Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: A discussion among family members, or room mates, which often turns into a full-blown yelling match, and which seems to occur every night whenever it's time to do the dishes.
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Created by: faithlessphil
Pronunciation: skotch-fyte
Sentence: Jimmy always ate quickly, trying to leave the table before the inevitable scotchfite broke out.
Etymology: Scotch from "Scotchbrite" (popular brand of dishwashing scrub pads) + fite (fight)
Created by: rhowes
Pronunciation: dish-sent
Sentence: There was always a lot of dishsent in our home at supper wash up time.
Etymology: dish + dissent
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: dish + clash + er
Sentence: Every night, we get into a full blown dishclasher when it comes time to scrub the pots and pans.
Etymology: It's like putting a clash into a dishwasher! Set it and forget it!
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: dish-ulla-BA-loo
Sentence: There was nothing like a dish cloth for wiping the contented looks off the faces of Marita and Michael, Roxie and Bob's teenage children. For them that was a enough to start a dishowdown. Marita was potemical; Michael was clearly a misodishiac, and discussion always ended in a howling dishullabaloo with the dirty dishes remaining in the sink. Bob decided the solution was to buy a dishwasher rather than be one.
Etymology: Blend of dish & hullabaloo(uproar) Potemical (pot + polemical)
excellent!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-06: 10:25:00
Created by: Poeiden
Pronunciation: dish-cussion
Sentence: Dishcussions always took place at our neighbour's place, I was tempted to get a dishwasher for them to reduce the noise level.
Etymology: dish + discussion
Created by: FreeToys
Pronunciation: dish-pan-dem'-ick
Sentence: Once they were full, the importance of food was diminished and a dishpandemic broke out over who would clean up the mess.
Etymology: dishpan/pandemic
Earplugs are good for dishpandemonium. - petaj, 2007-09-06: 08:18:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: blades/of/gory
Sentence: When the meal is done, they usually start an all out bladesofgory verbal attack on each other trying to determine the dish responsibility for that day.
Etymology: 'Blades of Glory'(the movie) and the use of entrenching tools (knives) in the form of words, to verbally stab each other to inflict guilt trying to convince each other to do the dishes.
excellent imagery - petaj, 2007-09-06: 08:14:00
Do they use their skates to cut their food? - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-06: 10:23:00
Created by: torpid
Pronunciation: /dish-'en(t)-sh&n/
Sentence: After every meal in the Murphy household, dishension ensued as none of the children could agree whose turn it was to do the dishes.
Etymology: dish + dissension
Created by: ericsimmons39
Pronunciation: dish-tear-e-yuh
Sentence: After dinner, my sister descended into the worst case of dishteria i've seen since thanksgiving 1994.
Etymology: Dish + Hysteria
Created by: trioptimum
Pronunciation: sin-KUR-mish
Sentence: Ian tried to be somewhere else each night at the time of the regular household sinkirmish.
Etymology: sink + skirmish