
Sentence: When pigs failed to fly on 7/7/07, Liz realized she had given her life savings to a kachingdomcome.
Etymology: ka-ching! (sound associated with cashing in), kingdom come
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: men-iss-mong-ger
Sentence: If only they'd menacemnonger the industries that pollute and destroy the environment.
Etymology: menace + monger
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: DOOM-Shark
Sentence: Feelbad world, along with a daily dose of dread and damnation, flowed frenetically across the airwaves every evening, delivered by a diamond-dripping doomshark preaching tarabolical times ahead for mankind. But for those faithful who fawnishly followed this foolmonger, and his fickle-feel philosophy, there was much more to fear from him here on terra firma, for financial fleecing was his forte.
Etymology: A conflation of "doom": death, ruin, sad or evil destiny & "shark", (slangish): confidence trickster, parasite, crooked business person (as in land shark, loan shark).
A is for alliteration. ;) - Kyoti, 2007-08-10: 11:03:00
I hate it i just wanted to vote because i know you wont win - BellaRina, 2007-08-10: 11:39:00
Created by: Gionuzzo
Pronunciation: uh POK oh rich
Sentence: Hoboes with "the world will end!" signs do exactly the same thing as the apocorich company that made the Al Gore/Global warming movie, but the hobos don't make money!
Etymology: apocolypse + rich
Created by: Paradox
Sentence: It has become clear that a lot of figures that demand attention for their religion or for the Earth are nothing more than preachleechers.
Etymology: Basically a combination of a preacher, someone who preaches, and a leecher, which seems pretty self-explanatory if you ask me.
Beware: perfidious prunellas are proliferating! Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-10: 22:00:00
Created by: MrPlow42
Pronunciation: Fud - bud
Sentence: Those fudbuds are now trying to convince us that our dogs aren't getting enough cheese.
Etymology: F.U.D. - Information Technology term for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. & Bud - friend.
iwasatripwire - 2007-08-12: 01:27:00