The create-a-word game
DEFINITION: n. The moment of loss, hesitation and confusion, which occurs when you enter a room and immediately forget why. v. To forget why you entered a room.
Top verboticism of the day created by OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: leth-AM-byuh-late
Sentence: Yesterday worn out by the aging-process, irresolution and a few too many drops of Irish whiskey, I choose sleep rather than my daily dose of Verbotomy. However, in the middle of the night something - some strange verbotomy voodoo, perhaps, hellbent on wrecking my sleep caused me to open my eyes and sit up, wide awake and listen intently. I thought i could hear a voice, saying "verbotomy, verbotomy, verbotomy!" Soon after I found myself sitting in front of my computer, confused, dumbstruck and disorientated. Not knowing what I had planned to do there, I lethambulated back to bed. Next morning upon telling Roxie of my strange experience, she said, "I think you misheard, it was probably your own mind telling you that you need a lobotomy!"
Etymology: Conflation of LETH:forget, forgetfulness & AMBULATE:to walk.
Created by: OZZIEBOB.
Hellbenders! Great DEF and thanks for the laughter. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:53:00
HUGE laughs all around the room! - readerwriter, 2009-01-13: 09:09:00
terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-13: 12:06:00
Welcome back. Fun sentence! Fun word! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:10:00
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Roomnesia: /room-nee-zha/ Sue noticed that after turning 40, episodes of geriantics were occurring more frequently, and roomnesia was most definitely one of them. She clearly remembered tucking the carrot into her cleavage, but had to go mission fishin' when she found herself in the bathroom with it. Etymology: room, amnesia Created by: purpleartichokes.
Another simple, but effective word. - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:07:00
geriantics could turn into geriantricks - another great definition - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:46:00
Carrot in the cleavage and mission fission, then seeing the carrot in her cleavage in the cartoon ... brought lots of laughter! Funtastic! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 13:18:00
The scary part of it is that I was experiencing this much before 40! - arrrteest, 2008-03-21: 13:32:00
I dig roomnesia, but I think I like geriantics even more. I've been looking for a word to describe walking in on my octagenarian parents doing it besides "OHMYGODMYEYES" - Banky, 2008-03-21: 20:31:00
I once claim I had roomnesia - Roxie wouldn't buy it! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:08:00
I'm thinking Sue might also be dealing with a severe case of roomatism. Her roomune system has been compromised. - Mustang, 2008-03-22: 06:56:00
Wanderlost: /-ˈwɑndɚˌlɑst-/ After a six-hour drive, I finally pulled into Los Angeles and was immediately struck with a terrifying sense of wanderlost. Etymology: from wander(lust) + lost Created by: ErWenn.
You stuck me on replay with The Wanderer ... "Cause I'm a wanderer yeah the wanderer I roam around around around around around around around 'Cause I'm a wanderer I'm a wanderer." (Dion and the Belmonts old song). Wanderlust is so appealing ... wanderlost is not at all! You did a 180 by removing only one letter! Superb Creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:25:00
Captures the moment! - arrrteest, 2008-03-21: 13:30:00
But you'll be fine in the 'city of angels.' Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:02:00
Sublimaction: /sub-lim-ak-shun/ Darlene stared blankly at the receptionist as she entered the hospital, dazed with sudden sublimaction. "What the hell am I doing here?" she silently thought, as she reached to quizzically scratch her head with her bloodied stump of an arm. Etymology: sublimation - to pass directly from a solid to a gas; action - something that is done; thus, the evolution of a solid purpose into an fleeting notion that melts into the ether Created by: Banky.
very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:47:00
You write horror stories as well as S Crane! Very astute creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 13:30:00
stump - how about sub limb action - petaj, 2008-03-21: 23:49:00
Seems Darlene has been left out on a limb. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:05:00
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Why did I come into this room?
More Winning Words:
More Verboticisms! See the winning words for: Omigod, I'm surrounded.
Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Jamagra. Thank you Jamagra. ~ James
arrrteest - 2008-03-21: 01:10:00
Been there many a time. It is weird when it happens when you're driving.
silveryaspen - 2008-03-21: 02:04:00
Whysly done, you Whys ones, Jamagra and James! (big silly grin/wink)
ErWenn - 2008-03-21: 02:06:00
Now this is a concept that genuinely needs a good word.
Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 02:27:00
James! How did you know about my harvest gold toilet?!
Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 02:32:00
James! How did you know about my harvest gold toilet?!
Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 02:34:00
Ack. Sorry about the deux referring to the loo.
purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 05:30:00
I'm curious as to why there's a carrot in her cleavage. Perhaps she was going there to eat it?
stache - 2008-03-21: 09:08:00
looks like a band-aid to me. great toon in any event. captures the feeling to a tee. and I should know.
purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 12:19:00
BTW, lovely toilet jamagra, but you really should remove the band-aid/carrot before you pose for pictures with it.
silveryaspen - 2008-03-21: 13:20:00
Brings a whole new meaning to the expression carrot top!
stache - 2008-03-21: 13:57:00
On third look I think it's merely an alluring peek at the d'ecolletage. Or else her bra is showing.
doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:19:00
I don't think the foreign object is her decollete, stache. I think it may be a partially-developed conjoined twin. More to the point, I'm pretty sure I know why she went into the WC: She was trying to find a "W".
Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 14:22:00
The band-aided carrot in the cleavage is sort of an Easter tradition at my house. Don't ask. heh.
stache - 2008-03-21: 14:25:00
mmmmmm. band-aids and carrots.
stache - 2008-03-21: 14:26:00
mmmmmmmm. partially-developed conjoined twins.
Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 14:31:00
I think it's a carrot, a d'ecolletaged carrot. I thought it'd be better to use a carrot rather than a stick. Besides the stick is Jamagra's harvest gold toilet. ~ James
stache - 2008-03-21: 14:35:00
mmmmmmmm. partially-developed conjoined twins.
doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:43:00
See, that's the problem with this world. There are plenty of religious holidays that feature band-aided carrots, but not a single one that features partially-developed conjoined twins. If that's not descrimination, I don't know what is. I mean, who speaks for them? Besides the fully-developed twins to which they are joined, that is.
doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:47:00
doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:47:00
Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 14:51:00
I think the conjoined twins problem is replicating itself. I will fix this, one moment please... ~ James
Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 15:06:00
There I fixed it. And I added safety valve which will prevent accidental repeat flushing -- oops I mean posting. ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 18:45:00
Ah, sounds like a Kohler. Whooooosh! I dunno Jamagra, I think I'd remove that injured carrot before the Easter Buny comes sniffin' around. But then again...
purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 20:11:00
BTW James, great toon! Actually laughed out loud at this one, and the one a few days ago, but I forget what it was. Um, I took a trip to toonesia?
Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 22:44:00
Thanks Purple! Perhaps the carrot catered to an obsession with vegetables? ~ James
Nosila - 2008-03-21: 23:59:00
Hello? It's Easter. Of course you'd place a carrot there to ensure the Easter Bunny might bring you something...DUH! Lettuce cornsider what would turnip with a bean there, done that attitude; a higher celery;frequent leeks; a Satsquash; and pepper that with the BEETles; Italian Scallions; and I'd haqve been on Okra Winfrey!
purpleartichokes - 2008-03-23: 20:09:00
HA! Lovely comment to endive the weekend!
Verbotomy - 2010-05-28: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by Jamagra. Thank you Jamagra. ~ James
DonaldHatry - 2018-05-29: 04:11:00 Серебряный возраст Санаторий Знание