Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., The fear of eating the skins of fruits, vegetables, or small animals. v., To worry about saving one's skin while chewing on a rind, peel, or pelt.
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Created by: brimuth
Pronunciation: nos-kinon-mainoze
Sentence: When I eat, noskinonmynnose kicks in to effect immediately.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: a-bom-uh-DER-mee
Sentence: Bob had created such a long litany of words for his abomidermy, such as eskinchewy, dreaddruff, dermaghast, and sloughthroe etc., that he spent the whole day trying to find ways "to save his own skin."
Etymology: Blend of ABOMINATE: hate, detest, loathe, find repugnant and DERM: (skin). ESKINCHEWY (skin; eschew; chewy.)
funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-09: 05:59:00
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: skinn-TAWL-ur-unse
Sentence: Mina's skintolerance prevented her from eating apples unless they were completely peeled and cored.
Etymology: skin + intolerance
Created by: vmalcolm
Pronunciation: /pi:lʌgnəns/
Sentence: As John brought the peel nearer, Anna started to feel a complete feeling of peelugnance running through her body...
Etymology: PEELUGNANCE. From Peel (the skin or rind of certain fruits and vegetables) + Repugnance (extreme dislike or aversion)
That would be likely to make her feel peelugnacious. - Mustang, 2008-09-08: 22:23:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: peel o fobe eya
Sentence: Jackie had a tremendous case of peelophobia. She could not bare to look at an orange rind, apple parings or a banana peel, never mind eat them. She could not even eat in a steakhouse, lest they serve potato skins. They did not appeel to her at all.
Etymology: Peel (the rind of a fruit or vegetable) & POhobia (Unnatural fear;an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: der-ma-fright
Sentence: When she was a small child, Sue had a dermaffright when a clown slipped on a banana peel in front of her at the circus. Her brother, always looking for an opportunity to torment his little sister, would chase her around the house with banana skins, orange skins or anything else that came from a fruit or vegetable. After several years of therapy she came to the conclusion that it was the clown she was afraid of, not the skin, and now she can enjoy fruit again, although not bananas yet because she developed a fear of monkeys after seeing a Discovery Channel special.
Etymology: derma: skin (greek-dermis) + affright: sudden terror
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: 'durm a vur zhun
Sentence: Jenny Dole had long had her serious condition; dermaversion, ever since Bob would force her to eat not only the fruits, but all their skins entirely!
Etymology: derma: skin + aversion: a fear of, scared
- DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-09: 05:15:00
i'm glad with the voting enthusiasts
- DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-09: 05:37:00
Created by: gspadoni
Pronunciation: dur'mi'fob
Sentence: As a card-carrying dermaphobe, Alicia had mastered the ability to peel an apple skin in one long, continuous spiral.
Etymology: Derived from the late Latin epidermis (epi=outer layer; dermis=skin) + Latin phobus (phobus=fear)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: trep-i-rahyn-dey-shuh n
Sentence: Bill's mother didn't mean to give him treprindation but that's what happened. He now peels all of his food just because she trimmed the crust from his sandwiches. His wife, on the other hand, drives him just about crazy when she eats bananas peel and all and shrimp with shells intact.
Etymology: trepidation (anxiety, worry) + rind (covering)
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: skin si TIV i tee
Sentence: Hy Pokondriak had a rare psychological skinsitivity to eating any kind of fruit or vegetable covering or animal skin. It wasn't merely that the taste was unappeeling; he pelt so terrified that he had to run and hide. Even pie crust was a little scary. He had been in therapy for years in an attempt to peel back the layers of the phobia. But it didn't help that the only psychiatric practice in the whole area was "Hull, Husker, and Schell."
Etymology: skin + sensitivity
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: shun a peeling
Sentence: Animal or vegetable, Christine just could not bring herself to consume the epidermis of her convestibles. I mean really! Consider where it has been! She found it very shunappealing.
Etymology: shun - to avoid. unappealing - offputting. peeling - (possibly) discarded skin of fruit/vegetable
Created by: ericsimmons39
Pronunciation: F-redge-tim-ull-a-foe-bee-a
Sentence: "Carrie, what the hell? You know kids in Spain would kill for the rest of your potato peels. Why do you have to be so ignorant?" "Frank, I'm sorry ok, i have a condition, i have Fregtimalaphobia... ok. I don't know how long i have.
