Verboticism: Engrocered

'Let us be.'

DEFINITION: To be consumed by what you eat.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: engrossed

Sentence: "Lettuce Prey" intoned the minister. "It is so sad that a member of our flock has been engrocered in her vegetable garden.

Etymology: engross + grocery

Points: 674

Comments: Engrocered

petaj - 2007-07-05: 02:58:00
"Lettuce Prey" intoned the minister. "It is so sad that a member of our flock has been engrocered in her vegetable garden.

petaj - 2007-07-05: 02:58:00

galwaywegian - 2007-07-05: 05:56:00
"herd" you the first time

Clayton - 2007-07-05: 06:46:00
Can you rephrase that in grosser terms?

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-05: 07:23:00
Why, I artichoke you, but I'm too busy munching on my freshly picked lettuce.

Kyoti - 2007-07-05: 13:37:00
At least lettuce isn't as cucumbersome to manipulate grammatically. ;D

petaj - 2007-07-06: 02:18:00
I love a gramma pie.