Verboticism: Arrofizzlegant

'I may not have the body of a peacock, but I got the brains of a peacock.'

DEFINITION: An individual who is so self-absorbed and cocksure that they cannot understand why their mating calls, or "pick-up lines", do not generate the desired response.

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: ar-oh-fiz-uhl-guhnt

Sentence: Kip didn't get why his smooth moves failed to work on the ladies. He was decked out in his favorite attire, the pink & lime green plaid slacks and the mustard colored polyester turtleneck equipped with arm pit stains which he typically sported in mid-July, was a perennial favorite at the bus station. Perhaps he was turning into an arrofizzlegant like his dad.

Etymology: arrogant + fizzle

Points: 503