Etymology: Fruit + Vegitable + Animal + Phobia... i suppose i left out the part about the skin and peels.
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: rind-o-foh-be-a
Sentence: Tim was such a rindophobic that he accused me of being Hannibal Lecter for trying to serve him potato skins.
Etymology: rind + ooohhhhh! + phobia
Straight and clear. I tried the medical approach, but didn't really like the result: "chrotophobia" (chroto-Gk:skin)& "Phloephobia" Phloe-Gk: bark, rind, peel) - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-08: 18:55:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: NASH-ah-gast
Sentence: Susan couldn't stand the thought of eating an un-peeled peach. the feeling of the fuzz on her teeth gave her a clear case of gnashaghast. Watching her friends munching on apples gave her the heebie-jeebies.
Etymology: gnash (a grinding of ones teeth) + aghast (filled with horror or shock)
Created by: astorey
Pronunciation: ree-peel-ant
Sentence: Nadia could still see her father picking the skin off a baked chicken, slurping it into his mouth and smacking his lips. Ew. While Nadia tried to blame her repeelant attitude on her father alone, she did, at times, acknowledge her own role. In a three-month stint as a server at TGI Fridays, Nadia served enough Loaded Potato Skins (tm) to make her repeelant complete and irreversible.
Etymology: Repellant combined with peel.
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: fear-skin
Sentence: Ari knew that all he had to do to remove the fearskin was to face up to the challenge of the peel. But he could not get past the rindgressive feelings that plagued his thoughts. rindgress: to look back in your thoughts in fear while confronting skins or peels.
Etymology: n: fearskin: fear + skin, v: rindgress: rind + regress
HA! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-08: 19:11:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: noo-roh-sih-durm
Sentence: Elodie's neurosiderm centered around eating pears. She'll never get over the time she ate one right before she presented at work in front of her team and bits of pear skin stuck to the roof of her mouth and on to her front teeth.
Etymology: neurosis + derma
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: skin-ster-ney-shuhn
Sentence: Thelma was almost paralyzed with severe skinsternation anytime she was faced with the prospect of eating the skin of any produce or animal, fearing that it would block up or otherwise harm her digestive system.
Etymology: Blend of 'skin' and 'consternation ( A state of paralyzing dismay)
good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-09: 07:03:00
Great! great word! - vmalcolm, 2008-09-09: 07:34:00
Created by: ajnemajrje
Pronunciation: der-mah-foh-b
Sentence: John has a fear of anything skinlike. He is a classic dermahobe.
Etymology: A play on germaphobe. a person who reacts to anything with a skin as if it is riddled with filth and bacteria.
Created by: Daneslarue
Pronunciation: Derm-In-Jest-I-fo-Bee-A
Sentence: I suffer from acute dermingestiphobia; banana peels have been known to send me cowering into the corner.
Etymology: Derm - Skin Ingest - Consume Phobia - Fear
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: skin-tim-id-ay-shun
Sentence: The potato looked great inside, but the skintimidation proved too much for him, and he moved on to the peas and carrots.
Etymology: intimidation, skin
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: ryend/nosh/nur/vus
Sentence: Sally was extremely rindnoshnervous to the point where her gag reflex would kick in at the very mention of fuzz, coat, husk or shell.
Etymology: rind (skin) + nosh (eat) + nervous + sounds like rhinoceros
Created by: lalaland
Pronunciation: Peer-fah-ble
Sentence: Angel peeled the skin of the apple for she is very Perhfable.
Etymology: Origin-American. In the 1700's, Perhfable really meant "The fear of eating Fruits and Vegtibles" but in 1924 It changed to mean "The fear of eating the peel or rines of fruits and vegtibles"
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skinedəbəl
Sentence: Ruby is afraid of any food that has an exterior that is different than its interior. She sees it as skinedible. To her, even skinadvertent skingestion of skin is skinappropriate. It gives her skindigestion. She won*t even drink hot chocolate that has started to cool.
Etymology: skin (the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal) + inedible (not fit to be eaten)
good one! - mrskellyscl, 2010-02-03: 06:39:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: pell tick ant
Sentence: she was a total pelticant and a partial pulpican.
Etymology: pelt I can't
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: uhn-uh-PEEL-ihng
Sentence: Just as Alex had an unapeeling approach to apples, he insisted that his girlfriend cut the crusts off his PBJs.
