Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: A "natural process" which, smokers believe, makes cigarette butts magically disappear.
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Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ab/ruh/kuh/da/but
Sentence: After his last drag, he flicked his smoke, said abracadabutt and it was gone for good.
Etymology: abracadabra + butt
A little presticigitation hey! - petaj, 2007-07-30: 03:23:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: toe/bak/go
Sentence: As long as you smoke cigarettes made of pure tobackgo they will naturally go back into the atmosphere by natural buttbustion.
Etymology: tobacco + back + go
And all these years I thought it was called "evapbuttration". - Kyoti, 2007-07-30: 09:32:00
I think you're describing Imodium or Peto Bismol - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-30: 12:11:00
oops - should be Pepto - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-30: 12:20:00
Danged silent p - Kyoti, 2007-07-30: 14:09:00
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: Stik-flik-king
Sentence: Bobby and his buddies had a great time fishing at the lake, but when they got home, they discovered every fish they caught contained several cigarette butts, which made them yet again victims of inconsiderate stickflicking.
Etymology: Stick (cigarette) + flicking (launching a burning cigarette nub from an open car window, boat deck, observation tower, etc...)
now I understand my aversion to smoked salmon - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-30: 11:20:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: marl-bo-rot
Sentence: Marlborot is a natural process resulting in a painful death after years of hacking coughs, and chest pains. Unfortunately sufferers of Marlborot also commonly experience a lack of oxygen to the brain. This in turn has resulted in a strange group faith that marlborot is actually the natural biodegradation of cigarette butts.
Etymology: Marlboro (brand of ciggies - Yul said "Don't smoke, whatever you do, just don't smoke") + rot (decomposition)
Created by: administraitor
Pronunciation: van-ash
Sentence: John didn't seem to realize that his partner vanashed their apartment every night. He seemed to feel the butt fairy looked after the mess.
Etymology: vanish + ash
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: drag/gone
Sentence: One of the marvels of modern science is the development of the draggone, a cigarette that disappears as soon as the butt is dropped.
Etymology: drag + gone
Created by: KristinA
Pronunciation: but-butt-go
Sentence: Butbuttgo is a myth that can easily be disproven with a shovel outside any non-smoking restaurant's front door.
Etymology: "But, the butt (somehow) goes (away)."
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: oz-mohk-sis
Sentence: Thank goodness for osmoksis, otherwise the streets and beaches would be littered with cigarette butts.
Etymology: osmosis, smoke
petaj - 2007-07-30: 03:22:00
They really decigrated the spot!
Kyoti - 2007-07-30: 14:10:00
Isn't decigrating when you shred ten blocks of cheese at the same time?