Verboticism: Cawligula

'I may not have the body of a peacock...'

DEFINITION: n. An individual who is so self-absorbed and cocksure that they cannot understand why their mating calls, or "pick-up lines", do not generate the desired response. v. To repeatedly issue mating calls.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: caw lig yula

Sentence: He was a cawligula and plied his cawrting rituals all over his territory. So in love with himself, he could not understand why the chicks did not reply to his mating cawls. He always gave them a saucy look and holding his wing to his ear would say, "Cawl me".

Etymology: Caligula (debauched Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontrolled passions resulted in manifest insanity) & Caw (cry of a crow or other corvine avian)

Points: 563