Etymology: unappealing + peeling
like this one desribes it well - aigle101, 2007-10-17: 14:17:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dir ma dra ma
Sentence: Tanya Hide and Ed P. Durmass were seasoned actors on the highly acclaimed daytime series, "The Young and the Wrinkleless". Ed's character tried to force his victim, Tanya, to eat a banana peel. He knew her dermadrama regarding rinds of fruit would make great tv. She refused and said, "Take your banana and split". To which he replied, "Don't you like it? It has a peel...". Tanya shoved the offending former fruit covering into Ed's mouth and forced it in. He gagged and ran to wash out the bitter taste with some cleansing lather. This is really why their show is called a Soap Opera...
Etymology: Derma (the deep vascular inner layer of the skin) & Drama (turbulent or highly emotional situation;the quality of being arresting or highly emotional)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Rev-ol-dur-miss
Sentence: Mary,s mum had always made her eat the skins of her baked potatoes even thogh she couldn't bear them as she found them dry and tasteless. Now that she had left home she no longer had to suffer revoldermis as she took great delight in leaving the skins on the side of her plate without having her mum breathing down her neck.
Etymology: Revolting + Dermis( the thick layer of skin below the epidermis) = Revoldermis
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: an tip pith ee
Sentence: Olive may have found him peachy, but the touch of his fuzz filled her with antipithy
Etymology: antipathy, pith
:) - Nosila, 2011-06-20: 18:37:00
Created by: klovezu
Pronunciation: non-out-skin'ed
Sentence: i will not eat that banana peal im a nonoutskined!
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: rynd-styr-NAY-shun
Sentence: Melinda was frozen with rindsternation anytime she was faced with the prospect of eating the skin of any produce or animal, fearing that it would block up or otherwise harm her digestive system yet she couldn't bear throwing them away fearing they could bring some sort of harm to others.
Etymology: Blend of 'skin' (peel or rind) and 'consternation' (amazement or dismay that hinders or throws one into confusion)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ri/puhl/skin
Sentence: Jenny has suffered from the dreaded phobia of repulskin since early childhood. She can't eat apples, grapes, nectarines, or especially fuzzy peaches, or any other fruits unless all the skin is completely peeled off.
Etymology: REPULSKIN - noun - from REPULSION (distaste, repugnance, or aversion by the thought, or presence of something) + SKIN (the external covering of an animal body, fruit , or vegetable)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hy derm a fobe eeya
Sentence: Heidi had Hidermaphobia and could not hide it. Whether she travelled to Hyderabad or Hernando's Hideaway, she could not eat the hide of any fruit or any vegetable. She could not hide from it. In fact her fear was so great, a-pare-entally she could not even peel them. The eyes on potatoes stared at her accusingly;eating cherries was the pits;beets had her beat;peas made her snap and she feared bananas a bunch. She'd turnip her nose at rutabagas; carrots made her want to top herself and onions made her cry. It was then no wonder that when the cute guy in Produce asked her to go out on a "date", she ran screaming from the grocery store! Now Heidi is in hiding.
Etymology: Hide(body covering of a living animal or the dressed skin of an animal) & Derma (the deep vascular inner layer of the skin) & Phobia (fear; an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations)
Nice word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-09: 07:05:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rynd of ful us
Sentence: Jackie lived in morbid fear of accidentally eating part of an apple peel, orange rind or other fruit covering skin. She thought of doing so made her feel rindawfulous.
Etymology: Rind (peel,skin) & Awful (causing fear or dread or terror) & WordPlay on Rhinocerous
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: trepädāshən
Sentence: Jan’s mom has some odd ideas about food. Just because she shopped at Whole Foods she thought you had to eat foods ”as is”. Peels, skins, rinds, and pods are not food in Jan’s opinion. It always left her with a sense of trepodation when Mom started to fix a meal. Last night? corn on the cob still in the husk. ”No shucking way”.
Etymology: trepidation (a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen) + pod (an elongated seed vessel of a leguminous plant such as the pea)
Created by: maryamwebster
Pronunciation: integ-u-men-toe-FO-bee-uh
Sentence: "Don't put a whole aardvark Beatrice's plate - she had terrible integumentophobia."
Etymology: Integument, meaning external skin and phobia, meaning fear of.
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: Sir-cum-skin
Sentence: Time and time again, Quasimodo had been advised to circumskin the Ugli fruit. Alas, he did not know what 'fruit' meant.
