Verboticism: Reflexshun


DEFINITION: v. To instinctively slam your foot on "the brakes" even though you're just a passenger. Often occurs when the actual driver fails to brake appropriately. n. A sudden jerk of the leg.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: re fleks shun

Sentence: Shirley felt an automatic reflexshun to slam on the brake when driving with her boyfriend Dan. He drove way too fast for her liking, so her leg reacted by trying to slam the non-existant brake on the passenger side. She should not have felt like being this defensive at all when riding with him, but seriously, even at the fast food drive through???

Etymology: Reflex (an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus) & Shun (avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of)

Points: 746