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DEFINITION: n. The creative, yet blatantly illegal use of plastic milk crates, and the latent fear of prosecution associated with this alleged crime. v. To create and build home furnishings using stolen milk crates.
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Created by: Bughunt
Pronunciation: ill-em-ilk-rate
Sentence: Oh my lord! That guy's is blatantly misusing milk crates! A serious case of ilemilkrate, this is the big scoop!
Etymology: ILlEgal, MILK, cRATE.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: lärsəndərē
Sentence: When Jill went off to college she didn\'t go through the trauma that some of her friends did buying furniture and everything else that students need. She concentrated on her wardrobe and left the furniture to the larcendairy method. Bookshelves, computer desk & chair, even her bedframe was courtesy of the local convenience store.
Etymology: larceny (theft of personal property) + dairy (containing or made from milk)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dair-ee-gret
Sentence: James knows that it is not legal to use milk cartons for his own purposes. He doesn't let his dairegret stop him from having a bookcase that covers an entire wall of his apartment made of these ubiquitous cubes.
Etymology: dairy (of or relating to the production of milk and milk products) + regret (o feel sorrow or remorse)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: illicit-a-pon
Sentence: Lily's crativity resulted in a booming business for illisitupons. They were not very comfortable and left an awful pattern on legs and bottoms, but they had become so fashionable that she was running a thriving online shop. Only trouble, was she had to keep changing hosts and addresses to avoid prosecution by the dairy co.
Etymology: illicit (illegal) + sit upon
nice - galwaywegian, 2009-04-03: 08:46:00
moovelous - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-03: 12:36:00
Bully for her! - Nosila, 2009-04-03: 23:38:00
Definitely one of the butt-er (better) sentences! Your word is Exceptional! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-04: 09:09:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: con-fis-create
Sentence: Lorraine was aghast when she first saw her boyfriend's apartment and found that it was totally furnished with confiscreated milk crates. She wondered, "Should I be concerned that he's a klepto, or content that he's a creative cratecrafter?"
Etymology: Confiscate: steal;seize + create: build, compose
terrific combo - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-03: 12:29:00
Great word, mrsk...he stole her heart, so why wouldn't he steal anything else??? - Nosila, 2009-04-03: 23:36:00
nice blending, too! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-04: 09:01:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: crat - blan - sh
Sentence: David went around acting as if he had crateblanche to steal and use milk crates. He blatently used them as furniture, totes and even in the artwork that he exibited in craft fairs.
Etymology: Crate and Play on Carte Blanche (complete authority to act)
wonderful - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-03: 12:30:00
funtastic! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-04: 09:02:00
Created by: HighWitness
Pronunciation: moo-meant-um
Sentence: The moomentum movement wasted uncountable amounts of milk cartons, but on the bright side, new homes were constructed and everyone ate more chicken!
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: go cart ons
Sentence: Con Taynor filched milk crates from the supermarkrate where he unloaded delivery trucks. He fabricrated appealing boox cases from the stolen milk crates and sold them at bargain rates. However, Con did not get rich until he put a seat, wheels, and an engine on one of those plastic milk crates, and made them into gocartons!
Etymology: To FABRICATE from CRATES = FABRICRATE. BOOKS in BOXES = a BOOX case. GO-CART made from a milk CARTON = GOCARTON. --- It was hard not to make fabricrate the chosen verbotomy, but there were/are already enough with crate in the etymology, so I went with gocarton.
so many terrifc verbotomys today - excellent - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-03: 12:33:00
Excellent word, silvery...gocarton, gocarton, gocarton, go...sounds like a Beach Boys Anthem! - Nosila, 2009-04-04: 00:10:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: laktōkärtōnoiə
Sentence: Emily's boyfriend has a wonderful wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling bookcase made entirely of milk cartons. Emily had lactocartonoia. She is convinced that, at any moment, the dairy police are going to break down her door and drag her off to jail. She is also terrified that she might accidentally remove a tag from a pillow or mattress.
Etymology: lacto (of or relating to milk) + carton (a light box or container, typically one made of waxed cardboard or plastic ) + paranoia (a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution)
I think the pillow tags are the worse. I know they scare me. - wayoffcenter, 2009-04-03: 07:33:00
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: deh-cohr-kr8
Sentence: From her cell at the local jail, as she waited for the first visit from her lawyer, Diane could envision the creative possibilites for the tiny room, the very reason for her arrest. Oh, the injustice of it all! Yes, she had been taking plastic milk crates from the back of supermarkets, she would plead, but they were for use on the HGTV show she had proposed six months before. She had no idea why she hadn't heard from the television producers. Her ideas were so eco-friendly and Decorcrating with Diane seemed like such a good name for a show.
Etymology: A blend of DECOR/DECORATE, meaning ornamentation, adorn, array, embellish + CRATE
Verbotomy - 2009-04-03: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James
metrohumanx - 2009-04-03: 16:06:00
My fat-free pleasure...
Verbotomy - 2010-10-18: 00:26:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James