Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A state of heightened, subconscious awareness that allows drivers to "safely" navigate and control a vehicle without watching the road. v. To drive without bothering to watch where you are going.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: strādär
Sentence: Jim gets up WAY too early in the morning to get to work. While driving down the highway there are stretches where the road is boringly familiar and music on the radio is sort of relaxing (less head banging than usual). He may start to nod off. That little voice in his head says **The road is straight. There is almost no traffic. Go ahead, close your eyes for just a second**. This is when he relies on stradar, that internal sense that the movement has shifted from linear to lateral. If it is severe, it will startle him enough to put a shot of adrenalin into his bloodstream and complete the trip with his head upright. If not, he will open all the windows, crank up the radio and sing along to to some song he may not even like all that much at the top of his lungs. Jim*s friends worry.
Etymology: stray (move without a specific purpose or by mistake) + radar (a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects, by sending out pulses of high-frequency electromagnetic waves that are reflected off the object back to the source)
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: steer + ess + ta
Sentence: Sometimes on the way home I take a little steeresta - I've taken this drive so much I can literally do it in my sleep.
Etymology: steer + siesta
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: gon-dee-tour
Sentence: When I got on the interstate, I must have taken a ghandetour, because when I arrived at work, I couldn't remember anything about the trip. It was likely I was wanderpondering some minutia, like today's Verbotomy definition.
Etymology: Ghandi, detour
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: otto mo beel pyle ot
Sentence: Magenta drove her KIA home along the same route everyday. Because she had travelled the route and knew the dangers and nuances in each stage of the journey, she went into an automobilepilot state. This meant she left work and arrived home without remembering a single thing in between. No wonder she got 3 photo radar tickets in the mail for one particular day...the one she discovered she was pregnant, got a promotion and went through 2 red lights, very quickly!
Etymology: Automobile (car, vehicle usually with internal combustion engine) & Autopilot (a navigational device that automatically keeps ships or planes or spacecraft on a steady course; a cognitive state in which you act without self-awareness)
Created by: barqdog
Pronunciation: auto - tele - shalom - nia
Sentence: While driving, Mary fell into a state of autoteleshalomnia in which she had no recodnition of the ride, but arrived to her destination safely.
Etymology: auto- self. tele- at a distance. shalom- peace.
great us of words. i want you. - barqdog, 2011-02-17: 11:48:00
use* tehe - barqdog, 2011-02-17: 11:48:00
Created by: larebaltaf4
Pronunciation: auto - mobil - insomia - phobe
Sentence: i am automobilinsomniaphobing.
Etymology: auto (self) mobil (transporting) imsomnia (inablity to sleep)
Created by: amicain
Pronunciation: driver-sleep-insolmia
Sentence: When a persons is not able to drive without falling asleep. May cause death upon moving.
Etymology: driver-sleep-insolmia
Created by: 758111
Pronunciation: non-somni-auto-meta
Sentence: when I was driving home I went into nonsomniautometa because the traffic horrible.
Etymology: non (not) Somni (sleep) auto (without the need to manually do something) meta (change)...In this case the deffinition is, "not asleep but driving without paying attention."
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: nap-a-gate
Sentence: After years of working the graveyard shift, Joel was highly skilled at napigating between his home and workplace. So successful in fact, that after retiring, he would sometimes awake with a start to find himself trying to unlock his old office.
Etymology: Navigate plus nap.
I hate it when I go to work when I don\'t have to. - artr, 2009-09-30: 14:43:00
Love it... - Nosila, 2009-10-01: 01:30:00
Verbotomy - 2007-03-13: 01:00:29
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes.
Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-30: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James