Etymology: circumnavigate - to proceed completely around. Skin - the natural outer layer which covers a person, animal, fruit, etc.
:) - Nosila, 2011-06-20: 18:37:00
Created by: Roosje
Sentence: While the fingcutler ate his Peking duck, the dermoconservator started to panic.
Etymology: Dermo = skin conservate = to save
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Rind-ossifer-ous
Sentence: Betsy worried that her skin would crinkle and crack to the point that she became totally rindossiferous.
Etymology: Rind + ossify
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ri/puhl/skin
Sentence: Jenny has suffered from the dreaded phobia of repulskin since early childhood. She can't eat apples, grapes, nectarines, or especially fuzzy peaches, or any other fruits unless all the skin is completely peeled off.
Etymology: REPULSKIN - noun - from REPULSION (distaste, repugnance, or aversion by the thought, or presence of something) + SKIN (the external covering of an animal body, fruit, or vegetable)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: skin/flinch
Sentence: Sue was such a skinflinch that she gagged every time she passed by a basket of peaches.
Etymology: skinflint + flinch
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: ah + gro + ah + pho + bee + ah
Sentence: I know that's got lots of vitamins and all that, but I'm still not eating it because, frankly, it's yucky.
Etymology: agoraphobia but with "grow" in there.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: Der-MA-ghast
Sentence: When Bob developed a picaderm for chunks of cobia skin, Roxie chundered cobiaphobically. And, soon, her dermaghast was not confined only to cobia; for she peelreeled at the sight of peaches, shellshaked at the soupcon of shrimp and couldn't shed the dread of dehusking. Dermaghast and despondent, it was clear that she was dermsquirming almost pandermically.
Etymology: 1. Derm: skin & aghast; to fear, dread 2.Cobia (cho-Bi-ah): a tropical food & game food fish. 3.Chunder: (Aust slang): to vomit.
Ah, the classic Verbotomy technique for overcoming Verbotomist's block of flooding your example sentence with an entire suite of related words. - ErWenn, 2007-10-08: 10:58:00
like a dark Dr. Zeus - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-09: 12:12:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: dis-skin-bob-yu-lay-ted
Sentence: the date was going well until he bought out some grapes that he had neglected to peel, and she suddenly felt completely disskinbobulated
Etymology: skin, discombobulated
Created by: LoftyDreamer
Pronunciation: skin + skittish
Sentence: The skinskittish children reluctantly ate the grapes, then finally accepted the fact that their purple mouths and hands would be with them for days.
Etymology: skin (the outer layer of an organism) + skittish (jumpy or jittery)
Being skinskittish would cause them to have a great deal of skinsternation. - Mustang, 2008-09-08: 22:19:00
Kids like that would have Grape Expectations! - Nosila, 2008-09-09: 00:32:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˌɛksəkaɹˈfo(ʊ)biə/
Sentence: I wanted to come up with a funnier word to describe exocarphobia, but the picture of that banana peel frightens me so much that I can't look at it any longer.
Etymology: From exocarp (the skin, peel, or rind of a fruit) + phobia
Funnily enough, there's a banana peel sitting on my desk right now that looks suspiciously like the one in the picture. (Yes, it's from a banana I just ate and not more than a few minutes old.) - ErWenn, 2007-10-08: 10:53:00
Created by: aigle101
Pronunciation: fear-o-membrane
Sentence: noun;fear of any outer skin(membrane) whether refering to fruit ,vegetable or animal etc...;
Etymology: fear and membrane (outer skin or fur)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: husk-fry-t
Sentence: Nooooooo, I just can't bear the thought of accidentally getting corn silk in my teeth. It's a bad case of huskfright
Etymology: husk (outer covering) + fright
corny...but cute - Nosila, 2010-02-03: 10:46:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ri/puhl/skin
Sentence: Amy has sufferd from the dreaded phobia of repulskin since early childhood. She can't eat apples, grapes, nectarines, or especially fuzzy peaches, or any other fruits unless all the skin is completely peeled off.
Etymology: repulsion + skin
I would not be at all surprised to find that Amy actually existed. I haven't gone down that road personally, but I could easily see someone developing a strong aversion like that. - ErWenn, 2007-10-08: 10:56:00
They do exist: a former workmate had an extreme fastidiousness about the apple and pear skins. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-08: 18:33:00

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James