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DEFINITION: v. To get freaked out by falling numbers and the prophets of doom who are eternally peddling their message of imminent global collapse. n. A type of mass hysteria created by the fear of falling numbers.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: neg-uh-noo-muh-rol-uh-foh-bee-uh
Sentence: After taking a bath during several stock market downturns, Tim developed a bad case of neganumeraphobia. Even the suggestion of a bad day on Wall Street can turn him into a trembling, quivering mess. A mere whisper of the term 401k can cause a catatonic state.
Etymology: negative (lacking positive or affirmative qualities) + numerology (the study of numbers, as the figures designating the year of one's birth, to determine their supposed influence on one's life, future, etc.) + phobia (fear of)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: loh stee ree ah
Sentence: lowsteria is a much cheaper form of hysteria
Etymology: hysterie, low
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: skit + zoh + sum + mashun
Sentence: All of the predictions made by the false prophets resulted in schizosummation as the populace added up the numbers and became crazy with fear that the end was near.
Etymology: Schizophrenia + Summation >>Schizophrenia (A psychiatric diagnosis denoting a persistent, often chronic, mental illness variously affecting behavior, thinking, and emotion) Summation (Summation is the addition of a set of numbers; the result is their sum or total)
Created by: GlobalGallery
Pronunciation: arma-geddon-owta-heer
Sentence: "Wow! you really love baked beans" said Mike as he stared into Percy's full shopping trolley. "There for my bomb shelter up in Dead Man's Canyon" exclaimed Percy, "Next week the three moons of Zarcan will align with the cosmic aura of Xantoras and all who walk the Earth shall perish in the rain of unholy fire, so armageddonouttahere". "Oh" said Mike, "I just thought they were on special".
Etymology: 1.armageddon - catastrophic destruction. 2.I'm out of here - an expression of intent to leave a location.
hehe - galwaywegian, 2009-03-03: 09:09:00
a bit out of this world! (wink/big grin) - silveryaspen, 2009-03-03: 12:19:00
Created by: matkline
Pronunciation: nu-mer-o-pho-bia
Sentence: Ann's numerophobia has gotten so bad that she can't even look at her purse.
Etymology: Numerology + Phobia
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hahz deek
Sentence: the nasdeq wobbled then fell, becoming a nasdeek before lunch
Etymology: nasdeq eeek
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: sueth/dee/kay
Sentence: Economic soothsayers are the harbingers of soothdecay. A positive outlook and good dollar hygiene is what the world needs now.
Etymology: sooth (reality) + decay + soothsayer + tooth decay
thaths tho funny - petaj, 2009-03-03: 06:53:00
Clever use of a single letter. You can make a dental patient crazy. Just change the d to an m. - GlobalGallery, 2009-03-03: 07:52:00
reminds me of the old saw ... dental floss for the brain! Super sentence. Super word! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-03: 12:11:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: nume-er-roe-el-freak-oh
Sentence: I was watching an online video of a guy named Sigmund that thought he was Nostradamus and could predict the future via numerology. As I sat watching the "numeroelfreako" I soon realized that all the fluff he was saying made no sense at all and that I had wasted 5 minutes of my time watching and listening to a freak!
Etymology: Nurmero;numbers. El;Them. Freak-o;A freak of nature,a predictor of future happenings that have no logistical value.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: did jit de leer ee um
Sentence: The chicks were all racing around when the numbers started falling down on them. It created digitdelirium and any deaths caused by the falling numbers would have been considered fowl play.
Etymology: Digit (number) & Delirium (state of violent mental agitation; hysteria)
Created by: notoriousjoeyg
Pronunciation: Num - brun - eks - ee
Sentence: The number of people falling victim to numbrunexy is rising every day.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dijitroumə
Sentence: Mike didn’t even know it was raining so you can imagine his surprise when he walked into hail storm of falling numbers. He just dodged his credit score only to be smacked in the head by his 401(k). After a quick trip to the digitrauma room he is afraid to go outside. He has heard rumors that the financial climate is swarming with bears.
Etymology: digit (any of the numerals from 0 to 9) + trauma (emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury)
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: NECK-roe-FISS-kull-LEM-inged (necrofiscalemmingism)
Sentence: CHICO was in a pan ic! Having scratched out a meager living as a purveyor of free-range ostriches, he foolishly sank his savings into commodities futures.(mostly corn) CHICO watched TV with a glazed eye as the balding maniacal mavens predicted an armageddon of monetary loss. CHICO was already financially beheaded, but he decided to warn his comrades by pecking out text messages as fast as possible. Wattle his friends think of him now that his amateur advice had caused their demise? He foolishly mailed his heirloom gold to an anonymous huckster, and the pittance he received stuck in his craw. CHICO wasn't steeped in investment strategies, so decided to wing it, dumping all his assets for pennies on the dollar! When the markets turned around, he realized he'd been NECROFISCALEMMINGED, and he'd been the victim of a fowl plot. As the turkeys flocked to re-invest, CHICO became sadly fatalistic. "Oh well-" He thought... "Here today, guano tomorrow"!
