Verboticism: Debtache

'The salesman told me I didn't need to pay a cent.'

DEFINITION: n. The type of headache you get from buying too many things with your credit card. Note: Symptoms do not usually appear until the following month.v. To buy yourself a huge credit card headache.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: det-ake

Sentence: When she got the credit card bill, she went into lamentstrual syndrome and developed a paymentdoozy of a debtache.

Etymology: debt, headache

Points: 509

Comments: Debtache

Clayton - 2007-07-04: 12:06:00
I was *this* close to stealing your word.

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-04: 13:56:00
You stole my credache! That's what I get for sleeping in.

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-04: 15:54:00
drunk yet Purple or high - it is the 4th of July - fireworks? - which reminds me of a song "Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight"

purpleartichokes - 2007-07-04: 17:33:00
Well Jabber, ya cursed me twice. Now I have a song stuck in my head to accompany my sinus headache. Rained all day here. It's only 60 degrees. The highlight of my day was yanking up a garlic bulb that's the size of an onion. I may have to find a site to post a pic. (cracking open a beer in honor of the Starland Vocal Band)

Jabberwocky - 2007-07-04: 19:22:00
Way to go purple - happy 4th of July