Vote for the best verboticism.

'Don't get too close. It might be contagious...'

DEFINITION: n. A sick planet which has a cold, a fever, and some kind of weird infection. v. To be worried sick about the health of the planet, because you know the problem is really the people.

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: en-VYE-rus-mehnt

Sentence: What had once been a pristine world, devoid of any kind of pollution or environmental upheavals has suddenly developed a severe envirusment, a world where every corner was feeling the effects of enviro sickness.

Etymology: Blend of environment and virus.


good one Mustang - galwaywegian, 2009-04-22: 09:10:00

Excellent! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-22: 11:15:00

Envirusment and embarrassment! Good one, mustang. - Nosila, 2009-04-22: 22:35:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: en-VYE-rus-mehnt

Sentence: What had once been a pristine world, devoid of any kind of pollution or environmental upheavals has suddenly developed a severe envirusment, a world where every corner was feeling the effects of enviro sickness.

Etymology: Blend of 'environment' (The circumstances or conditions that surround one; surroundings) and 'virus' ( the causative agent of an infectious disease)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: yoōnəvərsilnis

Sentence: The citizens of Mars have voted to study the science of moving their planet to another solar system to get away from the universillness called Earth.

Etymology: universe/universal (all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos) + illness (a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: toob erth kul os is

Sentence: The aliens avoided our planet once they determined it had developed tubearthculosis. It was the only explanation for the poor air quality and inability of most Earthlings to breathe properly.

Etymology: Tuberculosis (infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages) and makes breathing very difficult) & Earth (our Planet)

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: TAIR ah fide

Sentence: After all the gloom-and-doom forecasts (both true and hyped) about the state of the Earth, most of us are now terrafied. What is the AlGore-ithm for solving the problem of ecoterrorism and replacing it with ecoterraism? If we don't get a tranfusion of hemoglobe-in and gammaglobe-ulin, we're going to end up with the globetrots.

Etymology: terra (earth) + terrified

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: epee-dem-i-korb

Sentence: Pandora was doubled over with epidemicorb syndrome. She had totally freaked out because the Earth was infested by a population bent on self-destruction

Etymology: epidemic (widespread sickness) + dem (from greek for population demos) + orb (sphere, planet shaped)


Pandora...she always did think outside the box! - Nosila, 2009-04-22: 22:32:00


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Created by: fabdiva

Pronunciation: tair-rah-bulla-vat-ory

Sentence: As the last gasp of air was inhaled, it finally dawned on a selfish population that terrabulavatory was a fait accompli.

Etymology: terra - earth. terrible - extremely bad. lavatory - toilet.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: con-tage-urth-d

Sentence: George and Jane Jetson were out in the aerocar for their usual Sunday planet fly Rosie kept a watchful eye on Elroy and Judy back home in Mars. The Jetson's got closer to planet earth as George and Jane gasped and became "contagearthed" at the terrible shape the earth had turned into! George quickly pressed the red reverse zoom button on the aerocar to head back to Mars, in fear that the "contagearthed" particles may attach to the transparent top of the aerocar and make them all sick! Jane screamed," HURRY George, I think we just got hit by asteroid that chipped the transparent top and we might be breathing that stuff in!" The family dog Astro in the back seat looked up quickly then laid back down barking,"Ruh-roh-Ruh-roh!" George and Jane were relieved they had been forced to relocate to Mars by George's grouchy ol' boss Mr. Cosmo Spacely (owner of the company Spacely Space Sprockets) Maybe, he wasn't so mean after all...seeing the terrible mess that the earth had been turned into by the humanoids!

Etymology: Contag:Taken from first part of contagion;meaning:Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact. Earth:The land surface of the world...added ED to Earth to show also the meaning of Earthed> Earthed:To cover or heap.


Cute Sci-Fi sentence! Good Word! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-22: 11:15:00

Thanks Silvery, I Used the names from "The Jetson's" cartoon from way back when I was child to create my sentence/story ;) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-22: 22:56:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: tair-ah-fir-mah

Sentence: it was clear that this planet was in an advanced state of terrorfirma

Etymology: terror, terra firma


Welcome Back! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-23: 01:38:00

nice to be back! - rikboyee, 2009-04-23: 18:30:00

Great word! - Nosila, 2009-04-25: 10:01:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: guy aargh

Sentence: the planet went from gaia to gaiaaargh in about two decades.

Etymology: Gaia, aaargh

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-22: 00:01:01
Today's definition was inspired by Earth Day. And the way things are going, maybe we do need some extraterrestrial help... ~ James

silveryaspen - 2009-04-22: 02:09:00
This is another great fresh definition and very clever cartoon!

silveryaspen - 2009-04-22: 02:13:00
Since players are located, not only all over the 4 time zones in North America, but the time zones, of Europe, Asia, and even Austrailia ... verbotomies are posted all during the 24 hour period after a new definition is posted. For example, when it is midnight ESDT, where I am the is 10:00 p.m. MSDT. I certainly do like to be in bed earlier than midnight, even thought tonight I won't be!

abrakadeborah - 2009-04-22: 06:17:00
James, we certainly need more done to regulate people somehow to quit building MORE and use empty buldings and incentives to clean up our world! It's so sad to me to watch what the greed of people and uncaring of what they are doing to our planet for our children to have to deal with when we're long for thought on this one! :) I enjoyed today's verbotomies a LOT! Thank YOU!

abrakadeborah - 2009-04-22: 07:27:00
OOOPS James, I see a typo...(buldings) buildings* It's late and I was bored and commenting on a LOT pages,voting and making definitions...I guess I better get some rest finally! Having too much FUN!!!! lol :) I LOVE this site and the people!

readerwriter - 2009-04-22: 08:34:00
Me,too, Abrakadeborah...and Down Under because they are one day ahead, they get to play Verbotomy on Sunday!

mrskellyscl mrskellyscl - 2009-04-22: 10:21:00
It's a bit disheartening at times when I get up at 5:00 a.m. to see the definition and not only are there several words posted, but folks have already voted before we on the east coast have had our coffee.

silveryaspen - 2009-04-22: 22:46:00
Sorry mrskellysci ... but it's such a fun way to end my day! Hope you find it a fun way to begin yours! My biggest joy comes from reading everyone's creations, and feeling enriched and refreshed by that as I begin my day. I do wait until the last hour or two before I vote, so I can give consideration to as many verbotomies as possible ... but occasionally there is one so appealing and great, it's hard to wait! It's just nice to think that every is having the time of their lives while whenever they are here. Sure is nice that this open to all time zones all over the world!

splendiction - 2009-04-22: 22:52:00
Happy Earth Day to all!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-04-23: 00:27:00
Yes it is earth day at Verbotomy, and we have people playing from all sides of the planet, which is great! Thank you to everyone! ~ James

readerwriter - 2009-04-23: 04:17:00
Maybe we are all adding new meaning to the word Bi-Polar????