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Verbotomist's Delight
This is a Darwinian greenhouse. To see the top verboticisms for each definition, visit the archives on the Verbotomy Blog.
DEFINITION: v. To pig out at your desk right before a business lunch, so you'll be satisfied with a salad and water at the restaurant, and create the impression that you're not a glutton. n., A secret snack taken to strengthen one's resolve not to eat too much while others are watching.
DEFINITION: v. To prepare or process food in a manner that renders it unpalatable, indigestible and completely inedible. n., Food which has been prepared in such a way that it is unfit for human, or even non-human, consumption.
DEFINITION: n., The immense sense of self-satisfaction the one gets from winning a pointless argument. v., To be so addicted to proving yourself right that you argue compulsively, and endlessly, about anything and everything.
DEFINITION: n., 1. The process by which pairs of socks are washed, dried, and then separated perhaps never to be reunited again. 2. The place where lost socks disappear to. v. To lose your mate in the wash.
DEFINITION: n., A set of product instructions, or a warning label, which is so obviously self-evident that it should be completely unnecessary. v., To provide unneeded directions, advice and/or warnings.
DEFINITION: n., A slow computer with insufficient memory; also, a slow-thinking husband. v., To take an extraordinarily long time to respond to a relatively simple request.
DEFINITION: v., To enthusiastically congratulate a woman on her pending motherhood, only to be told that you are mistaken. n., The dashed expectations and pregnant silence that follows mistaken congratulations.
DEFINITION: v. , To over indulge your pet. n., A pet which has trained its owner to jump, rollover and beg.
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