Verboticism: Autovictuamorphosis

'Let us be.'

DEFINITION: To be consumed by what you eat.

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Created by: HALibut

Pronunciation: aw-tuh-vĭt-oo-uh-mawr-fuh-sis

Sentence: Growing up his mother forced him to eat so many vegetables he was always afraid he would autovictuamorphosize into a turnip.

Etymology: < Gk autós (self) + victu (nourishment) + mórphōsis (to shape)

Points: 659

Comments: Autovictuamorphosis

ErWenn - 2007-07-05: 12:40:00
Why is it that turnips are so inherently funny? Carrots and cabbage can make a good joke, but it's hard to make a bad joke if it has the word "turnip" in it.

HALibut - 2007-07-05: 13:20:00
One of life's mysteries

Kyoti - 2007-07-05: 13:21:00
I dunno, I think rutabagas are funnier that turnips. And bok choy is a gut buster, no matter how you slice it. ;D

Clayton - 2007-07-05: 17:44:00
Artichokes are no laughing matter, however.

mplsbohemian - 2007-07-05: 19:45:00
Purple artichokes can be, though.

MisUndrstd - 2007-07-05: 20:10:00
However, it is better to be a turnip then a squash... just saying!