Verboticism: Videosyncrasies

'I winning!'

DEFINITION: n. A state of hyper-attentive focus combined with WBT (Whole Body Twitching) and IEE (Ignores Everything Else), which commonly afflicts video game players. v. To get so caught up in a video game that you cannot stop.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: vidēəsingkrəsēz

Sentence: Most people have a particular way of playing their video games. For most it is subtle, maybe a tilt of the head or grunt that accompanies a certain action. For Andrew, it’s much more than that. His collection of videocyncrasies makes it almost impossible for anybody to play with him in person. The local video cafe once called 911 thinking he was having a seisure.

Etymology: video [game] (a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen) + idiosyncrasy (a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual)

Points: 596

Comments: Videosyncrasies

galwaywegian - 2011-02-21: 04:45:00
love it