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DEFINITION: n. A computer programmer who corrects software problems by bugging the users, rather than debugging the software. v. To pinpoint the blame for any defects in a product, especially a software product which you have created, on "illogical" end-users.
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Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: pro-grim-ist
Sentence: Victor the Progrimist was scheduled to do his rounds on the floor at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays. The employees all held a meeting to discuss what problems they had beforehand so they would be prepared for his sarcastic and abusive ways and attitude. They even took a poll to see who's problem would probably attract the most ire and ridicule from him. Every once in a while they would concoct a fake IT problem just to see him react if there was not many issues to discuss.
Etymology: Program + grim +ist
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Krit-ee-komp-a-doss
Sentence: The criticompados was insistent that the blame lay with me, but I was sure I was not in the wrong, and he knew it!! He tried the same trick on my colleague only last week.
Etymology: Criti(Critisize,blame) comp(computer) dos(Disk operating system)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kom pew ter po grom er
Sentence: Ivan the Terrible was the scourge of the Company because he ran his own personal little empire in the IT Dept. He terrorized the quasi-technical employees and carried out a reign of terror as a computerpogromer to the masses, making them fear turning on their computers each morning. Like all despots though, he was overthrown when the company outsourced his job overseas, in an effort to save money and lives.
Etymology: Computer Programmer (a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs)& Pogrom (organized persecution of an ethnic group (especially Jews)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: tek-sup-pose
Sentence: Jean hated to call Techsuppose. Not only would it take half the day to reach someone, but the smarmy voice on the other end of the phone assumed that she was an imbecile and asked the same stupid questions, "Is it plugged in?" "Did you restart it?" Eventually, she discovered that someone neglected to use the "Mother-May-I" command during set-up and now she'd have to spend the rest of the afternoon downloading various patches, drivers, upgrades and fixes. Another day sacrificed to the tyrannical techgods.
Etymology: (play on techsupport) Suppose: to believe, especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; to consider as probable or likely
So true! - splendiction, 2009-06-26: 22:53:00
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: CUSTOmer+CULPable+ATE
Sentence: His first reaction to any reported application problem is to custoculpate, not wanting to think the code could be incorrect, even when that has proven to be the case over and over.
Etymology: CUSTOmer+CULPable+ATE
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: I-tisk
Sentence: When Susan's screen went black she dreaded having to call the crabby ITsk guy but she was stymied. The all-knowing geek strolled into the office with his short sleeved shirt, coffee cup and smarmy attitude, looked at the wall where someone had accdentally kicked out the plug. He stood there with the plug in his hand, tsking, then made a huge show of plugging it in. "Please check the plug before you call next time," he snarled, and wafted out of the office.
Etymology: IT: pronounced I - T is the acronym for Informational Technologist + Tsk: sucking sound used to express disappointment or sympathy.
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: dee - bug - ah - boo
Sentence: It was an exasperating debugaboo that the employees found themselves in. The front end application sometimes connected and sometimes did not. The programmer kept saying that the users were just not concentrating or had a bad work attitude when they could not connect.
Etymology: debug, bugaboo (source of concern, trickster or prankster)
Dee Bootiful word! - Nosila, 2009-06-26: 12:41:00
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: bug-gull
Sentence: Jonathan was a real buggle and depended on user feedback to make sure all his software worked as expected... Whatever they said he'd feed it back to them as user errors.
Etymology: bug + gle
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: nätit
Sentence: Whenever a computer problem is exposed Wendel sings out "Notit" much like a kid at the start of a game of tag. Of course when he said "it", he meant IT. Though he has never actually created a single usable document, spreadsheet or database, he just knows that any problem that pops up is the fault of the peons that work for his company. If only he could keep these knuckleheads from monkeying with his network... He would express his disdain in an e-mail if he could spell it.
Etymology: not (used with an auxiliary verb or “be” to form the negative) + it (pronoun [third person singular]) IT (Information Technology)
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: vur/tu/al/tur/cay/shun
Sentence: I had a virtualtercation with IT today.
Etymology: virtual + altercation
Verbotomy - 2008-05-14: 00:03:02
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-26: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James
Svetikreink - 2019-07-19: 00:18:00 http:
Petrikreink - 2019-07-19: 01:34:00
Genkareink - 2019-07-19: 06:07:00
Svetikreink - 2019-07-19: 06:44:00
Petrikreink - 2019-07-19: 07:59:00
Genkareink - 2019-07-19: 15:15:00
Svetikreink - 2019-07-19: 15:51:00
Petrikreink - 2019-07-19: 17:02:00
Genkareink - 2019-07-19: 23:59:00