Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To instinctively answer your cell phone ring, even when caught in a somewhat compromising position. n. The instinct to answer your phone
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kawl day ting
Sentence: George hated the fact that Lulu had that new feature on her phone, calldating. It meant that every time they had relations, she would answer every call. This was annoying, especially since their trysts only lasted an hour, until she had to handle her next client...
Etymology: Wordplay on Call-Waiting...Dating (having a steady, intimate relationship)
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: AW-toh-MAT-n-neyt / aw-TOM-uh-tuh-neyt (obsc.)
Sentence: Chris automatonates for anyone, including his mother-in-law. He doesn't bother to quelltone anymore, or even put it into vibernation. It's become his ringtonus.
Etymology: automaton (robot) + intonate (speak with a particular tone)
Created by: jonobo
Pronunciation: rrrrrrrring + stant like in instant + re like in Re: + sponse like spongebob minus gbob plus s + reflex like in relax.
Sentence: My Ringstantresponsereflex (short RiReRe) plus my catlike curiousity made grab the phone immediately - anytime, anyplace. I am on Ringstandby, you'll always get my Ringstandreply.
Etymology: Ring + instant + response + reflex.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: tie gerr urrr
Sentence: One tigerror too many and he ended up looking like a car crash!
Etymology: tiger error
"snigger" - galwaywegian, 2009-12-03: 06:52:00
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: pav-low-phone-ean
Sentence: Jed knew that the call was from a girl at work who had a crush on him. He didn't fancy her and avoided her in the office. He also knew his girlfriend on the other side of the bed would probably hear everything. But such was his pavlophonian response to his ringtone, he couldn't stop himself snatching up the phone and jabbing at the answer button.
Etymology: Pavlovian (a conditioned reflex) & phone (communications device)
Created by: heartnsoul
Pronunciation: PAV-luv-er
Sentence: Making love to a person for the first time is an exploration of the boundaries and fuels of passion, unless you try to "connect" with a Pavlover who is turned on by a cellphone's ring, or a Stimlover who is turned on by their own fleeting thoughts.
Etymology: "Pavlov" (Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - known for his discovery of an involuntary salivation response in dogs) + "Lover" (known for much better involuntary and voluntary responses than answering phones)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: sex-em-ess
Sentence: Sam was overwrought when he realised that Anna had been sexemessing despite his ardour and best efforts.
Etymology: SMS - short message service + sex (a compromising position) + sexy mess (can be the result of answering your phone at an inappropriate time)
I sexemess too - kensiesfate, 2007-05-19: 00:07:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ring/drohn
Sentence: "Yes Master" the ringdrone responded to his cell phone
Etymology: ring tone + drone
Created by: serendipity9000
Pronunciation: ring-jurk
Sentence: I just can't let the phone ring, one ring and I ringjerk that button and answer.
Etymology: Ring (the sound your phone makes) + jerk (a combo of 'kneejerk' reaction and stupid)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: bloo-kooth
Sentence: Sue knew that Bob was cellfish, but when he committed blewcouth in bed - that was the last straw.
Etymology: bluetooth, couth, whoops I "blew" it.
Also the past tense of blow!... - petaj, 2007-05-18: 06:43:00
Blewcouth You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a cell of my own (aha - now you've been Sinatra'd Purple) - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-18: 09:43:00
Verbitch. - purpleartichokes, 2007-05-18: 10:15:00
ouch!! I think verbich is verboten - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-18: 10:20:00
hehe! - purpleartichokes, 2007-05-18: 10:24:00
Bluecouth of Kentucky, keep on ringing, Ring the one that's gone and left me blue. - petaj, 2007-05-18: 19:59:00
Hey! Who declared it Pick on Purple week? I'm telling Verbmommy! I'm taking my toys and going home now... home, where my thought's escaping, home, where my music's playing, home, where my love lies waiting... ack! I just garfunkled myself. - toadstool57, 2007-05-19: 06:04:00
Verbotomy - 2007-05-18: 03:12:00
Today's definition was suggested by duchessella. Thank you duchessella! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-12-03: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by duchessella. Thank you duchessella. ~ James