Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. An old media format that is no longer popular or easily accessible, such as floppy disks, VHS tapes or stone tablets. v. To try to access data stored in an old-fashioned media format, especially it requires the use archaic technology and/or protocols.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Tek-no-gliffiks
Sentence: When young Henry was given a set of books for Christmas he spent half an hour looking for the battery compartment, his mum explained that you actually had to read them. Henry was so astounded with the technoglyphics he thought about putting them in an antiques auction.
Etymology: Techno(abbrieviation for technological) + Hieroglyphics(ancient Egyptian script) = Technoglyphics
so sad - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-07: 14:24:00
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: pree-hiss-tore-teck
Sentence: Billy didn't even know what to do when his dad gave him an old record player and records. This was too prehistortech for him so he thought he had to cut the records down to size to fit into his cd player. Dad quickly corrected him after destroying his first Elvis record.
Etymology: pre-historic (very old, before history) + tech (short for technology)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: mim-ee-oh-gaff
Sentence: Humphrey inserted the floppy disk and cranked the handle, but to know avail. He sighed in disappointment, realizing that he may never know what a graph of a mimeo looked like. His mimeograph was nothing more than a mimeogaffe.
Etymology: mimeograph, gaffe
how sad but how true - A young guest tried to use an old rotary dial phone at our house and just kept pushing their fingers into the holes to no avail - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-14: 14:06:00
Another walk down byte-gone ways! Great word play! Very nicely done! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-14: 18:34:00
Sadly, I used a mimeograph and no one knows what I'm talking about (as usual). - Nosila, 2008-03-14: 23:02:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: ob-sol-lacks
Sentence: Charmain looked forlorn after her best efforts at obsolackss failed to provide a workaround to access her family history data from the ancient shiny disc she discovered in the attic. If only Grandma had practised lockss.
Etymology: obsolete + hack + lockss (lots of copies keeps stuff safe -
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: tek - no - sore
Sentence: As time marches on, we are creating new media but the list of technosaurs is increasing. I have boxes of VHS tapes and records and even though I can still play them, they are not as clear and vibrant as the CD's and DVD's that I now have.
Etymology: Technology (Mechanisms for distributing messages, including postal systems, radio and television broadcasting companies, telephone, satellite and computer networks) + Dinosaur (extinct reptiles, also used as a term to denote something old)
So appealing! How the kid in all of us loves our technosaurs! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-07: 14:47:00
Created by: FreakyDeak
Pronunciation: Pro-toe-gram
Sentence: Still using your brain to think? It's such a protogram. Try google, you Neanderthal.
Etymology: Proto(prefix meaning earliest form of something) + Program
Created by: catgrin
Pronunciation: me-dee-duh
Sentence: They look cool, but Mayan calendars are just mediduh. I mean, can you coordinate meetings on those things?!?
Etymology: From "media" and "duh"
Created by: skeeterzirra
Pronunciation: Koo-ni-dat
Sentence: My parents have all these cunidat reels called super-eight.
Etymology: cuniform data
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ōldfashənäləjē
Sentence: Denise loves to keep up with the newest technology. Her checkbook doesn’t always allow her to keep up. You can imagine her excitement when the prices started dropping on one of her favorite data-storage devices. Now she is in the dumps because zip drives have joined the world of oldfashionology.
Etymology: old-fashioned (no longer current or common; not modern) + technology (the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes)
Verbotomy - 2008-03-14: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
stache - 2008-03-14: 01:22:00
stache - 2008-03-14: 01:32:00
oops-wrong box.
arrrteest - 2008-03-14: 11:20:00
A few years ago, while giving a state assessment to 5th graders, there was a passage about artifacts. Included with the clay pipes and broken pottery shards was a section on the record and the record player. I wasn't ready to accept that then, but now I'm somewhat resigned to the fact that it is so.
silveryaspen - 2008-03-14: 17:03:00
Congratulations, Yellowbird and James for the definition and cartoon, that has evoked a lot of deep thinking. Kudos to all you erudite deep-thinkers ... for your words, comments, and wonderful way of uplifting each other with these wonderful interchanges. You've expanded the horizons of my thinking!
silveryaspen - 2008-03-14: 18:43:00
Three cheers for all the fun words created, too! Three cheers for all the trips down the various memory lanes!
arrrteest - 2008-03-14: 20:24:00
Lol,, MEMORY lanes
Verbotomy - 2008-03-16: 23:50:00
Thank goodness our memory lanes are still working. I was afraid they may have become non-compatible due to the upgrade to Windows Vista. Thank you Silvery, for showing us the way. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-05-24: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
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