Etymology: NECROs+FISCAl+LEMMING(ed)=NECROFISCALEMMINGED.....NECRO:Fron the Greek NECROS(dead body.....FISCAL:of or relating to taxation, public revenues, or public debt,Latin fiscalis, from fiscus basket, treasury (1563).....LEMMING:any of various small short-tailed furry-footed rodents of circumpolar distribution that are notable for population fluctuations and recurrent mysterious mass migrations.
Q: WHAT DO THE FOLLOWING WORDS HAVE IN COMMON? Banana Dresser Grammar Potato Revive Uneven Assess - metrohumanx, 2009-03-03: 08:46:00
Puntastic sentence! :-) - silveryaspen, 2009-03-03: 12:24:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: FIS-cuhl-fryt
Sentence: Horace and Bertha had been putting small amounts into their mutual funds for decades and were trying to ride out the current market tumble with some courage and confidence based on their brokers reassurances, but with each passing day and drop in the DJI they have begun to develop severe fiscalfright.
Etymology: Blend of 'fiscal' (of or pertaining to financial matters in general) and 'fright' (sudden and extreme fear; a sudden terror)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: d'eye reeeee ah
Sentence: The direr the news the worse the direeah. At least all of those dollars in the matress were useful for something.
Etymology: dire, diarrhoea
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-03: 12:00:00
Slick! In so many ways! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-03: 12:17:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pi/doo/mee/er/ee
Sentence: All the financial analyzers have jumped on the pedoomiary bandwagon.
Etymology: PEDOOMIARY - noun - from PECUNIARY (pertaining to money) + DOOM (adverse fate; unavoidable ill fortune)
Created by: D4ng3rismymiddlename
Pronunciation: Sounds like "jumpers" but with a chump instead of a jump!
Etymology: Chick + chump + jump
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: num ber sum
Sentence: People are being hit by falling numbers from st0ckmarkets on all the continents! The falling numbers in bank asset5 are hitting people in their $avings until it hurts! The falling numbers from equit1es are hitting homes and businesses, too. A rise in price$, makes the falling numbers from inf1ati0n, a descendread that causes more headtaches. It makes Stevie wonder. Can Mariah carry on? Can Penelope cruise along? Will Russell still crow? Will Angelina remain jolly? Or is it all too numbersome?
Etymology: NUMBERS, CUMBERSOME. Numbers - intergers (falling like stars). Cumbersome - burdensome, heavy, hard to deal with or handle.
Thank you for the laugh! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-03: 06:11:00
Try to keep a steady view while everyone else disintegerates around you. - petaj, 2009-03-03: 06:53:00
now this is clever and timely! - mweinmann, 2009-03-03: 09:19:00
terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-03: 12:01:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: FIS-cuhl-fryt
Sentence: James and Julia had been putting small amounts into their mutual funds for decades and were trying to ride out the current market tumble with some courage and confidence based on their brokers reassurances, but with each passing day and drop in the DJI they have begun to develop severe fiscalfright.
Etymology: Blend of 'fiscal' (of or pertaining to financial matters in general) and 'fright' (sudden and extreme fear; a sudden terror)
Created by: yellowbird
Pronunciation: doll-are-us
Sentence: Jim was so dollarous after reading the financial news and examining his shrunken nest egg that he bought a bugle and, after burying his quarterly statement in his backyard, played Taps over it in the soft winter twilight. The next day his neighbor, an elderly veteran, offered his sympathies and a coupon for ten free music lessons at a nearby shop.
Etymology: dolor(anguish), dollar, and delirious
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dounpôr
Sentence: The downturn in the economy has turned many of the uprich into the downpoor. It's a real number bummer.
Etymology: downpour (a heavy rainfall) + poor (lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: doom er ol ogee
Sentence: The only religion the chicks knew was doomerology. They were born under a number and when the sky did fall down, they would be hit by a number. When your number's up, you are down permanently.
Etymology: Doom(disastrous destiny) & Numerology(the study of the supposed occult influence of numbers on human affairs
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: dume - ur - ahh - logee
Sentence: The science of doomerology is relatively new. It explores the phenomena where people loose their minds because of falling numbers.
Etymology: Doom and Numerology....Doom --make certain of the failure or destruction of Numerology --Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: pre-sip-a-tate
Sentence: Try not to be precipiteight! I know your horse (no.8) had a fall in the race, and the eight ball fell in the pocket, and your superannuation fell 8% this year, but you read too much into these things.
Etymology: precipitation (rain, settling, deposition) + precipitate (rash, hurried) + eight (a number)
clever - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-03: 12:02:00
Created by: kateinkorea
Pronunciation: MOO lah HOOP lah
Sentence: Business in my store has been down every day this month. All this gloom and doom talk about the economy is making everyone scared. If you ask me its all moolahhoopla: all talk and no substance to it.
Etymology: MOOLAH: slang word for money HOOPLA: blatant or sensational promotion; commotion; speech or writing to mislead
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mon et tarry fyed
Sentence: Mary, Mary, quite Monetary, How does your portfolio grow? With stocks and bonds and market tides, On a sinking vehicle thast may capsize, No wonder you are so Monetaryfied!
Etymology: Monetary (relating to or involving money) & Terrified (scared, thrown into an intense fear or desperation)
Maryvelous! $uper verbotomy! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-05: 01:40:00