Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To tease, ridicule or twitter about someone who has made a fashion mistake. n. A materialistic twit who feels it's their duty to inform others when fashion standards have not been met.
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Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: gahr-bas-TERD-ree
Sentence: Roxie's garbastardry was ruthless and relentless.
Etymology: GARB: clothing in general, costume, fashion, looks; BASTARDRY: attitude, of unpleasantness and meanness, held by a disagreeable person. (slang)
I think I know her! - Mustang, 2008-06-06: 08:02:00
Roxie doesn't sound like a very nice person - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-06: 16:08:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: twit-ic
Sentence: Marcia was the local fashion twitic. She made sure to review everyone's apparance in her tweets to her friends.
Etymology: twit + twitter: + critic: professional who judges the arts and fashion
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: coo/toor/de/fors
Sentence: Julia was a coutourdeforce and would relentlessly critique wardrobe malfunctions.
Etymology: couture + tour de force
- excellent word! - splendiction, 2009-07-24: 16:38:00
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: FROCK+FUZZ
Sentence: Whatever she wore, she knew the frockfuzz would be judging her.
Etymology: FROCK+FUZZ. frock: a gown or dress worn by a girl or woman. fuzz: police (slang)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: fad/ger
Sentence: Jenny was a stuck up fashion bitch who loved to fadger anyone not wearing the latest in style fashion designer label.
Etymology: FADGER - verb - from FAD (a temporary fashion) + BADGER (to harass, pester, nag)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: fash - uh - NOT - zee
Sentence: Brunhilda was a heartless fashionazi who couldn't resist tossing out blistering assessments of what she considered to be fashion blunders by others, especially those who were above her on the social registry.
Etymology: blend of fashion and nazi
So funny and apt. Excellent word. - green, 2008-06-06: 12:39:00
makes me think of Seinfeld - Jabberwocky, 2008-06-06: 16:09:00
Great word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-08: 19:03:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sar tori sist
Sentence: ChiChi & Fadima set themselves up as the two fashionistas in the accounting office. They set the trends and mocked those who did not. They were so vicious about it that the wags in the office dubbed them the Dresstapo. Fadima went too far when she ridiculed the new girl, Mensa, in payables. Mensa did not even try to compete in the office fashion Olympics and satoricist that she was, Fadima made fun of her at every opportunity. Wasn't she surprised when Mensa was promoted over her and ChiChi and made their new boss. Yes, accounting can be accrual world, even when you are trendy!
Etymology: Sartorial (of or relating to a tailor or to tailoring, clothing, appearance) & Satiricist (someone who ridicules with satire)
Mensa's got intelligent style! What will she do as their boss? -rise above? (Dresstapo - love it!) - splendiction, 2009-07-24: 16:33:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fashən
Sentence: Jesse was all too quick to fashun anybody she felt wasn\'t trying hard enough to keep up with the latest trends. And then it happened. She made a mistake. She was in a hurry one morning and grabbed last year\'s baseball cap. She spent the day being liliculed by the very folks she loved to razz.
Etymology: fashion (a popular trend, esp. in styles of dress) + shun (persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution)
Created by: PRINCESSkadi
Pronunciation: CHAV - A - RIKE
Sentence: call me CHAFARIQUE but isn't that girl a bit to funny looking to be at my party.
Etymology: Well its a bit of a kids thing to tease people hence the CHAV bit and the ARIKE it comes from a spanish word ~ (ariko/e) which means arrogant. So there is no better meaning .
i had loads of these women when i was in school and even now at work and thats what we call them here its the best non insulting word possible !! - PRINCESSkadi, 2008-06-08: 09:48:00
Great word- luv it. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-08: 18:55:00
Verbotomy - 2008-06-06: 00:00:01
Today's definition is inspired by Dana Stevens's movies review of Sex and the City on Slate where she says that, "I honestly believe, as I wrote when the series finale aired in 2004*, that Sex and the City is singlehandedly responsible for a measurable uptick in the number of materialistic twits in New York City and perhaps the world." Now that something to twitter about ~ James
splendiction - 2009-07-24: 16:36:00
- excellent word!