Verboticism: Fervideous

'Drop that controller right now!'

DEFINITION: A state of extreme agitation developed after extended periods of non-stop video game participation; commonly affects males of all ages!

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: fer-VID-e-ous

Sentence: The tell-tale signs were ominious. Bob holing up in his room, ignoring kith and kin, even tucker, a shower and his job,playing video games for hours on end, while everthing plummetted around him. Forced to re-emerge into the real world, this pervideous pacuderm, with a fervideous fanaticism, threatened to become mozillian.

Etymology: Fervideous: of fervid, fer(al), video & ous. Pervideous: of perfidious, video & ous (griefer). Pacuderm: noisy, "thick skinned" chomper.

Points: 1109